Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 95 A walking lie detector

After the exam, there is a parent-teacher conference.

The school summarizes the students' performance and will definitely notify each parent. Parents must be informed of any progress or regression in performance, so that the school can work with parents to supervise their children's learning in two aspects.

That's right.

In the eyes of schools, parents and society, high school students can still only be regarded as children. Only when they go to college and truly become adults can they be called 'adults'.

Zhao Yi is somewhat resistant to his father and mother going to school.

One is unwilling to bother.

The other one also really didn’t want them to go.

With the memory of the next ten years, his thoughts are relatively mature, and he also does not want to see parents in school.

This has nothing to do with grades.

When Zhao Yi came home, he didn't mention his grades at all. He just said, "I did well in the exam," and he didn't mention the parent-teacher meeting. He originally thought that his father and mother didn't know, but when he heard their conversation in the morning, he found that he was too So naive.

Liu Jing: "I will go to today's parent-teacher meeting!"

Zhao Zhenxi: "I'll go!"

Liu Jing: "I told you, I'll go, you go to work as usual, take a day off in the afternoon, and we'll go look at the house!"

Zhao Zhenxi: "You still haven't asked for a day off? Your unit gets off work early, so you don't need to ask for leave. We'll go together when you get off work."

Liu Jing: "I don't care. Xiaoyi's grades are so good. I am his mother, so I must go there."

Zhao Zhenxi: "I'm still his father!"

In the end, Zhao Zhenxi still couldn't compete with Liu Jing, so he could only sit on the sofa depressedly. He turned around and saw Zhao Yi at the door. He thought of his two hundred yuan and felt a pain in his heart.


Zhao Yi walked over sympathetically, took out a red ticket and handed it over, "Here! The money must be insufficient!"

Zhao Zhenxi wanted to take it but was embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time with a smile on his face. Thinking that he only had a few change in his pocket, he took it bravely and said, "Then I'll take it."

"I'm going to school."

Zhao Yi said and went out.

Zhao Zhenxi sat on the sofa and looked at the money in his hand happily. His expression suddenly became a little strange. He thought about it carefully, frowned and muttered, "This is wrong!"

"The money is mine!"

"Why don't you pay them all back and take a hundred away from me..."

"Damn kid!"

"Just like his mother!"

in school.

The students in the elite class are a little nervous, because there is a parent-teacher meeting soon, and it always feels weird for parents to come to school. Even students whose grades have improved do not want to see their parents in school, let alone those whose grades have declined. said.

The first period is chemistry class.

Xue Pinggui was not a teacher in Class A, but because Teacher Zhao was on leave, he still came over to teach a class.

The first chemistry class after the midterm exam was about explaining the test papers. Xue Pinggui also praised Zhao Yi emphatically. Zhao Yi scored 259 points in the science comprehensive examination and 86 points in the chemistry exam. He was ranked among the best in the class. Being in the top five is mainly because he has made great progress. During the last monthly exam, he lost a lot of points in chemistry.

Xue Pinggui has been teaching Zhao Yi and knows his chemistry scores very well. He is basically at a passing level. It is absolutely unimaginable to pass 85 in one go.

He said to the class, "I read the paper and found that Zhao Yi's chemistry score is high. The most important thing is that he answered all the questions correctly."

"This is very important."

"You got all the points you deserve. If you don't be sloppy and answer the questions well, you can get high marks no matter what. You all want to learn from Zhao Yi and be more serious about taking exams and answering questions."


The praise in the class is a bit lackluster.

They had all heard "Learn from Zhao Yi" so many times that even their ears felt a little numb.

Fortunately, Zhao Yi is very low-key.

Zhao Yi feels that he must also keep a low profile. He has good test scores, improves quickly, and is continuously praised by teachers... This kind of student is definitely not popular with his classmates!

So, it’s best to pretend you didn’t hear it.

At the end of class, Xue Pinggui's lecture was a little slow, and a big experimental question took three minutes. In addition, Niu Lianhua came a little early, so the two of them bumped into each other.

Niulianhua waited patiently outside the door.

When Xue Pinggui finished his lecture and walked out, Niu Lianhua handed over the water bottle in his hand, "Teacher Xue, I see you didn't bring your water bottle. You must be thirsty after giving a lecture, right? I brought it over."


Xue Pinggui seemed a little uncomfortable. He didn't say much to Niu Lianhua, took the water bottle and walked away quickly.

Cow Lotus didn't pay attention.

She stood at the door and gave Xue Pinggui her attention, and it took her a long time to walk into the classroom with a smile on her face.

"its not right!"

Many people in the classroom saw this scene. Based on their understanding of Niu Lianhua, they would definitely complain when they saw Xue Pinggui dragging the hall for time.

How is this going?

Zhao Yi also noticed it, and he asked Zhao Linlin in a low voice, "Teacher Niu and Teacher Xue... are they... okay?"


A group of people around turned their heads.

Teacher Niu stood on the podium and looked over. They immediately pretended to be fine, but their ears were raised high.

Zhao Linlin shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"have no idea?"

Zhao Linlin leaned close to Zhao Yi's ear and whispered, "But I think there must be something wrong. On the night of the exam, my aunt didn't come home until after twelve o'clock. I asked her what she was doing. Not only did she not answer, she also said I was ten Don’t sleep at two o’clock.”

She raised her lips and said depressedly, "That's so unreasonable. I think she has a guilty conscience!"

Lin Xiaoqing's little ears twitched, and she turned around suddenly and said, "Are you going on a date? It must be a date with Teacher Xue."

Zhao Yi was startled and said with disgust, "If you want to gossip, come here and listen. Don't always be surprised."


Lin Xiaoqing stuck out her tongue.

Zhao Linlin continued to complain, "Last time my grades declined, she scolded me and enrolled me in a cram school. This time my grades improved by five points and I was almost in the top ten, but she didn't say anything."

"It was originally agreed that as long as I made progress, she would take me out to play, and I would also like to go to Happy Valley..."

Zhao Yi smiled.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and he picked it up and glanced at it.

[Your account with the last number xxxx completed the transfer transaction of RMB 310981.12 at 08:51 on November 19...]

Zhao Linlin leaned her head over, glanced at it and was shocked, "Zhao Yi, you..."

Zhao Yi covered her mouth.



Niu Lianhua on the podium immediately became angry. She pointed here and shouted, "Zhao Yi, what are you doing! And Zhao Linlin! Girls don't look like girls!"

Zhao Yi quickly let go of his hand.

Zhao Linlin glared at Zhao Yi and sat back with a blushing face.

In fact, the matter was nothing. The classmates were fighting among themselves, but it felt wrong when Niu Lianhua yelled at her.

Lin Xiaoqing turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The money has arrived. Do you still remember the last time you were at my house and negotiating the contract with the "Big Brain Bang" column team?"

"I broke the record and the video sold for money. I just paid out the money." Zhao Yi explained a few words and said with a smile, "Don't worry, there must be one of you. After tax, there are 300,000, each person... 10,000 !”

"I do not want!"

Lin Xiaoqing shook her head firmly.

Zhao Linlin glanced at Lin Xiaoqing and said with some reluctance, "I don't want it either. Your money is nothing."

Her family is far from wealthy, but the temptation of ten thousand yuan is still very high.

Zhao Yi felt that the money still had to be settled clearly, "No, you helped me negotiate, otherwise I would negotiate it myself. One hundred thousand yuan would be good. Brothers, please settle the account clearly."

"I don't want it anyway."

"I don't want it either."

Zhao Linlin came over again as she spoke, with a twinge in her eyes, "Let's do this, Zhao Yi, when the holiday comes, you will take us out to play, just during the winter holiday! I want to travel, go to the beach and enjoy the sea breeze! One week is enough Come on, you’ll treat me when the time comes.”

Lin Xiaoqing's eyes lit up, "Linlin, this is a good idea!"

The two girls chattered.

Zhao Yi listened.

He held his chin with one hand and thought, and found that he had no reason to object. worth it!

When the winter vacation comes, I will go to a hot beach for vacation, with two beautiful girls by my side.

Hug left and right without thinking too much.

While lying on the beach and basking in the sun, two young and beautiful girls helped apply sunscreen. How about booking a room in the hotel? Just say that the reservation was late...


I can’t think about it anymore!

Zhao Yi swallowed hard and said reluctantly, "Let's talk about it in a few days. The winter vacation is probably only a week. It depends on the situation. I may be busy. If I'm not busy, I will definitely make time."


"Very good!"

Zhao Linlin and Lin Xiaoqing high-fived and cheered.

During the break, parents of the students arrived one after another.

This time it was a parent-teacher meeting for the elite class. It was held in the school's conference room, and both parents and students attended.

On the left are parents.

On the right are students.

The students all came early.

Parents have a poor sense of time and have no discipline at all. They all arrive one after another.

Liu Jing came very early.

She became the center of attention as soon as she entered the door. A large group of parents gathered around and asked about Liu Jing's education methods.

Liu Jing said happily, "Our Xiaoyi is self-conscious. In fact, the two of us usually don't pay much attention to him. He didn't study well before and often went to Internet cafes, but it doesn't matter, the child is still young!"

"Look at it now, right? The computer is good, and the studies are coming up!"

"So I still want children..."

"Ula Ula~~"

Zhao Yi listened to a few words from a distance and pressed his forehead in depression.

At this time, a man in full police uniform walked in. His clothes attracted so much attention that even Liu Jing stopped talking and looked over.

"Why is my dad here?"

"He came to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me!?" Lin Xiaoqing covered her mouth in surprise, and her tone was slightly surprised, "Is it true? I'm not dreaming!"

She couldn't hold back the smile on her face.

Lin Xudong walked into the conference room and walked straight to Lin Xiaoqing. He walked closer and said, "Qingqing, your mother is right behind."

"Are you all here? Are you all here to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me?" Lin Xiaoqing was really happy. Lin Xudong is usually busy with work and almost never comes to school.

Lin Xudong shook his head, "I'm looking for Zhao Yi and I'll leave right away."



Zhao Yi raised his head in confusion, pointed at himself and asked, "Uncle Lin, are you looking for me?"

Lin Xudong said with a straight face, "It's not convenient here. Let's go outside and talk. The parent-teacher meeting hasn't started yet, right?"

"A few more minutes."

"That's enough!" Lin Xudong said, "If it takes too long, I'll tell your teacher."

The two of them arrived in the corridor together.

Lin Xudong took out his laptop from his bag, opened it and played an interrogation video, then turned to Zhao Yi and said, "Show me, is he telling the truth or a lie?"

Zhao Yi was stunned.


You came to school just to treat me as a lie detector? Or a walking, talking, human lie detector?

The fourth update is here, it’s still available today, please vote for me!

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