Outside Mondstadt, Whispering Forest.

"You are here."

"The venue has been cleared for you."

The long-awaited leader Qin and several members of the Knights greeted Su Ze and the other two who were walking towards them.

"What is this?" Su Ze was a little confused. It was just to test the effect of the magic-breaking arrow. Was it necessary to make such a big scene?

Qin winked at the several members of the Knights behind him, and they immediately dispersed and began to patrol nearby.

"The main purpose of doing this is to avoid the sight of the Fatui."

"If they know that the things in your hand can solve the monsters, they will definitely come to destroy it."

"At present, the lady's sight is attracted by the people I arranged, and she will not notice this place for the time being."

"Mr. Su Ze can rest assured. I will stay here to guard."

After some explanation, Su Ze has already understood how much the Fatui has infiltrated Mondstadt.

He glanced around and turned his head to ask, "So there are no monsters left?"

"Most of the monsters have been cleared by the Knights, and a small number are gathered near the Starfall Lake."

Led by Captain Qin, the group carefully approached the Starfall Lake.

"No, there are too few monsters, and it can't show its effect at all." Su Ze shook his head as he looked at the burning fire not far away.

Three or four wooden shield hillocks sat around the fire, two rocket hillocks were dozing, and only the water hillock shaman was singing and dancing on the small slope above.

They were all ordinary monsters with weak combat power, and there was not even an elite hillock thug.

"Then we can only go in the direction of Qingquan Town. There are the most monsters on the road near the snow mountain between Hefengqidi."

"It's not a major transportation route, so the Knights have never been there to clean it up since the monsters became active."

Qin pondered for a moment and made a decision, "But in this case, I'm afraid I can't let those members of the Knights follow you anymore."

"They are all ordinary people without the Eye of God. In places where there are too many monsters, they are easily affected by the mottled and chaotic aura around them."

Su Ze looked up at the direction Qin pointed, and tried to recall the Mond map he had seen before, "The first part of that road is almost a straight line, right?"

"Yes, there are no bends." Qin answered affirmatively.

"That's it."

Su Ze showed a confident smile, "With this treasure, there is no need to worry about them being affected."

After saying this, Amber was even more excited.

She had specially asked Kaia about the frozen fruit in detail before.

That was the fruit from the Great Sea Route.

It's small, but it contains powerful power.

It just tastes terrible.

When Kaiya described this place, his face suddenly became ugly.

But as long as he can gain power, what does it matter if it tastes terrible?

Amber clenched her hands tightly with excitement, and dared not move her eyes away from Su Ze for a moment.

For fear of missing an important scene for a second.


Fifteen minutes later, everyone stopped and stood at the intersection of this road.

A few wisps of light black mist can be seen not far away, which is a change caused by too many monsters gathered nearby.

After moving forward a short distance, the black mist became more and more, and the color was a little darker than the intersection.

"Stop, it's enough here." Su Ze looked around the surrounding environment. On the left was a flat land covered with vegetation and stones, on the right were several green trees of varying heights, and behind him was a smooth mountain wall.

Looking up at the top of the mountain wall, you can still see a faint red light and thick black fog.

"Have you brought the bow?" He turned to look at Amber, who was about to take out the Demon-Breaking Arrow.

Amber was stunned.

What does this have to do with the bow.

Isn't it a fruit?

"What's wrong?" Su Ze noticed Amber's surprise and paused.

Amber shook her head quickly, "It's okay, I brought it."

She lowered her head to hide her disappointment and silently took out her weapon.

"Let me introduce it to you first, it's called the Demon-Breaking Arrow."

Su Ze showed the trading item in his hand, which was an arrow wrapped in silver-white light, with a pure black arrow shaft and white arrow feathers.

It looked like a very ordinary arrow.

Amber looked up at the item in front of her, her eyes full of disappointment.

I thought I could become a powerful person.

It turned out that she thought too much.

The flame of tension and expectation in my heart was extinguished in an instant.

Amber took the arrow with his head down, and stood there quietly without saying a word.

Several members of the Knights watching nearby were also somewhat surprised.

HeWe were actually secretly guessing what kind of treasure it would be, but we didn't expect it to look so ordinary.

"Amber, cheer up and listen carefully." Qin noticed Amber's thoughts, and she was actually muttering to herself.

This arrow didn't look like a powerful thing at all.

She didn't detect any fluctuations in power on it.

It was different from what Kaiya had shown and described before.

"That's right, Amber, we have to believe Mr. Su Ze." Although Kaiya was also confused, he didn't feel anything strange about this arrow.

But maybe this is its mystery.

After all, Kaiya had never thought that a small fruit could give him infinite freezing power.

He felt more deeply about this than anyone else present.

"I'm sorry, Su Ze, I lost my composure." Amber looked up and smiled apologetically, cheered up again, and carefully held the arrow in his hand, "Please continue."

Su Ze immediately understood why Amber was abnormal just now.

He glanced at the expressions of others.

Although everyone was hiding their feelings, it was clear from their expressions that there were many people who had the same idea as Amber.

But it didn't matter. He believed that as long as he could fully demonstrate the power of the Demon-Breaking Arrow, he would definitely surprise everyone present.

"It's not only a sharp weapon, it also contains a unique secret technique."

Su Ze explained slowly, reaching out to point at the bow and arrow in Amber's hand, "Put them up, just like you usually shoot arrows."

"Okay." Amber obediently drew the bow and put the arrow, and her posture was even more standard than usual.

After the arrow was put on the bow, the original white light disappeared, and it completely turned into an ordinary arrow.

Su Ze moved a few steps, stretched out his hand and pointed at the Thunder Axe Hill Thug standing in the distance in front of him, "Aim at that position, and then shoot it."

"Yes." Amber aimed in the direction Su Ze pointed and pulled the bow.

The next second, a dazzling white light gathered on the arrow.

As she let go, a powerful force broke out.


An arrow was shot out.

In an instant, all the monsters on this road were swallowed by the white light of this arrow.

They turned to ashes and smoke, leaving no trace or sound.

Amber's hand holding the bow and arrow trembled twice, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

For a moment, there was complete silence, and everyone present, except Su Ze, was so shocked that they could not speak.

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