Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 70 Relaxation and Entertainment

Many people have a bad impression of journalists. They think journalists are a profession that pursues news material and does not hesitate to ignore the facts.

In fact, those are small media outlets.

If small media want to survive, they must have certain means.

Big media doesn't have to do this.

For a single piece of news material, there is no need to use means.

Liu Huimin is a pretty good person. She found out that Zhao Yi didn't know yet, so she explained what happened.

As the saying goes, there is no smoke without smoke.

Liu Huimin must have a reason for asking this, and the person who doubted that Zhao Yi knew the answer is still a public figure.

Jia Hongning.

The Rubik's Cube player in "Brainstorm".

In the last episode of "Brain Bang", Jia Hongning defeated the challenger Zhou Junkai in the Rubik's Cube competition. His amazing hand speed, young face, and calm and calm temperament off the screen immediately helped attract a lot of popularity.

Much more popular.

People are floating too!

Jia Hongning was interviewed by reporters, praising the value of the program "Big Brain" and making a comparison by the way -

‘Youth Cup’ final.

"I watched a program that didn't get much ratings. It seemed to be called 'Youth Cup,' and it was just a few students answering questions."

"The best performance, how can I say? It's really amazing. I believe that maybe someone can do it, but I don't believe that it will be a high school student."

The doubts in Jia Hongning's mouth are very clear.

In fact, Jia Hongning's main purpose is to build momentum for "Brain Bang" by stepping on other programs. This means that other programs may be fake, and "Brain Bang" is the real stage of competition.


He obviously didn't know much about the Youth Cup and thought it was an ordinary variety show.

There was a large group of reporters at the scene, as well as many tabloids and online media, and they quickly released the news.

In just a few hours, there was a lot of discussion online.

The television media has not yet reported it.

Liu Huimin came here to interview Zhao Yi. News that may involve shady stories and are not very entertaining may not be broadcast by the TV station, but whether it is broadcast or not is one thing, and whether there is news is another matter .

Zhao Yi felt like he had been shot while lying down.

He was only participating in the 'Youth Cup' finals, and it was not an entertainment variety show. Will he still be questioned about his 'explicit questions'?

at last.

Zhao Yi said to Liu Huimin, "As you can see, I am just an ordinary high school student. If you want to interview something useful, you can ask the person in charge of competitions and topics in the Education Bureau, or you can ask the guests present at the time. They came up with the title.”


"There's one thing I didn't say. I'm so frustrated, Jia Hongning? I watched the last issue of "Brain Explosion"."

"If you want to publish news, remember to add a sentence, 'I, Zhao Yi, think that there may be problems in Jia Hongning's Rubik's Cube competition in the last episode. At least, he won without force.'"

Liu Huimin recorded it carefully. She thought that Zhao Yi was not angry about being questioned and was using a counterattack method.

It's like two people slandering each other, and one party says, "You're cheating!"

"You're the one who's cheating!"

Of course, it doesn't matter.

She is just an interviewer, she just needs to record the interviewer's words, it's not her concern about her motives.

The interview is over.

Zhao Yi received comfort from Wang Chengmin, Li Lisheng and several teachers.

"Don't worry about that!"

"It's impossible for us to know the topic in advance. There is an idiom that goes like this: Those who are clear will be clean themselves!"

"Study hard and don't be influenced by outside influences."

"The Education Bureau will definitely take care of this matter!"


Even the students know it.

A large group of people came over to comfort Zhao Yi during class, as if he had suffered a huge blow. The students of No. 13 Middle School must have believed in Zhao Yi. After two years of schooling together, Zhao Yi's grades improved and it was acceptable. Suddenly, his family also changed. You must have a background and be able to go to the Education Bureau to give thorough questions...

Go crazy!

Everyone’s comfort is okay.

Zhao Yi felt depressed that he was comforted by too many little girls.

Some little girls probably felt that he was at a low point in his life and it was a good opportunity to take advantage of it, so they came to comfort him in various ways.

It was just a big classroom, and there was a pile of envelopes in the drawer.

Zhao Yi took them all out and put them in his hand, counted them carefully, and sighed depressingly, "It's so popular, it's really annoying!"

Several pairs of eyes looked over from front to back, left and right, making people feel chilled all over.

Wang Jian patted Zhao Yi's shoulder and pointed to the other hand clasped on the table, "Be careful what you say. I'm worried that I won't be able to control it."

His words rarely met with collective approval.

Zhao Yi laughed.

He just made a little joke to let others know that he didn't care too much, otherwise everyone would come running over...

It’s really annoying!

Zhao Yi was not as indifferent as he appeared. Inexplicably, a guy he didn't know said there was something wrong with his performance in the finals.

Very unhappy!

After returning home, even Liu Jing and Zhao Zhenxi knew about it, and they all came over anxiously to ask about the situation.

Zhao Yi explained the matter and told them not to worry.

When he returned to the room, he immediately turned on the computer and checked the relevant news. There was a lot of news on the Internet, most of which were released by online media.

"Ruik's Cube player Jia Hongning questions the Youth Cup! 》

"Shocking: Brain Explosion PK Youth Cup!" 》

"The student who was questioned in the Youth Cup is the genius who cracked the fruit system!" 》

"Jia Hongning: I believe someone can do it, but it's definitely not a high school student!" 》

"Real and Fake Geniuses: Rubik's Cube Player VS Young Hacker!" 》

Zhao Yi read more than a dozen reports in a row, and his mentality became much calmer. He still found it interesting.

Public opinion was not led by Jia Hongning, and instead questioned his performance in the finals.

For one thing, he was already famous.

Secondly, the 'Youth Cup' is a competition organized by the Provincial Department of Education for the purpose of 'quality education'. It is not an entertainment or variety show. The actual benefits of winning the championship are only a small bonus, and the school's honor is higher.


I can’t even find a reason for cheating!

Public opinion is split 50-50.

Some people who support Jia Hongning think what he said does make sense. Zhao Yi's performance in the Youth Cup was amazing.

Some people ridiculed Jia Hongning for questioning a student hacker who successfully cracked the fruit operating system without any evidence.

Zhao Yi's fame still has an effect.

Because he was in the news for the second time and was found out about his past affairs. Some people learned that he had cracked the fruit system, and they immediately changed their camps and supported Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi read the news and browsed the "Brain Explosion" forum, and found that most of the reports and statements were similar and not interesting.

He opened the Penguin chat software.

The penguin colony exploded again.

The information in the computer technology exchange group couldn't be displayed at all, and he didn't look through the history records, just diving to see what everyone was talking about.

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "I have never seen such concise and effective code!"

Meng Ruohao, Safe Every Day: "Send a copy and take a look!"

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: “Yes!”

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "No, this is an internal secret of the company! Unless you agree to help me share some work, not much, just a few algorithm packages for each person!"

Tiantian Safety Meng Ruohao: "I asked Zhao Yi for it, you must not have signed a confidentiality contract!"

Not the storyteller Zhang Zhen: "/Poor, brothers... help me!"

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: "Is it really awesome?"

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "I'm not bragging. When it comes to making algorithm packages, I guess no one in the group can match him."

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: "Is that too much?"

Meng Ruohao: Safe every day: "Onlookers."

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "Please help me persuade him. Brother Zhao is very skilled and fast. He is very rare. I almost fall in love with him!"



Professor Liu: "Is it really that high?"

It’s not Zhang Zhen who tells stories: “I… was surprised to see Professor Liu!”

Safe every day Meng Ruohao: "Hello, Professor Liu!"

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: "Hello, Professor Liu!"

Mechanical signal Liu Chengwu: "Hello, Professor Liu!"

Neo-Confucian missionary Ma Xiaojun: "Hello, Professor Liu!"

'Professor Liu', whose name only has three characters, must be a big shot in the group. He just asked a question, and two people who were diving silently appeared.

Zhang Zhen took the time to type and replied, "Very high, very high. His algorithm package is much better than mine."

Professor Liu: “Send me a copy!”

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "Wait a minute, right now!" He added within ten seconds, "It's finished."

It was sour underneath.

"Zhang Zhen, your reaction is different from before!"

"I asked for it several times..."

"Utterly contemptuous."

Zhang Zhen is not a storyteller: "/Cold, who is Professor Liu? Can he be the same as you? Go look in the mirror and give yourself a clear understanding!"

No one spoke.

Seeing this, Zhao Yi was also curious. He clicked on the business card of 'Professor Liu' and took a look.


Professor Liu's business card is different from others. Most of it is blank, and the introduction only has five words: National Academy of Sciences.

Professors are also divided into grades three, six and nine.

Professors from the National Academy of Sciences are definitely at the top of the pyramid.

That's the real big deal.

The next topic in the group was dominated by the effervescent "Mechanical Signal Liu Chengwu". He, Zhang Junlei and Ma Xiaojun discussed the issue of signal sensing control.

Zhao Yi moved his fingers at the group chat, but decided to continue diving, and instead sent Zhang Zhen the card number for the transfer.

Zhang Zhen replied instantly, "Brother Zhao, all the flowers I have been waiting for have withered~~"

"Three thousand yuan, transfer it immediately!"

"Also, Brother Zhao, please help me. I'm sorry. I'll do a few more. It's a heavy task. Three thousand apiece will be paid in seconds!"


Zhao Yi replied.

It’s not bad to earn extra money by coding when you have time, and you can also practice using the “Law of Contact”.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Zhang Zhen sent ten packages in one breath, and added, "Do it slowly, don't rush, if you can't finish it, just choose a few simple ones, the price is the same!"


After downloading, Zhao Yi unzipped the file and turned to look at the biology book at hand.

never mind!

Let’s make an algorithm package first and then enter the learning mode.

When it comes to relaxing and entertaining while studying, if the difficulty is similar to last time, you can finish it in half an hour.

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