"One arrow... just one arrow!"

The silence was broken only when someone spoke.

Several members of the Knights were shocked and looked at each other several times, as if they wanted to confirm from each other.

Is everything true?

"All... all gone!"

"All the monsters... were destroyed, it's incredible!"

"If I... hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't imagine it."

"A miracle, a miracle!"

The more they talked, the more excited they became. When they turned their heads to look at Amber who was still in a daze, their eyes instantly became hot.

"This... I... shot it?" Amber was so shocked that she stumbled when she spoke. She couldn't believe that she shot the arrow.

She used the arrow that she thought was very ordinary.

"I...I..." Amber turned her head suddenly to look at Qin who had been silent, "Qin, is this true?"

Qin nodded calmly, walked over and patted Amber on the shoulder, "It's true, Amber, you should believe what you see with your own eyes."

"So this is what it feels like to become stronger." Amber lowered her head and carefully touched the bow in her hand, "I can feel the surging power. At the moment of pulling the bow, it gathered on the arrow, warm and powerful."

"Before, I thought... it turned out that I had too little experience, and I shouldn't judge people by their appearance."

"If it weren't for Su Ze, I wouldn't know it was so powerful."

At this point, Amber raised her head and looked at Su Ze gratefully, "Thank you Su Ze, I like it very much."

"In fact, the most powerful part of the Demon-Breaking Arrow is not attacking, but purifying." Su Ze found that everyone present was amazed at the power of this arrow and shocked that all the monsters were destroyed.

But he didn't notice the change in the surrounding atmosphere.

All the black fog on this road was also cleared.

"Purification?" Kaiya touched his chin and pondered the meaning of Su Ze's words.

He observed the surrounding environment like Su Ze just now.

Grass, stones, green trees, and firelight, it seemed no different.

Until he looked up at the top of the mountain wall, "How could it be!"

Kaiya remembered that there was a thick black fog at that location before, but now it was empty and nothing.

Then he seemed to understand something, and turned his sight back to the location where the magic-breaking arrow was shot.

There was no smell of black fog either.

After dealing with the monsters in normal circumstances, there will still be some mottled and messy monster smells left.

This smell cannot be eliminated immediately, and can only wait for it to dissipate bit by bit.

Although it is not very aggressive, it can easily affect the surrounding environment.

If a person with a weak will and a weak body is accidentally infected, it will affect his mental state and become seriously ill, or even become confused and crazy.

Su Ze noticed Kaiya's movements and continued to explain: "The reason why the Demon-Breaking Arrow can destroy monsters and turn them into ashes without leaving any trace is actually because of this purifying power."

"The power of monsters has always been unknown, and their bodies are full of this unknown energy, so when the power of the Demon-Breaking Arrow explodes, the purifying power will devour the negative power."

"So it caused the scene you see now."

Qin's eyes lit up after hearing this explanation, "What if it is a person affected by the aura of monsters? Can it be purified and polluted by the Demon-Breaking Arrow?"

"In theory, it can be purified, and it will not be directly destroyed like monsters." Su Ze also thought about this problem. Judging from the arrow just now, the most aggressive one is actually the arrow head.

The rest of the monsters were illuminated by the burst of white light and killed by the purifying power.

If it is placed on a person, as long as it does not hit the person, it will not be killed by being covered by the white light.

After all, people do not survive by that ominous power.

"But there is one thing you need to know, Captain Qin. If the aura of the monster permeates the whole body, I am afraid it will still end up like the monster." Qin is not a greedy person. She also understands that if the person is completely infiltrated, then it is better to say that he has become a monster rather than a human. "Thank you Mr. Su Ze for providing the magic-breaking arrows this time. It is of great help to Mond's current situation." As long as there are magic-breaking arrows in hand, no matter how many monsters come, there is no need to be afraid. Judging from the range of the arrow just now, it can reduce the burden of many knights. There is no need to frequently mobilize manpower to clean up monsters, and worry about the health of the knights. No matter how powerful the means of the Fatui are, they continue to attract monsters, and they will only end up in ashes. There is no need to worry about the troubles left after solving the monsters. Everything is solved with one arrow. The marijuana in my heartWith a solution to her troubles, Qin's tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Captain Qin, you are too polite."

Su Ze smiled and walked to Amber, reaching out and gently tapping the bow in her hand, "It also has the advantage of being convenient and not wasting."

"Convenient?" Amber scratched her head in confusion.

"You will know if you pull the bow again."

"I'll try."

Amber pretended to have an arrow in her hand and pulled the bow again.

The next second, an arrow condensed on her bow, exactly the same as the one she shot just now.

"It came back by itself!" Amber looked at the arrow on the bow in surprise, it was a physical entity.

This is too magical.

In the future, she will no longer have to spend money to buy arrows, and she will not have to pick them up all over the ground after shooting.

It is really convenient and saves trouble.

The key point is that it does not cost money.

She can spend less on weapons every month, which is great.

Thinking of this, Amber smiled.

The money saved can be used to buy more barbecue skewers.

It's really great.

"Oh my, everyone is happy." Kaiya looked at Amber's happy look and joked with a smile: "This way I don't have to work overtime."

"In the future, the responsibility of protecting Mond will depend more on Knight Amber."

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard!" Amber patted his chest solemnly and said to Qin seriously.

Since the Grand Commander went to war, all the big and small affairs of Mond fell on Qin.

She always hoped that she could help a little more.

Now she finally did it.

"I believe in you, Amber."

"You will do well."

Qin was really happy for Amber.

If she hadn't been with her during this period, I would probably be more tired.

"The little girl who used to tremble when she saw a monster has grown up." Kaiya looked at Amber in front of him with a firm look and couldn't help but sigh.

Several other members of the Knights present nodded in agreement.

"Yes, in the blink of an eye, little Amber has become amazing."

"When I first saw her, she was still a nervous little girl who kept wiping her sweat."

"Yes, yes, on her first day in the Knights, she drank a lot of water and was so nervous."

"Hahaha, now she can stand on her own and take on important responsibilities."

"That's because our little Amber has great potential!"

"She will be the new hope of Mondstadt in the future."

"Maybe she can become a great hero like Captain Kaeya."

Everyone was talking at the same time, and Amber blushed.

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