Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 69 The best and best high school

Capital Zhouyu Interactive is a medium-sized technology company with a total of more than 200 employees.

More than half of them are engaged in operations, human resources, legal affairs, sales, etc. The core technical department has more than 70 people, including a general manager and two department managers.

Zhang Zhen is the manager responsible for developing new products in the technical department of Zhouyu Interactive. His position is second only to the general manager in importance.

As an employee who joined later, being able to become the manager of the technical department within a few years is enough to prove Zhang Zhen's ability.

He is a very successful returnee.

He graduated from Capital University with an undergraduate degree and studied at the University of Michigan in the United States as a graduate student. After graduation, he worked at Microsoft for four years. He also joined the team that developed Windows systems. However, because he could not give up everything in China, he gave up his green card and chose to return to China for development.

Zhang Zhen has rich work experience and very comprehensive abilities.

What he is most proficient in is architecture, the research and development of the underlying framework, but he can also be said to be "proficient" in algorithms and outer-layer software design.

For example, a large part of his algorithm library subcontracting work is often completed by him and other people working overtime.

It would be difficult to outsource all of this.

For technicians in the computer industry, a nine-to-five job is a dream. Excellent algorithm engineers are often very busy and cannot even finish their own work, let alone have time to work part-time.

It’s also unreliable to outsource all the big money to other companies.

Money is only one aspect.

Some small companies and pocket companies that take on outside work have really hard to describe the capabilities of their employees. The design of the underlying algorithm library is very important and is used in the upper-level software design. If there is a mistake, it may take ten or dozens of times the effort and money to make up for it. .

Zhang Zhen's consideration is to use personal relationships to find reliable people to share some of the workload, and then collect it all together for integration.

In fact, when he shouted something in the group, it was really just a casual shouting, just like a house seller handing out a flyer. Even if it doesn't sell, there is nothing wrong with sending it out.

What if?

Sure enough, almost no one in the group responded.

Fortunately, there was also Zhao Yi, a member of the 13th Middle School, who came over to have a chat and took away a package to talk about.

Separate one is one!

Zhang Zhen didn't have high hopes. He believed that Zhao Yi was a genius hacker who found loopholes.

Hackers and software engineers are basically people from two different worlds. It is correct to say that they are slightly related, or that they are not related at all.

Zhao Yi is too young and has no relevant work experience. It will definitely take a long time to research and build an algorithm package.

I just didn’t expect it!

Only one day later, the other party sent over the prepared algorithm package, and it was successful after just one debugging.

At this time, Zhang Zhen was staring at the code one by one.

The more he looked, the more shocked he became.




This is how Zhang Zhen feels.

It wouldn't matter if it was just effective, but it was not easy to be concise at the same time. Some of the algorithm steps made him feel like his eyes were shining brightly.

For example, there is a step that requires continuous testing.

Zhang Zhen felt that if he designed it himself, he would definitely have to write dozens of lines of code and conduct at least three or four screenings.

The other party solved it in just one cycle.

"What a genius idea!"

Zhang Zhen looked fascinated.

As a professional technician, he has the feeling of discovering a new world in his own field.

By the time Zhang Zhen finished reading the last piece of code, three hours had passed.

It's past one in the morning.

He finally came to his senses and realized that he had forgotten to reply to Zhao Yi, and he immediately beat his chest in annoyance.

Never mind the time!

Send a message quickly--

"Zhao Yi, Brother Zhao! You did a great job!"


"Sorry, I was so fascinated that I forgot the time!"

"What's your card number? Send it when you see the message and I'll transfer the money to you! Two thousand is too little, three thousand!"

"It's worth the price, I've earned it!"

"Do you still have time? Help me, beg and thank you. The price is negotiable. Brother, I am almost overwhelmed by work..."

Zhao Yi had been lying on the bed and fast asleep.

He didn't care whether Zhang Zhen responded to the message. Normally, it would take ten days and a half for the other party to test it, make sure it can be used, and then send the money.

Classes are held on weekends as usual, but they are still relatively relaxed. For example, morning self-study is postponed for half an hour, and evening self-study is not required.

The courses are all connected together.

This kind of course arrangement leaves more free time.

Zhao Yi studies normally, looking at chemistry and biology, and also does physics and mathematics questions when he has time.

Others are different.

For example, Lin Xiaoqing in the front has been doing Mathematical Olympiad questions. You can tell without asking that she must be stimulated, holding her breath and trying to break through this level in the city.

The same goes for Sun Liang.

In the Mathematical Olympiad competition, he really worked hard and hoped to win a prize.

Zhao Linlin kept sighing and her eyes were dull as she looked at the book. When she turned her head to look at Zhao Yi, her eyes suddenly brightened.

It was so fun last time!

She also wanted to have such a magical adventure of skipping class again.


It's a mobile phone!

"Master Zhao!"

Zhao Linlin came over and whispered with her eyes moving, "My aunt is always smiling at her phone recently. I think there must be something wrong! hack my aunt's phone and send her a message Can you give me a copy of all the text messages you sent?"


Zhao Yi looked Zhao Linlin up and down and shook his head vigorously, "Don't even think about it!"

"Brother Yi~~"

"You're reading a book, don't bother!"

Zhao Yi refused and felt a little emotional in his heart. If he were Zhao Linlin's elder, he would definitely put her across his knees, pick up the broom and slap her hard on the buttocks.


Still want it?

Go on, pump harder!

When Zhao Yi was immersed in thought, a voice suddenly came from the door, "Zhao Yi, go to the office, a reporter wants to interview you."


Everyone in the class looked over, mixed with all kinds of envy and jealousy.

Zhao Yi stood up unhurriedly, waved to the class, which basically meant 'calm down, calm down', and then followed him out.

The reporter is in a vacant classroom on the fourth floor.

Zhao Yi was a little surprised that reporters could enter the school. He understood it as soon as he entered the classroom.

Nanjiang TV.

Nanjiang TV is a provincial-level TV station, with scale and influence at the provincial level. Among them, Nanjiang 1 and the satellite channel can easily reach the top 20 in the national ratings.

A small reporter cannot represent the entire TV station, but for Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, a reporter from a provincial TV station must still pay special attention to it.

just in case……

Did you appear on TV when you were in 13th grade?

This female reporter in her twenties obviously came for Zhao Yi.

The female reporter was holding a microphone in her hand. When she saw Zhao Yi, she immediately introduced her, "I am Liu Huimin, a news reporter from Nanjiang TV Station. Can I do a simple interview with you?"


Zhao Yi pulled up a stool and sat down, and moved one to Liu Huimin.

Liu Huimin smiled and thanked her, but her words were not gentle, "In the 'Youth Cup' final, the team from the 13th Middle School won. First of all, congratulations to you."

"In the competition, your personal performance can be said to be very good. Some questions were answered directly in a short time."

"What do you think of that?"

Zhao Yi listened patiently. The first words were normal, but the second words changed a bit.

"What do you think?"

"What's the meaning?"

He reacted immediately, "If you want to ask anything, just ask directly. Don't go around."

Liu Huimin nodded and said, "That's right. Someone questioned you yesterday. Maybe he knew the final question in advance, so he answered it..."

"you believe?"

"I am a reporter." Liu Huimin emphasized.

What she meant was that the reporter was neutral and was just conducting an interview.

Zhao Yi laughed angrily.

He stood up and looked out the window, walked a few steps vigorously, then turned his head and pointed to the ground, "Do you know where this place is?"

"Zhengyang Thirteenth Middle School?"

Liu Huimin said it with doubts. She was a little unsure. Is there still something important here?

Zhao Yi nodded solemnly, "Yes! This is Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School, a very ordinary... rubbish school ranked below the middle level in Zhengyang City!"

"Think about it with your brain!"

"If I had the ability to pass the 'Youth Cup' organized by the Provincial Education Bureau, why would I go to such a bad high school? At the very least, I could get into No. 1 Middle School through my connections!"

Liu Huimin opened her mouth slightly, and suddenly realized that what Zhao Yi said made sense.


Principal Wang Chengmin and Li Lisheng stood together, and they heard Zhao Yi's words as soon as they came in.



What is this description?

Principal Wang Chengmin's face was a little dark.

Zhao Yi suddenly reacted and quickly walked over and explained, "Hahaha, Principal Wang, Director Li, those words I said were all said by outsiders!"

"I despise those people!"

"Actually, in my heart, No. 13 High School is the best and best high school in the city, no, in Nanjiang Province and even in the country!"

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