The festival was a big success, and the people of the city were very happy.

“…riding a flower-covered float and walking through every street in the Grand Bazaar.”

“There are many other celebrations. You all came at the right time. The Flower God’s Birthday Festival will be held soon, and the Grand Bazaar will be very lively at that time!”

Nilu, a dancer at Zubair Theater, is a warm and cheerful girl outside the stage. She has a very good relationship with Wendy during this period.

Nilu can hear the vast sky and the boundless sea from Wendy’s singing, as if she can see the wind called freedom blowing through every corner of the world.

Visitors are guests.

For several days, Nilu took a few people to visit the Grand Bazaar and Xumi City, explaining the customs and practices of Xumi.

"Nilu, what I'm concerned about is, um, if a Xumi person dies, what will be the procedures and customs?"


Delixi couldn't help laughing, while Nilu was caught off guard by the quirky girl's question.

"From a universal point of view, Master, we should now..."

"Guest Zhongli, come on, we are not here for a public trip! Always keep your work in mind, and don't forget that I am still here with you!"


Yes, Morax, who was once a powerful figure in Liyue and known as the God of War, was manipulated by a girl with plum blossom pupils.

This world is so wonderful, isn't it?

It's boring to stay in that silver world of ice and snow all day, with only a few people tossing and turning in the empty hall!

Delixi thought so.

Could it be that Morax is playing some cosplay or role-playing game?

If mortal life is fun, it's worth a try.

Intentionally or unintentionally, I will pay more attention to the figure walking slightly ahead.

The Thunder God of Inazuma is much colder than expected!

I don't know how Rosaline executed her plan in Inazuma.

It doesn't seem that the Heart of God can be handed over easily. It seems that it is getting harder and harder for the Wind God and the Rock God to get the Heart of God!

But so what?

During a casual chat, Delixi showed an unusual interest in the Sword of Damocles mentioned by Qin Yu.

The Nail of Punishment is so similar to the Sword of Damocles that may fall at any time!

Isn't it the same for the ancient country of Fendniel in the snowy mountains and the underground civilization of Kanreya?

Of course, there is also what I saw with my own eyes in the previous days. If it weren't for Qin Yu, I'm afraid there would be many more Hill people on the continent, right?

Walking at the end of the crowd, Delixi stared at the three people in front of her, wondering what these guys who have lived for hundreds and thousands of years would think when facing the sudden fall of the nail of judgment one day in the future.

After a moment, Delixi suddenly wanted to laugh.

Why bother?

It's not her own country, so why should she worry about the gods' own plans.

"The guards seem to be particularly nervous in recent days!"

"Well, yes, you may not have heard that recently a man who calls himself the Desert King appeared in the desert and integrated all the tribes and the Gilded Brigade.

Even the Aru Village chose to surrender. Maybe it will break through the sand wall and capture Kawanyi."

Desert King?

Zhongli and Wendy looked at each other, saw each other's answer from each other's eyes, and smiled frequently.

They are all old friends for thousands of years, and their every move is in tacit cooperation.

"I heard from Mr. Zubair that the slogan of the Desert King was something like 'clear the court, save the grass god, overthrow the decree, kill the wise dog'."


Delhi couldn't help laughing any longer.

Wise dog?

This word does sound like something Qin Yu could say.

Lei Yingying realized that this word, which didn't seem to be from Teyvat, reminded her of a familiar guy.

The second person to enter her inner world.

To this day, Yixin Pure Land still has his place.

Did he come to the Xumi region to compete for the throne after Liyue?

Interesting guy!

As expected, it was Qin Yu's big move.

The four people, who had never communicated much with each other, already knew the true identity of the "Desert King".

Zhongli relied on analysis.

Wendy relied on the breeze.

Lei Shen understood Qin Yu.

Delihi had just returned from the desert.

On the other hand, Hu Tao and Bei Dou seemed to be much more innocent, and they often marveled at the wonderful customs and people of Xumi.

At night.

The Grand Bazaar was empty.

Xumi City is a city without dreams.

What is a dream?

It is a concept that only exists in books, and the explanation of the void is illusory.

Are dreams useful?

Those who have never had dreams naturally cannot know the wonders of dreams.

Four people, each wearing a void.

None of them wore a void.

Even the void in full power may not be able to carry the consciousness of the four gods, not to mention that the one who controls the void now is the weak Little Auspicious Grass King.

"The wind tonight is very noisy."

"Only the noisy wind can blow away the dust that has accumulated for many years, right?"

"You two, I am very pleased to see you again today after parting in Liyue."

"Hahaha, this seriousness is quite interesting!"

After the previous meeting in Liyue, Wendy Zhongli and the three shadow gods need not say much, and the purpose of their simultaneous appearance is well known to each other.

They are waiting.

Gods from a distant cold country.

"Good evening, all three of you."

Delich came in the moonlight.

Same body, same face, two completely different personalities during the day and night?

Four gods from foreign countries met in Xumi, but the gods of Xumi were absent.

"Young gods who are still in their growth period? Hahaha, this is very Xumi!"

"A group of arrogant people who want to spy on the divine realm is naturally the fault of the gods."

"In terms of universal rationality, such a way of governance can be used as a reference."

What's the matter with the three of you making such sarcastic remarks~

Under the leadership of Wendy, the style of the painting seems to be gradually deviating. Delixi sneered at the grass god she had never met, "If the barking of the dog exceeds that of the owner, what's the point of keeping it?"

As expected of a god from a cold land, one sentence instantly cooled down the scene that had just warmed up.

Wendy narrowed her eyes, changed the subject, and said jokingly: "Last time in the Knights of Favonius, it was really thanks to your subordinates who took good care of me~"

The moonlight dispelled the haze, revealing Zhongli's face, thoughtful. "

"It's her. She is still a little impatient after living for hundreds of years, but she is still a person who abides by the contract. "


"Oh, you are talking about her."

Lei Yingying said casually: "First she was defeated by the traveler, and then she barked in front of me like a defeated dog. Was it because of your indulgence?"

My heart skipped a beat.

Delich heard a hint of danger in Lei Yingying's words. Could the diplomat she personally appointed have met with an accident?

"Then what? "

"The sky is bright for a moment, and the illusion of the world remains the same for thousands of years. How can I let the defeated dog bark? "

"I cut it. "

These three short words made Delixi a little confused.

One of the executive officers, just gone like that?

"Oh, she wanted to challenge him to a duel in front of the emperor, but my subordinates will not duel with a guy who has lost his home."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"She is not dead."


Wendy laughed.

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