On the way back, Qin repeatedly told several members of the Knights to keep the matter secret.

No one can tell.

Now Amber and the magic-breaking arrow in her hand are the secret weapons of the Knights, and they need to be revealed at the critical moment.

"Don't worry, Captain Qin, we don't know anything."

"Yes, yes, we just came out to inspect the situation as usual."

"Yes, yes."

"I promise not to say a word."

Several members of the Knights said goodbye to them at the intersection and walked towards the Whispering Forest.

In order to avoid being noticed by the Fatui, they still need to pretend.

It is not easy to reveal clues if they go separately.

Qin took the rest of the people to other places where there are more monsters, and used the magic-breaking arrows to clean them up.

After handling it, it was already late at night when they returned to the city.

As soon as they arrived at the city gate, they were stopped by Diluk who had been squatting nearby.

"Wait, don't go this way."

He jumped down from the wall and winked at the others, "Follow me."

Led by Diluk, the group crossed the path and entered the alley from the side door.

Then they climbed over the wall from the alley and entered the Angel's Gift.

There were no guests in the tavern at this moment.

It was quiet all around.

"What happened?" Qin asked.

Diluk didn't say anything, but took out a document from his pocket and handed it over, "This is what the traveler brought, it's the report from Lisa's test."

Jin looked down at the document, "The potion containing special ingredients is suspected to be the product of some alchemist, which can attract a large number of monsters and drive them crazy."

"That's why there are so many active monsters near Mondstadt, all attracted by this potion." Diluk said lightly, pointing to the content behind the document, "Lisa can't detect the specific ingredients."

"But she asked the traveler to convey a message that the concentration of the special ingredients in the potion tested is not high, so it attracts some ordinary monsters."

"Once the concentration of the special ingredients in the potion increases, I'm afraid Mondstadt will have another bloody storm."

This made Captain Jean's heart, which had been relieved, rise again.

Although she had seen the effect of the magic-breaking arrow.

But most of the monsters outside are of ordinary level, and only a small part is considered elite.

If the monsters that appear next are elites or even more powerful monsters, will the effect of the magic-breaking arrow be greatly reduced?

"So we must now find out whether the Fatui have high-concentration drugs."

Kaia said in a deep voice, stretched out his hand to take the report in Qin's hand, and flipped through it carefully.

This report confirmed his previous guess.

But what is the purpose of Zhidong doing this?

The distance between the two countries is far, what is worth the other party's effort.

"Kaia is right, but in addition to this, Mond needs to double its defense. For the time being, concentrate all the manpower to guard Mond, and send people from Qingquan Town to tell them to stay in the town and not come back."

After Qin pondered for a moment, he had made a decision in his heart.

Since the Fatui's target is in the city, they will definitely not give up.

Qingquan Town is relatively safer.

But for the sake of safety, Qin does not plan to transfer the knights there back.

It is safer to continue to guard Qingquan Town.

The monsters outside the city have been cleared in large numbers, and it takes time to prepare to attract monsters to attack the city again.

The Knights must seize this opportunity and make guard arrangements first.

"I understand. I'll make arrangements now."

Kaeya immediately understood, turned around and quietly left the tavern.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Diluk asked, looking at Jean's frowning brows.

Although he and the Knights have conflicts, they share the same desire to protect Mondstadt together.

Moreover, Jean is a very responsible person, and anything related to Mondstadt is very important to her.

Her sense of responsibility is unmatched, which is really admirable.

Jean thought for a while and looked at Diluk and asked, "Please help guard the side door, this is close to the tavern, please inform the Knights in time if there is any movement."

"No problem."

Diluk nodded and leaned aside.

"What about me?"

Amber saw that everyone had made arrangements, and only she had not been assigned a task, so she looked at Jean.

"You and I will stay near the Wind Dragon. If the Fatui want to cause chaos in Mondstadt, they will continue to find ways to release the Wind Dragon."

"After all, it is a follower of the wind god Barbatos, and its power is stronger than these monsters."

Qin's face showed deep worry at the end.She knew a little more about the Wind Dragon Tevalin than others.

From the records left by the previous Knights and the words of the Grand Master before he left, they all told stories about the Wind God Barbatos and the Wind Dragon.

It has a special meaning to Mond.

Although the people of Mond now know almost nothing about that period of history, there would be no Mond today without the Wind Dragon.

If possible, Jean does not want to watch the former guardian go to destruction.

But if it really comes to that, she will never be soft for Mond.

"Jin? Are you okay?" Amber noticed Jean's changes and looked at her with some concern.

Jean shook her head, "I'm fine, don't worry."

She turned her eyes to Su Ze, "Mr. Su Ze, Mond is about to be in chaos now, considering your safety."

"Why don't you follow me back to the Knights first, it will be safer with Lisa in charge there."

"No, no." Su Ze declined Jean's kindness.

Mondstadt is about to face a huge crisis, and the Knights are all busy with it. There is no need for Qin to distract himself and take care of it.

Besides, he is not weak now, and he has no problem protecting himself.

In addition, Diluk is also here, so safety is not a problem.

"After all, I have lived in Mondstadt for a few days, and I have some feelings. It is better to stay here to help Master Diluk, so that you can have less pressure."

Qin's eyes were full of touching when she heard this.

Obviously, this matter has nothing to do with Su Ze, and he can stay out of it, but he is willing to take the risk to help them.

It is really admirable.

"Mr. Su Ze, your character is admirable. On behalf of the Knights, I express my most sincere gratitude to you."

Qin solemnly gave Su Ze a highest standard of thanks.

"Captain Qin, you are polite."

Su Ze waved his hand.

After watching Qin and Amber leave, Diluk looked at Su Ze and gave him a few instructions, and even told him a few hidden places.

If there is any danger that he cannot deal with, he will just hide.

He has never seen Su Ze's strength, so he doesn't know how confident the person in front of him is.

But this willingness to protect Mond together is very precious.

Facing Diluk's worried eyes, Su Ze smiled, "Don't worry, I cherish my life very much."

While the two were talking, Kaeya hurriedly climbed in from the second-floor window.

"Where are the acting leader and Amber?"

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