Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 83 Look! There's a wretched man over there!

Zhao Yi takes the paper very seriously.

The thesis is a report of the research results. Only with the thesis can the research results be linked to him. Whoever mentions or uses this result in the future will be able to think of his name.

This is the university's diploma, the winner's trophy, the hero's epitaph...


Zhao Yi rubbed his forehead vigorously.

He also wants to finish writing his thesis quickly so that he can receive research coins and learning coins into his account, but writing a thesis is not a simple matter.

First, there is no experience.

In my more than ten years of memory, I wrote an undergraduate thesis. Because the school's requirements were not strict, the research was all downloaded and revised online, and I have long forgotten what I wrote.

What I am writing now is not an undergraduate-level paper. The formatting alone is a big problem.

Also, what content should be put on it?

Putting the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method', including the algorithms and knowledge involved, from beginning to end, plus the explanations, proofs, etc. during the period, there is really too much content to write.

If it is just a simple description and summary of the process, it is relatively simple. The same is true for Professor Liu Hemin's suggestion.

"You don't need to write too detailed, just write a simple process, as long as it can be understood by people."


The problem arises again.

The total code of the Rubik's Cube calculator written by Zhao Yi does not exceed 10,000 lines, and the core algorithm only has more than 3,000 lines. The number of lines of code is not too many, which does not mean that the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' is simple.

These are two things.

For example, if you know the length of two sides of a right triangle, you can calculate the length of the third side based on the 'Pythagorean Theorem'.

This is a simple calculation problem.

Now we are not going to do triangle side calculations, but we are going to prove the ‘Pythagorean Theorem’ used in the middle.

The 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' is definitely effective. It was summed up by Zhao Yi during the process of thinking about the calculation of the third-order Rubik's Cube, but his summarizing process may not be understandable to others.

For example, he can know through the "Law of Cause and Effect" which steps can make the Rubik's Cube confusing and which steps are conducive to restoring the Rubik's Cube.

These data are OK.

Based on various determined data as conditions, the code writing process was inferred based on the "Law of Contact", and the "effective and irrelevant carry screening method" was discovered. I wanted to write a paper based on this to let others understand...

It's hard!

"This will take a long time!"

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and continued to discuss the 'valid and irrelevant carry screening method' with Professor Liu Hemin. Because typing was really inconvenient, they directly made a voice call.

Zhao Yi is not afraid of being 'stolen'.

One is to believe in Professor Liu Hemin. It is not unreasonable for everyone in the group to respect Liu Hemin. Liu Hemin is a top figure in computer research in China. His research on artificial neural networks has won three domestic technology awards and a won two world-class awards.

Now Liu Hemin is sixty-five years old, and he is still working hard in the field of front-line scientific research. It cannot be said that he has no desires and desires, but it is unreasonable to hack his algorithm. What's more, because of the popularity of Rubik's Cube calculators, everyone knows that the algorithm is his.

In addition, Liu Hemin will most likely not understand it well.

This is not to look down on Liu Hemin's ability, but Zhao Yi himself doesn't understand it very well. He only knows the general framework of the proof, which must involve some knowledge that he doesn't know. The "Contact Rate" cannot fully calculate it.

A simple description of the exchange between the two is in this form--

Zhao Yi: "This is what I think, one plus one equals two, so eleven times eleven equals one hundred and twenty-one."

Liu Hemin: "Speak slower."

Zhao Yi repeated the narrative.

Liu Hemin: "Wait a minute, I'll study it."

It was not until the next night that Liu Hemin replied, "What you said yesterday, I took the time to look at it and figured it out. You created a calculation method called multiplication, which means adding the same numbers..."

Liu Hemin explained everything in succession.

Zhao Yi quickly took notes.

He found that if he wanted to figure out the process on his own, he must learn more profound knowledge. The theorems and knowledge in high school were no longer enough.

This is where it gets depressing.

He deduced a very powerful algorithm, but could not perfect the proof process at all.

Liu Hemin is more depressed than Zhao Yi.

Liu Hemin studies artificial neural networks and is extremely sensitive to computer algorithms. As a result, when he communicated with Zhao Yiyi, he found that he could not keep up with the ideas at all and had to think carefully and infer before he could continue to communicate.

This is embarrassing!

He didn't dare to ask Zhao Yi to help explain, so that a young man less than twenty years old could see that he, a professor of the Academy of Sciences, couldn't keep up with his ideas... was he still shameless?

Misunderstanding just happened.

Thesis cannot be completed in one day.

Zhao Yi was not in a hurry. He had just entered his third year of high school and his main focus was still on studying.

This day is the city’s Mathematical Olympiad selection.

The participating students from No. 13 Middle School took the bus to the Municipal Education Bureau compound to take the exam. They arrived a little early, and after standing on the playground in front of the classroom for a long time, Zhao Yi found that he was not used to it.


A large group of people pointed at him--

"That is Zhao Yi from No. 13 Middle School, a genius hacker who cracked the Fruit Computer and designed the Rubik's Cube Calculator..."

"He is Zhao Yi, he looks very ordinary!"

"How is his Mathematical Olympiad?"

"Who knows? It should not be bad, but it's hard to say. Computers have little to do with mathematics, and being good at mathematics doesn't necessarily mean you will be good at Mathematical Olympiad."

"That's true, he is from the 13th Middle School..."

The last sentence of contempt is really infuriating.

Sun Liang, Lin Xiaoqing and others glared at him angrily, but the other party continued to talk to his classmates, his expression unconcerned, and his voice became louder.

Niu Lianhua was very angry after hearing this.

She was a teacher at No. 13 Middle School and despised the work unit she dedicated to. Even if what she said was true, it made people feel uncomfortable. She also lowered her face and stared at him.

A teacher from the Education Bureau was about to open the door.

Zhao Yi hurriedly took a few steps to catch up with him, leaned over and whispered, "Teacher, teacher, there is a student wearing glasses over there, yes, that is the one with his head tilted to the side, the most obscene looking one, he always stares at Let’s see, Mr. Niu!”

"Our teachers were all angry!"

"You don't care..."

Zhao Yi said, pointing at Niu Lianhua.

The teacher from the Education Bureau turned to look at Niu Lianhua, and then at the man with glasses who kept talking and occasionally released provocative looks. He immediately stepped over and scolded, "You! Are you from No. 1 Middle School?"

The man with eyes was stunned, "Yes, teacher, is something wrong?"

"Still, have something to do, mom?"

The teacher from the Education Bureau said sharply, "What did you do? You know it in your heart, but it is exposed to the public, and you have no quality at all! Can No. 1 Middle School teach students like this?"

"Only focus on performance, not quality!"

"Looking at you, not only do you have no quality, but you also have bad eyesight..." The teacher from the Education Bureau glanced at Niu Lianhua again, and said the last sentence in a low voice.

The man with the eyes was made to cry!

He was reprimanded in public, and it was somehow unjust for him not to say anything. He didn't even have a chance to defend himself.

The others hurried away, wondering what he had really done.

The teacher from the Education Bureau opened the classroom door and allowed the students to enter the examination room one by one.

Niu Lianhua pulled Zhao Yi in doubt, "What did you say to Director Wang just now? Why did he look at me several times in a row?"

"Director Wang?"

"That's the teacher."

"Oh, no, I just asked when the exam will start." Zhao Yi's eyes were very clear, as if he didn't understand at all.

Niu Lianhua stood outside and thought for a moment, she couldn't help but smile, and even straightened her bangs, "Is it because she is in love? Isn't there a saying that a woman in love is the most beautiful."

The exam started.

The difficulty of the questions in the city's Mathematical Olympiad selection test is not at the same level as the Mathematical Olympiad level. They are generally difficult questions from ordinary exams, put together to form a test paper.

Multiple choice questions, fill them in quickly.

There are three fill-in-the-blank questions with a limited number of answers. Quickly use the Law of Cause and Effect to find the answer.

Two of the big questions are proof questions.

Zhao Yi filled in the questions for which he got the answers, and then thought about the remaining questions. It took about an hour to complete other fill-in-the-blank questions and one big question.


There is only one last big question left.

For the next time, Zhao Yi was obsessed with the last question. After an hour, he still achieved some results.

Although the final result has not been solved, the process is almost written. It is just that the final mathematical transformation has not been completed. It doesn't matter even if half the points are deducted. I got more than 180 points from 200 points. It is still very easy to pass the level.

The exam is over.

Lin Xiaoqing, He Ronghua and Zhou Xin returned to the car. Instead of talking about the topic as usual, they sat there in collective silence.

Finally, Lin Xiaoqing said, "I guess I won't be able to pass the 150th grade, and I will definitely be kicked out."

"Me too, I haven't finished the two big questions." He Ronghua continued.

Zhou Xin said, "It's still one hundred and fifty, and it's hard for me to even pass. But it doesn't matter, I don't plan to pass the exam anyway."

He Ronghua nodded and said, "If you participate in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad competition, you will definitely not win the prize."

Lin Xiaoqing was still very unwilling.

Zhao Yi opened the door and got in the car, sat down next to Lin Xiaoqing, and then pursed his lips and said nothing.

"You didn't do well in the exam either?" Lin Xiaoqing asked.

Before Zhao Yi could speak, Lin Xiaoqing grabbed the corner of his clothes and borrowed He Ronghua's words to comfort him, "It doesn't matter, I won't get a ranking in the province anyway."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "No, I did okay in the exam."

Lin Xiaoqing pressed her fingers so hard that she almost pulled down her sleeves. She gritted her teeth and asked, "Then why are you unhappy!"

"Isn't it because you all look sad?" Zhao Yi said matter-of-factly, "I can't happily say that I did well in the exam?"


But it’s still very unpleasant!

The looks in the three people's eyes became dangerous.

Zhao Yi looked up and saw Sun Liang coming over, and said quickly, "By the way, Sun Liang said that he has finished everything, and the minimum score is estimated to be 190!"


Sun Liang opened the car door at the right time, with an extremely arrogant expression, "How did you do in the exam? I feel like it was easy to enter the province. The questions were much easier than I expected!"

Several people looked over at the same time.

He Ronghua grabbed Sun Liang's arm, and Zhou Xin hugged his waist in cooperation.

"What are you doing!"

"let me go!"


There was chaos in the car.

Zhao Yi kicked his foot hard and sat back. At the same time, he silently prayed for Sun Liang in his heart, "Good brother, you can't blame me...who asked you to do better than me in the exam and still show off?"

"You have to be low-key!"

"I won't be happy if I don't kick you. The cycle of cause and effect is what you deserve, Amen!"

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