Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 96 I just don’t ‘do my homework’!

The video played on Lin Xudong's computer was a record of a conversation between the police officer responsible for the investigation and the person involved, Huang Hongguo.

Huang Hongguo is a middle-aged man about forty years old.

Wearing glasses, he was polite and answered the police's questions in a very organized manner.

This is roughly what happened.

Huang Hongguo got divorced two years ago. He had a girlfriend he had been living with for a few months, but he suddenly couldn't find her a week ago.

This is just a missing person case.

However, his girlfriend disappeared at home. The cameras in the community and several streets where she lived could not find the missing girl. The family members suspected that Huang Hongguo killed the missing girl.

It was originally a case investigated by the police, but it was sent to the Criminal Division as soon as the incident broke out.

The Criminal Division sent a team to investigate. They searched many places and used many technological methods, but no clues were found. The missing Jurchen seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Huang Hongguo must be the biggest suspect, but they don't have any evidence.

Lin Xudong explained the case process to Zhao Yi while playing the video.

The suspicions of the missing female family members are also justified.

The two had conflicts over money before. The missing girl was also a divorced woman, but she received over one million yuan in property from the divorce and was still alone with no children. The family members of the missing girl had originally suspected that Huang Hongguo and the missing What women want together is money.

After listening to Lin Xudong's introduction, Zhao Yi almost understood.

Huang Hongguo is a scumbag and a scum, you can tell it as soon as you hear it. He has a university degree and has been a middle school teacher. He looks elegant and looks like an elite. There is a photo of the missing girl on the video, and she looks like a middle school teacher. It's really hard to describe, just think about it no matter how ugly it is.

The two of them were completely incompatible.

This is not money, what else could it be?

After watching the complete video, Zhao Yi used the "Law of Cause and Effect" to get the result: Huang Hongguo was lying.

However, he was still depressed.

The reason why Zhao Yi was depressed had nothing to do with the case itself. It was because Lin Xudong used him as a mobile lie detector. He didn't want to be a tool. It didn't matter if he helped solve the case. What if he came to find him if something happened in the future?

This is so depressing!

"The Law of Cause and Effect" also consumes energy. For questions like this 'lie detector', the person concerned appears to be very calm, and he is not at the scene. Just watching the video, there are very few clues, which means that it will consume energy, and it will consume a lot of energy. There is still a lot of energy.

Zhao Yi paid special attention - 9 o'clock!

This energy consumption value is enough to turn on the 'focus mode' and study seriously for more than two hours.

Zhao Yi looked at Lin Xudong with a look that said, "Are you deliberately delaying my studies because your daughter failed the exam?" He still nodded and said, "If you ask me, he is telling lies!"

"He acted very calmly, but we can still tell from the clues..."

As for the clues, it doesn't matter.

Lin Xudong nodded, "I think so too." He just wanted to ask Zhao Yi's opinion.

It was Zhao Yi who told about the car accident and murder a few days ago.

Although there may be other ingredients, such as luck, the police also have luck in solving the case, especially in cases like this where no clues can be found. Maybe an inspiration will lead to the key, otherwise it will become unsolvable. Unsolved case.

Lin Xudong is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division. He not only has to study cases, but also allocates manpower to each case. The manpower and resources of the police department are far from enough to cover all cases.

I don’t know how many people will be deployed on this case.

Where a breakthrough is made in a case, the manpower used is different.

Lin Xudong still couldn't make a decision. He opened the file after thinking and said to Zhao Yi, "Look at these."

The file contains all the records of the case.

Zhao Yi looked at it carefully and after understanding almost everything, he found that the "Contact Rate" could be used. He got important information: the missing girl was killed by two people in a conspiracy.

Huang Hongguo is one of the murderers.

The missing woman's death was in the house.

"The "Contact Rate" is really convenient. I don't know where else I can use it."

Zhao Yi thought.

He gave Lin Xudong a suggestion, "I wonder if there is a possibility that there is another person who committed the crime with Huang Hongguo and helped dispose of the body?"

Lin Xudong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Before, he was only thinking about how Huang Hongguo would dispose of the body and where to find clues about the body. He had never thought about any conspiracy.

This is also possible!

"Thank you!"

"Classmate Zhao Yi, I suggest you apply for the criminal investigation major in college. You really have the talent to be a criminal police officer!"

"I know." Zhao Yi answered in a low voice.

Lin Xudong packed up his computer and said before leaving, "By the way, the missing girl's family is willing to spend money. They said they would give bonuses to those who provide clues. In addition, the police department will also give bonuses to those who commit crimes. If you Your guess is correct, I will report your name."

Zhao Yi asked, "How much money do you have?"

"A few thousand yuan? I'm not sure." Lin Xudong hurriedly left after speaking.

Zhao Yi's depression calmed down a lot.

Thousands of dollars?

That’s a lot to say!

When we arrived in the conference room, the parent-teacher meeting had already begun. There was a teacher on the stage, talking about the test results of the elite class.

Lin Xiaoqing asked in a low voice, "Why does my dad want you?"

"Uncle Lin asked me for a consultation." Zhao Yi simply explained, "Then he insisted on paying me several thousand yuan in consulting fees."

"real or fake?"

Sun Liang next to him was speechless, as if he was bragging and not drafting.

Zhao Yi looked in the direction of his parents and waved his hand towards Sun Zhiguo, "Uncle, let me tell you something. Sun Liang likes..."


Sun Liang covered Zhao Yi's mouth anxiously.

Zhao Yi turned his head and wiped his mouth in disgust, "I'm telling you, monkey, now that I have your handle, please be careful when talking to me in the future!"

"Yes, yes, you are the boss!"

Sun Liang was very depressed.

Lin Xiaoqing was so amused that she covered her mouth, then looked at Zhao Yi but pouted, with the word 'dissatisfaction' almost written on her face.

She was depressed.

When Lin Xudong came to school for the first time, it was during the parent-teacher meeting. She was originally very happy, and even a little excited.

The results of it?

Lin Xudong is here to find Zhao Yi, to find Zhao Yi, to find Zhao Yi... I want to beat him up!

The parent-teacher meeting is the communication between the school and parents. It mainly lets parents know about their children's learning and performance, and urges parents to cooperate with the school in managing their children's learning.

In fact, it is not very useful for high school students.

High school students have grown up, and they don’t need to take care of things that can be taken care of by their families, and they can’t take care of things that can’t be taken care of. In addition, senior high school students stay in school for a long time, and even have very few vacations, so parents don’t need to take care of them.

For parents, parent-teacher conferences seem to have become a platform for comparing their children's academic performance.

no doubt.

Zhao Yi ranked first in his grade, and his overall score ranked among the top ten in the city. Liu Jing became a big hit at the parent-teacher conference.

Liu Jing couldn't hold back the smile on her lips. She pulled Zhao Zhenxi and kept talking.

Zhao Zhenxi listened for a day.

In the afternoon, the two of them went to look at houses together. They looked at five or six houses and were not very satisfied. Some were dissatisfied with the location and most were dissatisfied with the price.

When Zhao Yi came back from school, they started talking together.

Zhao Yi listened for a long time and then responded with one sentence, "What's good for you! Don't always calculate the money! I only have one request, that you can move in as soon as possible after the decoration is completed!"

It’s not a loss to buy a house now!

There is no point in making calculations. In fact, houses are like ordinary commodities. There must be a reason why they are expensive, and there must be a reason why they are cheap.

Zhao Yi didn't have time to care too much about the house. He went back to the bedroom and started writing a paper.

The research aspect of the thesis is completed.

The entire proof process, the formulas, theorems used, and even the sources of excerpted literature have all been clarified. All that is left is summary, organization, typesetting, etc.

Zhao Yi had been working for a while. During his break, he saw news in the group chatting about his Rubik's Cube calculator.

He went to the Internet to search.

An American 'Rubik's Cube Research Team' located in Palo Alto, California, applied to use Google's super calculator, used the Rubik's Cube calculator to deduce all possibilities of the third-order Rubik's Cube, and proved that the number of God is '20 '.

If before the Rubik's Cube calculator appeared, they could rely on other algorithms to cover all calculations, it would definitely be very big news, and several papers could be published in the process.


They were done using a Rubik's Cube calculator and finished a little too late.

After Professor Liu Hemin's team stepped forward, the number of God has been nailed to '20'. They have only covered and completed the calculation, and it can only be reduced to a small news.

Of course.

This team's research has merit.

All possible states of a third-order Rubik's Cube are approximately 4.3×10 to the 19th power.

This number is mind-numbing. Each state only calculates simple additions, and the amount of calculations required for full coverage is astronomical.

They used the mathematical technique of "group theory" to divide the initial state into tens of billions of state combinations through the symmetry of different faces of the Rubik's Cube, and then divided them in the form of sets.

It’s much simpler with numbers.

After releasing the research report, Kent State University mathematician Murray Davidson praised the Rubik's Cube calculator in an interview with the media, "It is more useful than we imagined, and through continuous calculations, we are now very sure, The results of the Rubik’s Cube Calculator are all accurate.”

Davidson's statement was the final word.

Many people in the academic community have questioned the Rubik's Cube Calculator before, because there are countless possible situations, and as long as the exact algorithm is not published, the results of the Rubik's Cube Calculator may be inaccurate.

Now the doubts are gone.

Davidson also talked about the algorithm of the Rubik's Cube Calculator, "I heard a Chinese colleague say that the maker of the Rubik's Cube Calculator, Zhao Yi, is writing a paper on the core algorithm and will publish it publicly. He is really a great person. Algorithmic genius, we’re all looking forward to it.”

"I believe his algorithm can solve many problems and be applied to many fields."

Davidson showed his ‘can’t wait’.

Others in the research team were interviewed and expressed the same idea. They were all looking forward to Zhao Yi's paper.

Zhao Yi was a little annoyed after reading the report.

The words he hates to hear the most now are all related to the word 'thesis'. It's just that there are people in China who are urging you to 'hand in your homework'. Overseas, is there anyone urging you?

This makes him feel that going to school, reading, relaxing, or doing anything else is not doing his job properly.


I just don’t ‘do my homework’!

Open the algorithm package sent by Zhang Zhen, take a few breaks to relax, and don’t take things too lightly if you don’t use your brain.

He is much more interested in the blank robot for experiments than publishing papers.

The fifth update is here, please give me your monthly ticket.

By the way: I just discovered that there seems to be a reward activity. If you tip 1,500 starting coins, you will get a monthly pass. You can still enjoy double the monthly pass~~

Open from 20:00 to 24:00.

Dear friends.

This is definitely not asking for a reward, I really want to ask for a monthly pass. Now there are more than a dozen monthly tickets for new books, it would be nice to have a few more to rush into the rankings~~

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