At night, outside Mondstadt, the Fatui's secret base.

"Hurry up, everyone. If you delay the adults' business, you will suffer the consequences!"

"Hurry up, one by one, you haven't eaten enough!"

"The one on the left, yes, that's you, what are you doing? Why don't you move quickly? Do you want to wait until dawn?"

"And you, what are you looking at? Hurry up and pack up your things. Burn everything that shouldn't be left."

The Fatui's leader was staring at the other Fatui who were busy coming and going with his eyes like hooks.

He received an order from his superiors that no matter whether the plan tonight was successful, everything left in the base must be cleaned up.

It's no longer safe here.

Move away what can be moved, and destroy what cannot be moved on the spot.

Absolutely no handle can be left behind for the Mondstadt Knights to find and hold.

"Sir, the materials we brought have basically been processed, but these documents and letters have the seal of the executive officer. Should they be destroyed together?"

A Fengquan vanguard soldier walked up to the commander and raised the wooden box in his arms. Almost all of them were some crucial directive documents.

If they were destroyed, there would be big trouble in the process when they handed over the task to Dong later.

Although he ordered everything to be arranged by the lady when he went out, the report after the mission needed to be approved by other executive officers, and the expenditure of funds also needed to be reviewed by the rich man.

Besides, their team was under the captain, and they would probably be reviewed again after they returned.

If they didn't leave some evidence at this time, if something went wrong, they might not be able to explain it clearly.

"Didn't you understand what I said just now?" The commander glared at his subordinate unhappily, "Am I the commander or are you the commander? Do I need to emphasize this again?"

"Yes, sir." The vanguard soldier nodded honestly and retreated silently.

The conversation between the two was heard by Su Ze who was hiding in the dark.

"This is to clear the place." He touched his chin, took off the clown mask on his waist and put it on.

The next second, Su Ze's whole breath was hidden.

The joyful power in his body became active.

Although Aha likes to watch fun, it really gives good things.

It's still good to say so.

Quietly follow the footsteps of the vanguard officer and follow behind him step by step.

Others are busy cleaning and moving, and no one noticed the abnormality here.

Five minutes later, the vanguard soldier walked to the fire with a wooden box, just when he was about to throw it in.

Su Ze moved.

He knocked the other party unconscious with a knife and took the opportunity to take the wooden box.

"These evidences should be enough for the lady of the Fatui to eat a pot." Su Ze quickly looked through the contents of the wooden box.

All the documents and letters with seals and clear directions were stuffed into his pocket.

Then he took out a stack of tissues from another pocket and put them into the wooden box, and put the unimportant documents and letters on top.

He posed the knocked-out vanguard officer, threw the wooden box into the fire, and watched the things inside being swallowed by the flames bit by bit.

Su Ze clapped his hands and left with peace of mind. Even if the other party woke up, he would not be sure whether the things were missing.

Not long after, the vanguard officer was awakened by another guerrilla soldier.

"Why are you still asleep? Get up quickly."

"I... I clearly..."

"The commander asked us to gather, hurry up."

"Strange, why did it suddenly..."

The vanguard soldier tried to recall what happened before, and felt a dull pain in the back of his neck.

He suddenly remembered something and his expression tightened. He looked down and saw that the things were gone.

At this time, a light breeze blew, lifting a small piece of ashes.

The vanguard soldier looked at the fire in front of him, and could vaguely see some remnants of the wooden box in it.

Fortunately, it was all burned clean.


Su Ze, who searched around on the other side, found nothing. He didn't know if the place of imprisonment was too secret.

In desperation, he could only return to the place where he heard the news before.

Crouching on the top of the high wall, hiding his figure in the darkness, he lowered his head and looked down.

Twenty or so Fatui were gathering.

"Sir, are we just going to retreat like this? Are we going to ignore the people we caught before?"

"Time is tight and there is no time to deal with them. Let them fend for themselves."


"There is nothing to but. Anyway, no one knows they are imprisoned here except us."

"It is still the commander who is wise and has set up a mechanism here, otherwise we can't catch that girl."

"That's right, the mechanism under my feet is carefully set up, and it is difficult for ordinary people to escapeTake it off."

The commander smiled smugly, his eyes fell on the special stone slab on the ground and paused for a few seconds before moving his eyes away.

"Without food and water, people will die in a few days. We don't need to do anything at all."

"Your Excellency is right."

"The time is coming. Are all the people gathered?"

"All gathered, all gathered, a total of 25 people, commander."

"Have all the things been dealt with?"

"Please rest assured, commander."

"Then retreat."

The commander waved his hand and issued an order to the Fatui present.

A group of people quickly left the base.

"Agency? "Su Ze jumped down from the top of the wall, and after looking around, he found that there was a stone slab that was different from the others.

There were special patterns engraved on it.

He had noticed before that the leader of the Fatui also stayed in the direction of this stone slab for a few seconds.

Could it be that someone was trapped underneath?

Looking around the mark, it seemed to be a gravity mechanism.

Su Ze used the wind element to move several abandoned large boxes next to it onto the mark.

The next second, the patterns on the stone slab glowed slightly white, and at the same time there was a rumbling sound.

A secret door was opened on the wall facing the stone slab, revealing a secret passage.

Su Ze walked in, and soon he heard Paimon's screaming voice.

"Woo, woo, traveler, save me."

"Breathe harder."

"I can't breathe anymore, I feel like I can't breathe."

"It's just a little bit more, Paimon, don't give up, I can pull you out! "

"Woo, woo, if I really die here, remember to bring more delicious food when you come to see me next time."

"No, Paimon, believe me, I will be out soon."

"If I survive this disaster, I promise that I will never be greedy in the future, and I will only eat a little at most."

Su Ze couldn't help laughing when he heard this. I believe no one can believe that Paimon will eat less.

Its stomach is like a bottomless pit, and it is curious about everything.

It wants to taste everything.

"Who? Who is there?"

The traveler looked in the direction of the laughter sharply.

"Hi!" Su Ze showed his head and stretched out his hand to greet Paimon and the traveler.

Paimon was startled by the sudden clown mask. It had never seen such a thing before.

"Ah... There is a ghost!" It was so scared that its legs kicked wildly.

Finally got out of the stuck iron window.

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