One day later, at the gate of Mondstadt.

"Suze! Suze!" Paimon waved happily at Suze, who was walking over, and flew to his side.

The traveler was not with him, only Paimon was alone.

"We found where the street singer was."

"So fast?"

Suze couldn't help but be a little surprised. He believed that the traveler would definitely find it, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Of course, we are super good at finding people1"

Paimon raised his chin proudly, his face full of pride.

"So where did you find him?" Suze continued to ask curiously.

"That guy didn't know what was going on. He said that the windmill chrysanthemums there were the best, so he went to the ruins of the wind dragon to pick flowers."

When Paimon talked about this, his expression was only speechless.

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

Is this the unique romance of the bard?

Suze, who was standing aside, was silent for a moment when he heard this.

Wind Dragon Ruins——Once a capital built by the eccentric King of the Wind, Diekarapian, it is now considered the territory of the Wind Dragon Tevarin.

There are strong winds all year round there, and there are indeed more windmill chrysanthemums in bloom than in other places.

After all, it is a plant that likes wind.

But doesn’t Wendy always like Cecilia flowers the most?

Could it be that she wants to pick flowers to give to others?

“Su Ze? Hey... Su Ze...” Seeing that Su Ze was hesitant to speak and looked like he was in a daze, Paimon quickly stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him.

Su Ze came back to his senses immediately, "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you give me the Mora first, and I'll give it to the Traveler later."

Paimon rubbed his hands expectantly, looked at Su Ze with shining eyes and suggested, "This way you won't waste your time, I'll just wait for the Traveler."

"As the saying goes, one hand pays the other hand calls for help."

"Or can you take me directly to the Wind Dragon Ruins?"

Su Ze saw through what Paimon was thinking at a glance.

If the money was given directly to it, it would probably be spent in a blink of an eye, without even a Mora left.


Paimon sighed regretfully, what a good opportunity wasted.

"By the way, where is the Traveler? Why are you the only one?"

Su Ze looked at Paimon with his head drooping, and tactfully changed the subject.

"Traveler, she went to send the cat back."

"We met the owner of the Cat's Tail Tavern on the way back."

"Business has been so good these two days that a cat ran away from home because of the noise."

"The owner asked us to help find the cat."

"The traveler was worried that you would wait too long, so she asked me to come to you first and she would send the cat back herself."

Paimon touched his somewhat deflated stomach, and he was hungry again.

I really hope the traveler will come back soon.

The dried fish he had just given me has been eaten.

Su Ze took a look at Paimon's little action, took out an apple from his pocket and handed it over, "Eat it, this is all I have in my pocket."

"Wow! It's a sweet and fragrant apple." Paimon took it with surprise, took a big bite, and shouted indistinctly: "Hurry up... The mud is so wet and it's so greasy..."

After a while, the traveler appeared at the city gate holding a steaming paper bag.

"Paimon, Suze."

"It's the Traveler!"

Paimon flew over excitedly, staring at the paper bag in the other's hand.

It could smell a sweet and fragrant smell in it.

"Eat it." The Traveler looked at Paimon's expression that was about to drool, and took a piece out of the paper bag with a smile, "A thank-you gift from the owner of the Cat's Tail Tavern, freshly baked fruit pie."

"Wow! Delicious."

Paimon took the fruit pie and took a bite happily, showing a trace of happiness, "... or my favorite apple filling..."

At this moment, there was no room for anything else in its eyes except food.

Seeing this, the Traveler stuffed the entire paper bag into Paimon's arms. Anyway, she was full when she came out.

This was specially prepared for the little guy.

"Let's go."

Suze looked at Paimon holding the food in his arms, taking a piece with his left hand and taking a bite with his right hand, and couldn't help but smile.


Half an hour later, they arrived at the outskirts of the Wind Dragon Ruins.

From afar, they saw an ancient city, which was in a circular shape.

Although some buildings had been destroyed and the appearance at that time could not be seen, the inner and outer rings could still be roughly identified.

In the center, there was a tall tower, which was the palace of the King of the Fierce Wind.

However, Alice later blew up several corridors, making it even more dilapidated.

The further Su Ze walked in, the more he could feel the restlessness of the wind elements around him.

The whistling wind rose up, howling in a small area.

"Wow, is this where the demon once lived?"

Paimon finished the last piece of fruit pie in his hand and finally raised his head.

Looking at the tall building in the front, he couldn't help but sigh, "It's really spectacular."

"Indeed." Su Ze looked around, and each of the architectural relics here represents the past years and history.

The traveler walked forward carefully a few steps and lowered his head to check the traces on the ground.

"Be careful, monsters often appear near here."

Through the elemental vision, she found several footprints on the ground, mixed with a faint wind element.

"Wendy should be walking in this direction."

The traveler pointed in the direction of the footprints and marks and continued to move forward.

Just after walking less than a hundred meters, he found three sneaky black figures wandering nearby.

"Is that the Fatui?"

Su Ze squinted his eyes and identified carefully.

"The Fatui?"

"What are these bad guys doing here?"

"Are they planning to do something bad again?"

Paimon's eyes widened, and he turned to look at Su Ze and the traveler anxiously.

"Don't worry, let's get closer and take a look." Su Ze whispered, and stretched out his hand to make a hush gesture.

The three held their breath and approached quietly with the help of the nearby ruins.

"Hey, haven't you found anyone yet?"

"No one here."

"No one here either."

The three Fatui gathered together and stopped less than five meters away from the corner where Su Ze and the others were hiding.

"How could such a big person disappear in the blink of an eye?"

"Well, what should we do next? Should we continue to look?"

"Or should we go back and call more people to come again."

"That's right, this place is too big, and it's too hard for the three of us to find it."

One of the guerrillas holding a musket rubbed his arms in fear.

There were scary humming sounds everywhere, which made people feel terrified.

And the further they went in, the darker the light became. It didn't look like a good place.

"Why are you shaking?" Another tall Thunder Hammer Vanguard rolled his eyes at the other party and unconsciously tightened his weapon in his hand: "Could there be ghosts here?"

"I heard that the demon god here died unwillingly, which caused the current scene. Maybe there are still some resentful souls left..."

"Don't... don't say it..."

The fat water gun heavy guard who had no idea at first shuddered instantly and retreated several steps in fear.

At the same time, among the three people who were secretly eavesdropping in the corner, there was also a little guy who was shrinking in fear.

"Traveler, do you think this is true?" Paimon asked in a low voice, pulling the traveler's sleeve.

It looked around in fear.

Fearing that some strange ghosts and resentments would really run out in the next second.

However, before the traveler could answer, Paimon suddenly felt a chill behind him, as if something was gently caressing his back.

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