Kaeya's return made Suze and Diluc a little confused.

More importantly, the other party showed a very anxious expression on his face.

I think he encountered some trouble.

"They went to the Wind God Square, what's wrong? What happened?"

Diluk frowned and looked at Kaeya with unstable breath, vaguely guessing that something big might have happened again.

"Wind God Square? Isn't that... bad..."

Kaeya felt a headache when he heard the news.

He just received news that the Fatui were gathering towards the Wind God Square, and seemed to be preparing to launch another attack.

Damn guy.

I don't know who arranged the plan, and almost calculated the actions and personnel transfers of the Knights.

Most of the people who stayed in the city had just cleaned up the scene and were exhausted.

Some people continued to work with injuries.

There was no time to rest, and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

It was impossible to stop the Fatui.

"What happened?"

Su Ze looked at Kaia, whose face changed drastically, and immediately had a bad premonition.

Could it be that the Fatui did something terrible again?

I have to say that he guessed right this time.

After all, no one expected that the monster attack in the city tonight was just the first wave.

It was a test, just to find out the bottom of the Knights.

The real backhand is in the second half of the night, that is, now.

Taking advantage of the Knights' fatigue and relaxation, they attacked again and caught them off guard.

"I received news that now is the time for the Fatui to really launch an attack. Before, it was just to test the strength of the Knights."

"The previous actions were all tests and misleadings, making us feel that we had defended and used to paralyze us."

"In fact, the real action had already started when the monsters attacked."

Kaia rubbed his eyebrows and took out half of a broken glass tube reagent, which still had a little dark green liquid left in it.

It exuded a sour smell of wine.

"I found this in a corner of the side door that was full of debris. It was placed in a broken wooden box."

"There is also a countdown device in the box. When the time is up, the glass tube will shatter."

"The liquid will flow out, and the smell of the potion will also spread."

"Ordinary people will not notice this place at all, and Mond people love wine, so this smell is not uncommon."

The Fatui's plan is very detailed, and the locations chosen are not easy to detect.

Even few people in the Knights would think that there is something hidden inside.

If Kaeya hadn't heard a shattering sound when he came back, he would have checked it out of curiosity.

They still couldn't find this device.

"Since the potion has begun to take effect, we must hurry up." Diluk quickly thought about countermeasures, "It's too late to notify Jean to negotiate."

The current situation has no time to prepare for them.

Aeolus Square is the target of the Fatui, and they must be stopped and not let them succeed.

But the monsters attracted also need to be dealt with.

It would be best if someone could block the monsters outside the city and prevent them from coming in.

This would disrupt the Fatui's plan and reduce their advantage.

"Arrange people to intercept the monsters outside the city, as long as they can't come in."

"The situation at the Wind God Square will be better."

Diluk said in a deep voice, and his mind was still thinking quickly about where there were omissions.

"Understood, I will personally guard the city gate, and I'll leave the side gate to you."

"Also, Noel and Eula will each lead a team of people near the Wind God Square. I don't know if they can stop them."

Kaia sighed sadly, "It's really tight schedule and heavy tasks every day."

"There's no need to be so urgent, there's still time." Su Ze suddenly reminded, "Don't forget that it takes time for the potion to take effect, and now the monsters in the wild have been cleared."

"No matter how good the potion is, it takes time for the monsters to rush over."

"You can take advantage of the time now to make some traps and roadblocks, so that it will be easier to deal with them when the time comes."

Su Ze's suggestion made Kaia's eyes light up.

After receiving the information, he was in a hurry and forgot that the monsters outside the city had been cleared by Amber's magic-breaking arrows.

Calculating the distance and time, there is at least half an hour of space to prepare.

"It's a good suggestion indeed."

"Yes, I'll arrange for someone to start the arrangement right away."

Kaeya and Diluk looked at each other and agreed on the next arrangement.

Looking at Diluk's back as he left, Kaeya turned his head and looked at Su Ze, "Actually, there is something I want to ask you for help with."

"What?" Su Ze was stunned and then asked

"I asked the Traveler to find out the news about the Fatui before, and she found a way to inform me as soon as she got the news."

"But she was found locked up in a Fatui base in the wild."

"Now the main force of the Fatui is heading towards Mondstadt, and the base should not be well guarded."

"I want you to help rescue her, so that we can have an extra combat force."

Su Ze nodded, "No problem, I'll take care of it."

"Thank you." Kaeya really couldn't spare any manpower to rescue the Traveler, but the other party was captured for Mondstadt.

He couldn't just leave it alone.

Fortunately, Su Ze was willing to help.

So he finally put down a big stone in his heart.

Holding the marked location given by Kaeya, Su Ze also left the tavern.


On the other side, the locked-up Traveler was sitting quietly on a stone bench, staring at Paimon flying in the air in a daze.

"Traveler, how about we try again?" Paimon looked at the iron window in front of him unwillingly, maybe he could get out by sucking in his stomach.

How could a mere gap be difficult for him.

Thinking of this, Paimon sucked in his bulging stomach again and gestured to the gap in the iron window.

"Paimon, don't waste your efforts, be careful not to get stuck." Although the traveler didn't want to discourage his friend's enthusiasm, but with his current body.

Compared with the gap left by the iron window, it was really not a little bit worse.

Paimon was immediately unhappy when he heard this and shouted: "Traveler, what do you mean by this!"

"I'm not fat!"

"I just ate too much!"

The traveler just shook his head helplessly at Paimon's stubbornness, "Okay, sit down and rest for a while."

"Hmph, I'm not like this street singer, I'm useless."

"You can still fall down when you run away."

Paimon immediately directed his anger at Wendy who was lying on the stone table.

"Hey, it tastes good..." Wendy muttered drunkenly, holding a bottle of wine that was half drunk in his hand.

The bottle was engraved with the mark of winter.

"What? This guy is actually drunk!"

Paimon stared at the bottle in Wendy's hand in disbelief. He turned around and finally found several sealed wooden boxes in the corner.

One of the boxes was opened.

It was filled with the same kind of wine, exactly the same as the one in Wendy's hand.

"You never forget to drink wherever you go." Paimon glared at the ignorant Wendy and curiously reached out to take a bottle.

Two words were clearly written on it: Kerosene.


Is this the name of the wine?

How strange!

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