Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 84 Students from No. 13 Middle School can definitely do it

The results of the city's Mathematical Olympiad selection exam will not be announced, but the list of successful students will be given directly to the school.

Students will only know whether they passed or failed, but not the specific scores and rankings.

Zhao Yi passed as expected.

Sun Liang also passed.

Only two of them passed in Zheng Yang's 13th Middle School, while He Ronghua, Zhou Xin and Lin Xiaoqing were all eliminated.

Lin Xiaoqing had unhappiness written all over her face. She kept pouting in silence, even speaking seemed weak.

"Nvxia Lin, what's going on?"

Zhao Yi smiled and asked.

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head expressionlessly, her fair little face showing a touch of paleness. She lost her expression and muttered, "Forget it if you don't pass, why don't you even get a grade? I even told He Ronghua that my test score must be higher than his."

This is too strong!

Anyway, if you fail, what's the point of comparing?

Zhao Yi sighed, leaned on the table and asked in a low voice, "Even if this is the case, you don't have to hold a cup of hot water and cover your stomach all the time, right? If you fail the exam, will your stomach really hurt?"

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head with a red face and muttered to herself, "You're so stupid, you don't even know this about girls."

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】

It’s easy to make money with this ‘flirting money’!

Zhao Yi smiled.

Zhao Linlin, who was next to her, heard the conversation between the two and stared at Zhao Yi carefully with her big eyes blinking, as if she wanted to see if he really didn't understand.

Zhao Yi turned his head with innocence in his eyes and asked, "What, you have a stomachache too? How about I rub it for you?"

"screw you!"

Zhao Linlin spat lightly and quickly turned around.

Lin Xiaoqing's little ears twitched and she clenched her fists tightly. She was sure that Zhao Yi had done it on purpose. She was so angry that she turned her head around and stared at Zhao Yi fiercely.



do not worry about it.

The midterm exam is coming soon.

The learning atmosphere in Elite Class A is even better than usual, and few people even whisper in self-study classes.

Most people are reading very seriously, especially the students at the bottom, who are taking the time to study hard. They are worried that if they do not do well in the exam, they will be demoted to the elite Class B.

That's very shameless.

There are only a few people in the class who are not worried about their grades, and the top students also want to make progress.

This is true for Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin.

Lin Xiaoqing has always hoped to surpass He Ronghua and truly take the first place in the third grade of high school.

Zhao Linlin was under pressure.

Her ranking fell in the last exam, and she was given a hard training by Niu Lianhua. Later, her free time was taken up by tutoring. She hoped that her grades would be better and that she would have a reason to attend less classes.

Zhao Yi is the least worried.

His grades have been improving rapidly. The effect of memorizing biology and chemistry textbooks is obvious. There are few knowledge points that he does not know in the usual test questions.

Physics has also improved a lot, and ordinary questions can be solved easily.

Now it is difficult to say that he can keep up with Sun Liang in mathematics, but with the help of "The Law of Cause and Effect", he can ensure the accuracy of the questions, and his score will not be bad in the actual exam.

No need to speak much English.

Zhao Yi's headache turned out to be Chinese. It was too difficult to improve his Chinese scores. Most of them could only rely on exam performance.

He has been in a good mood in recent days.

Make money.

The Rubik's Cube Calculator is only a one-time paid software, but due to media reports, the increased popularity has brought good sales.

Now more than 300,000 people have purchased the unlocking code for the Rubik's Cube calculator.

The payment directly received by Zhao Yi easily exceeded 6 million, and a large amount of income represented a large amount of happiness.

This part of the income is still subject to tax.

He researched that it should be considered as "Internet business income", which is similar to the tax paid by individual industrial and commercial households. The tax rate is about between 30 and 40, but after excluding the tax, there is still 4 million.

That’s not all the revenue.

The overseas sales rights of the Rubik's Cube Calculator have been given to Zhouyu Interactive. Zhouyu Interactive has made artistic modifications to the Rubik's Cube Calculator. If the Rubik's Cube Calculator is exported overseas, some sales will be generated, and a large amount of revenue will definitely come in in the future.

In fact.

The situation of Rubik's Cube calculators overseas is even better than in China. This is probably because the computer penetration rate in European and American countries is much higher than that in China, and the awareness of online copyright is much stronger than in China.

China is still in an era where online pirated software is rampant, and most people are unable to accept payment for software.

European and American countries have long been used to it.

The Rubik's Cube calculator is priced at US$5 overseas and attracted a large number of purchases as soon as it was put on the shelves.

This is thanks to media opinion.

Many overseas Rubik's Cube enthusiasts, or people interested in new technologies and algorithms, hope to download one and try it out.


The impact of the Rubik's Cube calculator being launched overseas has emerged.

The first one to react was the World Rubik's Cube Association. They had the same reaction as the China Rubik's Cube Association. They issued an announcement announcing that in future third-level Rubik's Cube competitions, a Rubik's Cube calculator would be used to determine the minimum number of steps required for the initial state of the Rubik's Cube. to make the game fairer.

The World Rubik's Cube Association also decided to improve the competition rules related to the third-level Rubik's Cube.

For example, quick twist.

The speed of twisting the third-level Rubik's Cube depends on hand speed. There was a certain amount of luck in the past. Players solved the Rubik's Cube too fast, even finishing it in five or six seconds. There must be something unreasonable in it.

The World Rubik's Cube Association has decided to stipulate the minimum steps for quickly twisting the Rubik's Cube, and the initial number will definitely exceed eighteen.

Blind screwing also requires resetting the rules.

Blind twisting is much more difficult than speed twisting. Players' memory is more important than hand speed. However, if there are too many steps, many players will be unable to complete the blind twisting project, which will greatly reduce the audience of the project.

The Rubik's Cube Association has also started discussions on this, hoping to formulate the most reasonable minimum steps.

The World Rubik's Cube Association's announcements and actions are equivalent to recognizing the effectiveness of the Rubik's Cube Calculator.

So do most people.

When a tool software cannot find problems, people will subconsciously choose to trust and use it, because they only need to know that "the Rubik's Cube Calculator is very useful and the effect is very good" is enough.

There is still controversy in academia.

Foreign computer experts and mathematicians are unwilling to believe that a Chinese high school student has really cracked the third-order Rubik's Cube.

Even if a team from the National Academy of Sciences lists the data to support it, they still don't want to believe it. They have reasons to support their idea, "Rigorous science must have proof!"

“The Rubik’s Cube Calculator doesn’t tell everything!”

The Rubik's Cube Calculator does not disclose the core algorithm to the public. What people see is only the use effect. Without the core algorithm, the use effect is not enough to prove anything. Many institutions have begun serious research, hoping to use the Rubik's Cube Calculator to deduce the core algorithm.

This is why a new algorithm cannot be kept secret forever.

Kent State University mathematician Professor Murray Davidson is unwilling to believe that the Rubik's Cube calculator has cracked the third-order Rubik's Cube. He is also one of the most important figures. Previously, he was nicknamed the 'Rubik's Cube Algorithm Expert'.

Now the nickname has ironic meaning.

There have been reports in the media that Morey-Davidson’s fifteen years of Rubik’s Cube research can’t keep up with that of a Chinese high school student.

Morey-Davidson was hit hard.

At the beginning, Davidson downloaded the Rubik's Cube Calculator and energetically experimented with the Rubik's Cube state one by one, hoping to find bugs in the Rubik's Cube Calculator's internal algorithm to illustrate that the calculator's algorithm was not perfect.

In the end he didn't find it either.

After continuously experimenting with thousands of sets of data, Davidson's hair stuck to his face and his beard had not been trimmed for several days, making him look decadent.

Tuscona called with concern, "How's it going, man? Still working on that calculator?"

Toscona, a veteran programmer, had also been searching for the Number of God and joined the research team with Davidson.

"I tried it, no problem."

Tuscona said, "Man, accept it, there are always some things in the world that are like this. Some geniuses have difficulty in researching results throughout their lives, but some people are mediocre and just lucky. Whatever happens, something happens. New ideas may lead to a Nobel Prize.”

Toscona continued, "Now we have to make a choice, either to disband the team, or to have a perfect ending. Bill and I have discussed it. Our team has been established for five years, and there must always be a In the end, we want to simplify the coverage method together and apply to use Google's supercomputer to use a Rubik's Cube calculator to complete the final calculation."

"According to the data released by the Chinese team, it may only take one or two days, or even less, to cover all Rubik's Cube states."

Davidson was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh.

He seemed to have used all his strength and nodded in agreement, "Okay, that's it."

at the same time.

Zhao Yi took the commercial vehicle of the "Brain Bang" program team and went to a conference room in an office building in the science and technology park on the west side of Zhengyang City.

Originally, he wanted to challenge the record in a low-key manner, but the school found out about it.

Principal Wang Chengmin organized the ‘Cheerleading Challenge’.

Lin Xiaoqing, Zhao Linlin, Sun Liang, Sun Jiali and others all joined the cheerleading team. The school also sent a car to take them to the place where Zhao Yi challenged the record to cheer.

"No matter whether you can succeed or not, you are still bringing glory to the Thirteenth Middle School!"

"Come on, don't be burdened!"

"We all believe in you!"

After Wang Chengmin finished speaking, he waved his hand and immediately said, "Zhao Yi, come on! Zhao Yi, you are a student of No. 13 Middle School, you can definitely do it!"


Zhao Yi turned his head and glanced behind him. There was a row of people wearing the uniforms of No. 13 Middle School, and there was Sun Liang holding up the words "No. 13 Middle School, Zhao Yi, come on". He felt... how should I put it?

It’s awkward anyway.

Wang Chengmin really never misses the opportunity to advertise for the school!

But No. 13 Middle School is just an ordinary high school. No matter how much advertising is done, it is difficult to increase the enrollment rate if the student pool is not good. The most is to increase the popularity. The teachers and students of No. 13 Middle School can be a little more glamorous when they go out.

All right.

This is indeed the effect.

Zhao Yi took a deep breath, greeted the people from the program team, and walked towards the judges sent by the Guinness Agency.

Challenge, start now!

Start quickly, finish quickly!

Save yourself the trouble...

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