"Um...can I go and see it too?" a voice came from behind the two of them.

Sanyueqi poked out her curious little head and asked.

Behind her were the taciturn Danheng and the equally curious Xing.

"Um...we didn't mean to listen, it's just...the place is so small..."

Sanyueqi laughed dryly and explained awkwardly.

She was really curious.

She had been following the Starry Sky Train for so long, and had never heard of any panacea.

How could it be possible that it could cure all diseases!

If someone else said this, Sanyueqi would definitely shout that person was a liar.

But the person who said this was Su Ze.

She was a little unsure, after all, there was a precedent.

Even the star cores that could not be completely destroyed in the universe could be dealt with, so it seemed that a mere cure for all diseases was not impossible.

However, seeing is believing, and Sanyueqi still wanted to see it with her own eyes.

Danheng and Xing also had this idea.

Cure all diseases sounds very attractive.

"Since everyone is curious, why don't we go and see it together?" Su Ze turned his eyes to Natasha. He had no relationship with her.

I don't know if Natasha will find it inconvenient.

"Then let's go together." Natasha nodded and agreed very straightforwardly.

"Great!" Sanyueqi happily clapped his hands with Xing.

The group followed Natasha to the Iron Guard restricted area and passed through many levels to the treatment area.

"This is the lightest layer of patients. They have been eroded for a short time and the impact on their bodies is not serious."

"But as time goes by, they will eventually be transferred to the sixth floor."

"At present, some special medicines are used to relieve pain, and there are no other effective treatment methods."

Natasha took Su Ze around the treatment area and observed the situation in each ward.

People who have just been eroded by the black rift mostly have symptoms of local pain in the body and red and swollen skin.

A more serious one is pain all over the body, and the functions of all aspects of the body decline rapidly.

Finally, the surface of the skin showed obvious abnormalities, and the whole body deteriorated.

If you are lucky, you will dissipate directly.

If you are unlucky, you will become the monsters in the black rift and attack humans.

However, this situation is relatively rare, and it can be said that the probability is one in ten thousand.

Most people's final outcome is to disappear into the air.

Sanyueqi looked at the painful expressions on the faces of these patients and showed a trace of sympathy, "How pitiful, this is still the lightest pain."

"I dare not imagine how painful the most serious one is."

She reached out and touched one of the children who had just calmed down after taking the special medicine.

He looked no more than seven or eight years old.

It's really pitiful that he has to suffer so much at such a young age.

"These special medicines should also have side effects, right?"

Dan Heng lowered his head and picked up a bottle of medicine that had been used. There was still a faint bitter smell on it.

He felt vaguely familiar, as if he had smelled it somewhere before.

"That's right. The special medicine will make these patients sleepy, weaken their physical strength, and lose their spirits."

"Numb the nerves, and the pain will naturally be reduced a lot."

Natasha checked the medical records of the child and sighed when she put it down. "Children as young as him are not suitable for this special medicine. It will affect their development."

"But we haven't found any other more effective medicines besides this medicine."

"After taking too much special medicine, the effect will become worse and worse, and finally lose its effect completely."

"They can only endure the pain."

She continued to walk forward with Su Ze and pointed to a vacant land filled with various flowers in the distance.

"Whenever someone dies from erosion, everyone will spontaneously bring flowers to pay tribute."

March 7 looked at the circles of flowers piled up and felt a little sad.

She patted Natasha on the shoulder and comforted her: "Now that we have the little guy provided by Su Ze, everyone will be cured."

"Well, I believe in Mr. Su Ze." Natasha said seriously, looking at March Seven's concerned eyes and smiled softly.

Su Ze didn't speak, his ears were full of the patients' wailing.

Even the lightest layer, the degree of pain is more severe than the general disease.

He thought it would be better to start with the most serious one directly. As long as the first one is cured, the rest will definitely be no problem.

"Where do you plan to start the experiment first?"

"Since it can be cured, why not start directly with the most serious one."

"Those patients may disappear at any time, and they are all waiting to die silently."

Natasha's thoughts coincided with Su Ze's.

She clenched her hands and placed all her hopes on the Wanbing Medicine.

The group ran directly toWalking towards the most serious area.

At the same time, a violent sound came from the ward not far away.


The Silver Mane Iron Guards patrolling around quickly gathered and rushed to the ward.

"Back off, everyone back off."

One of the leading Silver Mane Iron Guards shouted loudly, waving his hand to direct the other Silver Mane Iron Guards to surround the ward.

The doctors, nurses and family members nearby were stopped by the Silver Mane Iron Guards who were maintaining order and escorted outside the cordon.

"What happened?"

March Seven watched the Silver Mane Iron Guards pull up the cordon in a well-trained manner and evacuate the people around.

After a set of actions, the coordination was smooth and fast.

"It should be that someone in the ward is in trouble." Dan Heng frowned, with a bad premonition.

Could it be that the one in ten thousand probability that Natasha just mentioned was encountered by them?

The next second, the roar of the monster confirmed his thoughts.

"It seems that we are unlucky today. We encountered a patient who turned into a monster."

Natasha smiled bitterly and stretched out her hand to block Su Ze.

"NONONO." Su Ze pulled Natasha's hand away and shook the small jar in his hand.

"On the contrary, I think everyone is lucky today."

"If you come a second later, you may miss this patient."

"The Silver Mane Iron Guard will deal with him and may be injured."

"We will save one less patient, and the patient will lose his life."

Natasha listened to Su Ze's confident words and put down the last trace of uneasiness in her heart.

"You are right, everyone is lucky today."

"Don't get close, leave this to me." She warned and walked quickly towards the alert Silver Mane Iron Guard.

It seems that they are planning to find a way to control the patient first, and then treat him.

Unfortunately, there is no time.

The door of the ward was completely destroyed from the inside, and the patient who turned into a monster rushed out, and his eyes just met Su Ze.

In a flash, before Natasha could even open her mouth to remind him, Su Ze had already quickly taken out a pill and went to meet the patient.


The Eye of God on his waist emitted a faint green light.

A breeze followed Su Ze's movements, wrapped around the patient's feet, and tripped him.

Su Ze quickly stuffed the pill in, his movements were smooth and there was no hesitation.

Next was the moment to witness a miracle!

Everyone's eyes were focused on the fallen patient and Su Ze.

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