Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 85 The sadness of master’s loneliness

The "Brain Bang" program team attaches great importance to Zhao Yi's record challenge. They not only invited the judges from Guinness China Agency, but also invited two notaries from the government department.

In addition, there was a witness from abroad.

Belonert Kowalczyk is a Polish professional Rubik's Cube blind twister.

His blind twisting of the third-order Rubik's Cube ranked second in the world, his blind twisting of the fourth-order Rubik's Cube ranked fourteenth in the world, and his blind twisting of the fifth-order Rubik's Cube ranked 21st in the world.

At the same time, he maintains the record of being the world's first in multiple blind twists, successfully solving all 41 third-level Rubik's Cubes blindly in 54 minutes and 14 seconds.

Kowalczyk was very curious about Zhao Yi. He was invited to participate in the "Brain Explosion" column, but he did not expect to come to witness the challenge of blind twisting the Rubik's Cube record.

When shaking hands with Zhao Yi politely, he paid special attention to Zhao Yi's hand and asked a little strangely, "You don't often play Rubik's Cube?"

His English has a strong local accent.

Zhao Yi was a little uncomfortable hearing it, but he understood the meaning, nodded and said with a smile, "I rarely play Rubik's Cube."

"Then why do you want to challenge the record?" What Kowalczyk meant is that you have rarely played Rubik's Cube, so you want to challenge the Rubik's Cube record, which is really overestimating your capabilities.


Zhao Yi said, pointing to his head.

Kowalczyk didn't understand. He looked around with some disdain, thinking that the challenge scene was just a show scene.

"Brain Bang" is a variety show, with the name "Brain" thrown in, and it is promoted as a science program. In fact, many projects and rules are self-created, and the rules of the Rubik's Cube competition are not perfect.

It is understandable that this kind of variety show would use some gimmicks to increase ratings. Maybe the other party is more famous, and failing to challenge the record can also help the program attract traffic.

"It must be so!"

Looking at the cheerleading team composed of students in the distance, Kowalczyk's disdain became even stronger.

Zhao Yi just said a few words to Kowalczyk and then sat down for the challenge. Listening to the Guinness judges talking about the rules, he took a drink of water and flexed his fingers to prepare.

Then he made an 'ok' gesture to show that he was ready.

The conference room fell silent.

In the Rubik's Cube blind twisting event, the most important thing is memory. A noisy environment will greatly affect the performance of the players.

The judge handed Zhao Yi a blindfold and asked him to put it on his forehead. "After you pull off the blindfold, the timer will start."


Kowalczyk came over with the restored Rubik's Cube, and then randomly scrambled it under the gaze of the judges.

After the Rubik's Cube was disrupted, two notaries asked for it. They entered the status of the Rubik's Cube into the computer and immediately came up with the minimum number of steps to solve the Rubik's Cube - 16.

"16, okay?"

The reviewer looked at Zhao Yi.

In the past, the Rubik's Cube record challenge could start after making sure that the disruption complies with the rules. With the advent of the Rubik's Cube calculator, an embarrassing situation arises. The minimum calculated steps are few, which may make people think that the players are lucky, and the Rubik's Cube Association It has not yet been determined what the specific minimum restoration steps are for the Rubik's Cube used in the competition.

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "Too few, preferably twenty times."

"you sure?"


Kowalczyk was a little tired now.

He scrambled the Rubik's Cube continuously, and the results he entered several times were 18 and 19. After he scrambled again, he heard the notary say to him in English, "He is really causing trouble for himself by making this calculator. "


"Don't you know? Zhao Yi made the Rubik's Cube calculator." The notary pointed at Zhao Yi and explained.

Kovalchik suddenly looked at Zhao Yi in surprise.

Zhao Yi made a Rubik's Cube calculator, which caused some discussion in the academic world, but he is still famous in the Rubik's Cube world.


This name can be said to be unknown to everyone in the world's Rubik's Cube world, because the Rubik's Cube calculator he made has had a huge impact on the third-level Rubik's Cube competition. Almost every Rubik's Cube enthusiast will download a Rubik's Cube calculator.

Kowalczyk was one of them, and it pained him to think about the five dollars he paid.

That was the first time he paid to download software.

"So that's it!"

"He made a Rubik's Cube calculator, so the program team asked him to challenge the record. The process is not important at all, as long as he challenges it, it will be very gimmick!"

Kowalczyk ‘understood’ the arrangement of the program team.

Of course.

He was not optimistic about Zhao Yi's challenge at all.

A show-like challenge with no chance of success.

The Rubik's Cube can only be played by professional players. Hand speed is a big problem for amateur players, and the requirements for blind twisting are even higher. No matter how long it takes, it is great to be able to complete the project.

Kowalczyk tried more than a dozen times to get the Rubik's Cube computer to read 20.

The Rubik's Cube was handed over to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi carefully looked at the six sides of the Rubik's Cube, then placed it on the table to indicate that it was ready to begin.

The reviewer asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

Kowalczyk was even more surprised than the judges. It took him a while to remember the colors on each side.

The other party took several times less time than he did!

After Zhao Yi was sure he could start, the reviewer took a black baffle and stuck it between his eyes and hands.

"That's it."

Zhao Yi pulled off the blindfold and the timer was instantly started.

I saw that his fingers were constantly controlling the Rubik's Cube, and the state of the Rubik's Cube was constantly changing.

Not fast.

Zhao Yi knew how to move in his mind. Because he didn't use his eyes to see and was worried about making wrong moves, he carefully controlled every step.

Even so, the Rubik's Cube was quickly restored.

Zhao Yi finished the last turn and left the Rubik's Cube on the table. He calmly took off his blindfold and looked at the timer - 20 seconds 32.

Kowalczyk took a deep breath, unable to believe what he was seeing.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously.

That's right!

More than 20 seconds!

The current blind twisting record for a Level 3 Rubik's Cube is 27.06 seconds. The opponent directly improved the record by seven seconds, which is really incredible.

Others reacted in much the same way.

The judges and notaries, including Zhou Fangsheng standing in the distance, all opened their mouths in surprise. They knew very well what twenty seconds meant.

The reviewer suppressed his surprise and announced, "The results are valid!"

The two notaries also immediately announced the results, and at the same time said a series of lines related to fairness.

The cheerleaders who got the result at the back were already cheering excitedly——

"Zhao Yi! What a record-breaking record!"

"That's great!"

Wang Chengmin quickly waved his hand and commanded, "Quick, shout slogans!"

"Zhao Yi! You are the best!"

"Thirteenth Middle School!"

"Zhao Yi! You are the best!"

"Thirteenth Middle School!"

Zhao Yi felt his head hurt when he heard this.

Amid the surprise and cheers, Kowalczyk came over and asked, "Would you like to try again? I don't think that was the fastest result."

He was referring to the unprofessional blind screwing process.

For example, at the beginning, a few tenths of a second was wasted from putting down the blindfold to starting to turn the Rubik's Cube, and a few tenths of a second was wasted in the final action of putting down the Rubik's Cube.

"Yes, do it again."

The reviewer also said that he didn't think it was professional or unprofessional, but that the record-breaking results were too amazing. He was worried that he had missed something, which would lead to mistakes in his work.

"Are the results just now effective?" Zhao Yi asked.

"It is effective!"

"no problem."

The assessor and the notary nodded affirmatively.

Zhao Yi tried it a second time, but Kovalchik was still responsible for disrupting it. He finally chose to disrupt it into 19 moves.

This is probably a test.

Zhao Yi didn't care. Anyway, the record had been broken, so the state of the Rubik's Cube was not a problem.

When everything was ready, he pulled off the blindfold and solved the Rubik's Cube.

Brush, brush...

It’s much faster this time!

After a dazzling operation with both hands, the Rubik's Cube was thrown on the table, the timer stopped simultaneously, and the number on it was--

13 seconds 09.

There was silence.

The judges were stunned.

Kowalczyk came over and broke the silence. He took a deep breath and said to Zhao Yi, "I regret letting you try again."

"You have created an extremely amazing record. This project may lose its competitive significance in the future, because no one can break your record!"

After listening to Kowalczyk's words, Zhao Yi frowned slightly and suddenly felt that everything was boring.

He came to challenge the Rubik's Cube blind twisting record just to try to earn scientific research coins, but using the system's ability to break the record is very unfair to the project itself.

forget it!

Zhao Yi stood up and walked towards the door.

Kowalczyk stopped him and asked, "Aren't you still going to challenge the fourth-level blind twist? There's also the fifth-level..."

"I gave up."

"Why?" Kowalczyk was a little confused. He could set an astonishing blind twisting record for a third-level Rubik's Cube, and he had a great chance of challenging the blind twisting of a fourth- and fifth-level Rubik's Cube.

Under the gaze of several cameras, Zhao Yi had the lonely sadness of a master. He let out a long sigh and said, "As you said, I just set a record that no one can break."

"If I continue to challenge the fourth-level record and the fifth-level record, and put my name on all the records in the blind twisting event, what about other blind twisting Rubik's Cube players? Their professional pursuit may be to break records, but I let the record Can’t be broken.”

"I can't do this."

"That's cruel!"

Zhao Yi let out a long sigh again, turned around and walked out of the conference room door.

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