Knock, knock, knock—there was a regular knock on the door.

Su Ze opened the door and saw Natasha.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"I encountered something on the way and was delayed for a while."

Natasha smiled at Su Ze apologetically. She was an hour late for the scheduled time.

"It doesn't matter. Your business is more important."

"As a guardian, you need to deal with many things in Beloberg. I understand that you are busy."

"Anyway, I have plenty of time. It doesn't matter if I wait a little longer."

Su Ze waved his hand and didn't take it to heart.

He took out the magic-breaking arrow directly and prepared to trade with Natasha.

When sending the message before, the information about the magic-breaking arrow had been introduced in detail.

Su Ze was confident that this transaction would be successful.

Unexpectedly, Natasha hesitated and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"Wait, Mr. Su Ze."

"I'm afraid we can't complete this deal this time."

Su Ze was stunned, his eyes full of confusion, "Why?"

He remembered that Zekoru from the underground boxing club was attacked because he wore monster armor.

A good person was gone bit by bit.

The three boxes of parcels sent out have always been deeply engraved in his heart.

So much so that he thought of this matter the first time he got the magic-breaking arrow.

Although the underground has been unsealed now, who knows if the boxing club is still there.

Will the black-hearted boss Scott continue to do it and create gimmicks to make money.

Let his boxers wear monster armor and continue the game.

And Beloberg must have more than one Zekoru, and perhaps there are other people who have been eroded by the black rift.

He thought that he could use the purification power of the magic-breaking arrow to help those who were eroded.

But he never expected Natasha to refuse.

"In fact, I just received your message. I am really surprised and excited."

"In recent years, many people have encountered the expanding black rift."

"Some of them lost their homes, some lost their relatives and friends, and some saved their lives but have been eroded by the power of the black rift and suffered endlessly."

"As long as they have it, those who have been eroded by the power of the black rift can be cured."

"This is such a good thing."

When Natasha spoke, tears flashed in her eyes.

When she was a clinic doctor, she saw too many people eroded by the rift underground.

Some could not bear it, and chose to end their lives as they were tortured bit by bit like a blunt knife.

Some tried to endure life, and if they really couldn't stand it, they would come to the clinic to get some medicine to continue to endure.

No matter which one, they had a hard time when they were alive, and they suffered double hardships mentally and physically.

"But even with the magic-breaking arrow, they can't recover their original health."

"The negative power is eliminated, but the damage to the body cannot be made up."

"They still have to endure physical pain."

When Natasha spoke, her mind was full of the patients she saw today.

She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and tried to suppress her uncomfortable emotions: "So I want to ask you, is there a better solution that can eliminate the negative power while also healing their bodies."

"I know this request is a bit embarrassing, but..."

Natasha's eyes were red, and she looked at Su Ze with burning eyes, with uneasiness that she herself didn't even notice.

Originally, she has always been a person who is very good at self-control and emotionally stable.

Many people also evaluate Natasha with words such as calm, gentle, and reliable.

But sometimes she would be at a loss.

It was all supported by the firm ideal in her heart to move forward.

Become an excellent doctor and save the dying and the wounded.

Until today, Natasha saw those densely packed names with her own eyes.

A string of death figures.

And those who are still being eroded and tortured in the hospital bed, wailing.

"Please, doctor, give me a quick death!"

"Mom, I feel so uncomfortable, I'm in so much pain."

"Son, you have to hold on, don't give up..."

Every sentence is deeply rooted in Natasha's heart, and it can't be dispersed for a long time.

She realized that what she did was far from enough.

What she saw and heard underground is just the tip of the iceberg of Beloberg.

The ground and the underground are also shrouded in disasters, each with its own misfortunes and sufferings.

The responsibility of the guardian is much heavier than imagined.

For a moment, she wondered how Cocolia persisted.

How did she stay calm in the face of these heavy deaths.

"Drink a sip of water first." Su Ze poured a cup of tea,He put it in front of Natasha and smiled at her to comfort her.

"Sorry, I was too greedy."

Natasha closed her eyes, adjusted her emotions, and took a sip of water, "I didn't control my emotions well."

"It doesn't matter."

"Whether as the guardian of Beloberg or a doctor, seeing someone suffering, will be moved."

Su Ze understood that after a person's identity changes, many things will also change.

From underground to above ground, from a doctor to a guardian, the pressure and responsibility to bear for this step are also different.

It takes time to adapt.

"Thank you for your understanding, I'm really sorry."

Natasha apologized again.

She also knew that her actions were a bit inappropriate, but she still wanted to gamble again.

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Su Ze said with a smile.

"Really!" Natasha's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"Of course."

Su Ze said with great confidence.

He quickly clicked on the system upgrade.

As long as you upgrade to a Level 2 merchant, you can open the system store.

"But the price will also change."

After Su Ze selected the item, he glanced at the value and reminded.

"It doesn't matter. As long as it can save people, it's worth spending any money."

Natasha looked at Su Ze excitedly, with a grateful smile on her face.

"Okay, then I'll introduce the new trading items this time."

Su Ze took out the item exchanged from the system store - the All-Disease Medicine.

[Effect: A potion that can cure all diseases]

[Value: 4,000 gold coins]

An ordinary small jar appeared in front of Natasha.

There were pills in it.

"What is this?" Natasha looked at Su Ze in confusion.

Can such a medicine bottle solve the problem?

"It's called the All-Disease Medicine, which cures all diseases."

"All diseases? But they are all eroded by the black rift..."

Su Ze shook his head and asked Natasha, "Why are they sick?" ”

“Abnormal physical or mental conditions that make people lose their health are diseases.”

Natasha thought for a moment and answered the question.

“So erosion can also be understood as a disease, right?” Su Ze looked at Natasha with a smile.

Natasha suddenly realized that it was right.

She had always limited her thinking. To put it another way, she could not dispel the negative forces, but she cured the diseases caused by erosion.

It can also achieve the same result.

“So all it takes is a pill of panacea?”

“Is there really a panacea?”

Natasha couldn’t believe it.

Everything in front of her was beyond her knowledge.

It was seriously beyond the scope!

The problem that has troubled countless doctors for so many years was solved so easily?

“Again, if you don’t believe it, you can try it first.” Su Ze chuckled.

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