"Ah - there's a ghost! Traveler - save me!"

Suddenly a scream rang out.

Paimon flew to the other side in fear, hiding behind Su Ze, holding his arm tightly, staring at the position just now.

A blooming windmill chrysanthemum was swaying in the wind, as if laughing at Paimon's fuss.

Traveler: "..."

Su Ze: "..."

Paimon: "..."

"Woo woo... I really felt it just now..."

Paimon let go of Su Ze's grip, and under the helpless gaze of the traveler, his voice of defense became smaller and smaller.

Fortunately, the two people present were already accustomed to the little guy's startled look.

After all, it was really afraid of ghosts.

"Who are you?"

The vanguard clenched the thunder hammer in his hand and looked at the three people who suddenly appeared with caution.

"They can't be..."

The timid guerrilla pointed at the three people in front of him in panic, and was interrupted by his companions before he finished speaking.

"Shut up, idiot. They are from Mondstadt, and they are on the same side as the Knights. They are not the resentful spirits of the devil. Wake up."

The Vanguard Army rolled their eyes at the guerrillas and winked at another companion, the fat man beside them.

The fat man immediately aimed his water gun at the three people in front of him, ready to attack at any time.

"Hey, you bad guys, what bad things are you trying to do here?"

"You'd better tell the truth, or you'll be beaten up by the Traveler and Su Ze."

Paimon crossed his arms and looked at the Fatui in front of him, snorting coldly, full of style.

He was no longer as timid as he was when he was afraid of ghosts just now.

"What a joke! You are a cowardly pet and you dare to speak so arrogantly and make me look bad." The Vanguard sneered and pointed at Su Ze and the Traveler in front of him without any hesitation. "A yellow-haired dwarf and a skinny pretty boy, I will hit them with one hammer."

Paimeng was furious when he heard the words "cowardly pet". "You...you are a big guy with strong limbs, an empty head, no aesthetics, and a purple body like a hook fruit. We don't even need to hit you with one hammer, we can directly send you to the sky!"

"People like you are best to be carried in a bucket, because garbage should be thrown into the trash can!"


It stomped its feet angrily, put its hands on its waist and attacked the three Fatui, using almost everything it could think of.

The speed of speech became faster and faster, and it was almost impossible to hear what Paimeng said at the end.

This operation directly confused the Fatui in front of him.

Do they still want to fight?

The musket guerrillas and the water gun heavy guards looked at each other, and both of them looked at the big boss vanguard in front of them.

The vanguard with a livid face opened his mouth, but because he couldn't find any curse words, he was sweating anxiously.

Paimon stopped cursing until his mouth was dry and looked at the guy with a red face opposite him, and suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

He felt much better physically and mentally.

The vanguard army was holding back their anger and yelled at the top of their lungs: "If you want to fight, just fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense? I don't understand a word of it."

"You can't understand such a simple thing. I didn't expect that the Fatui were all a bunch of fools."

Paimon smiled smugly and mocked: "You are really rude guys. You don't use your brains, but only use your strength."

"You are talking nonsense. We are not all fools."

The musket guerrillas couldn't listen any more. Soldiers can be killed but not humiliated. It's not okay to call the Fatui fools.

He directly retorted: "Our lady executive officer is beautiful, wise, and very smart!"

"She has fooled the Knights around, and even now you still have no way to deal with her."

"Yes, that's right." The fat water gun heavy guard nodded, "Our lady is very powerful."

"What's a lady? What's an executive officer? The one next to me is a famous traveler who is ready to travel around the world. He can drive the wind element without the Eye of God."

"Can your lady do it?"

Paimon shouted loudly in dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, the Gunner Guerrilla said disapprovingly: "What's the big deal? Our lady can switch between the two elemental powers of ice and fire. Can your traveler do it?"

"What's so great about that?" Paimon was so excited that he pointed at Su Ze and introduced: "The traveler can't do it, but there is this one."

"He has all kinds of treasures. There is nothing he can't do except what you can't think of."

"The wandering merchant who is famous all over Mondstadt, he can beat your lady with anything he takes out."

Just as Huoqiang was about to open his mouth to refute again, he was pulled by the fat Shuiqiang heavy guard beside him.

"What are you doing?"

"He is Su Ze!"

"What about Su Ze? Even if it is Su Ze, he is not as good as the lady!"

The Huoqiang guerrilla soldier struggled to break free from his companion's hand, stared at Paimeng, and then reacted to what he had just said.

"You just said that he... What's his name?"

"Su Ze."

"Is it the Su Ze in the rumor that no matter what the product is, no matter what the price is, you must buy it because it will change your life?"

"Yes! That's him. "

The musket guerrilla soldier stopped arguing and looked at Su Ze with a little more excitement and passion.

God knows how excited he was when he first heard the rumor.

He even dreamed about what he would do if he really met a wandering merchant one day.

"Mr. Su Ze... I don't know if it's you... May I ask what else you have in your hand now... No matter what it is... I'm willing to buy it!"

He was so excited that he was a little incoherent. He took off his purse in front of the others present, and turned out all the valuables from his body.

"Do you think this money is enough? "

A gemstone necklace with charming luster, a heavy bag full of Mora, and a pocket watch that looks very delicate.

The appearance of these things immediately fascinated Paimon's eyes. He opened his mouth slightly and showed an envious expression.

Even his two companions were shocked by this move.

He usually looks stingy and has to think for a long time before inviting people to dinner. He doesn't like socializing or socializing.

But now he is so generous.

I never expected it.

"If this is not enough, I can go back and get more."

The musket guerrilla soldier stared at Su Ze seriously, looking forward to his answer.

"You are crazy. You spend so much money to buy something you don't know what it is." The vanguard pulled the sleeve of the musket guerrilla soldier and persuaded him in a low voice: "How can you believe all the rumors? Most of them are exaggerated."

"You don't understand. I have to try it. "

The musket guerrilla soldier shook his head firmly. He had been prepared since the day he heard the rumor.

Even if he hadn't met this time, he would take advantage of the time he was still in Mond to find Su Ze and ask him to trade.

"Have you thought about it? Can you do anything?"


"But there is one thing I want to remind you. Some trading items are only for your own use. If you fight like this, you can't trade them to others for use."

Su Ze glanced at the person in front of him thoughtfully and reminded him.

"Can't give it to others? "

This sentence was like a bucket of ice that extinguished the flames of hope in the heart of the musket guerrilla soldier, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face.

The other party's expression also confirmed Su Ze's guess.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who will pay for something without asking the price or looking at the item.

The first kind is the person who is full of confidence, has a sure win, and feels profitable.

The second kind is for the person or thing that is most cherished and cared about in the heart, at any cost.

And the person in front of him belongs to the second kind.

The scene fell into silence for a while. Looking at the pale face and shaky body of the musket guerrilla soldier, no one spoke.

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