The soldiers stationed in Aru Village.

They lure but do not move, wait but do not attack.

After understanding the "gentle" tactics of Candice, the guardian of Aru Village, the warriors of many desert tribes became obedient like children.

The defense of Xumi is mainly composed of the [30-man group]. Facing the desert tribes with the same roots, they are inherently weak, not to mention that their numbers are far greater than theirs.

The soldiers stationed in Kawanyi live in extreme despair every day, and are ready to surrender at the slightest sign of trouble.

Heavy troops are pressing in.

Facing a war that is bound to be lost, resistance seems to become a meaningless sacrifice.

Why lose your life in vain for a mere Mora?

What's more, he died at the hands of his own people.

In the Order House, Azar was extremely anxious.

On the one hand, many people in Xumi City had chosen to take off the Void Terminal because the Void had asked many questions but could not answer them.

Since the last experiment of dream reincarnation, the plan of dreaming in dreams was rejected due to low utilization rate.

Simply and crudely using the dreams of everyone wearing the Void Terminal for research, as long as there are enough people, it is entirely possible to achieve a utilization rate of more than 90%.

The news from the desert has become insignificant at this moment.

The canned knowledge of the gods is already in hand.

Whenever Azar thought of this, he was very happy.

A mere clerk thought he could predict the actions of the great sage.

Little did he know that under the analysis of the Void, every move was exposed!

If a group of ants always want to make trouble, how can the plan go smoothly?

These ants cannot be eliminated.

After being eliminated, this great plan will lose such a competent audience!

It is better to let them think that they have stolen what they want.

You thought this move was on the second floor.

Little did you know that my great sage Azar is already on the eighth floor!

The power of the false god's heart has been filled and is close to perfection, and the body that carries the wisdom of the god is also ready.

Once the new god comes, the situation will be reversed!

There is no doubt that Azar and his people are desperate and betting everything on the new god who is about to be born.

"Lord Azar, regarding the travelers from other places living in the city, do they also need to wear the Void and become the helpers of our great plan?"

"Haha, it is their honor to contribute to the birth of the new god!"

Azar stroked his gray beard with pride and asked:

"This time, we must succeed. Open the authority of the Void to the maximum and the transmission speed to the maximum!"

"By the way, everyone living in Xumi City must wear the Void!"

Touching the Void on her head, Wendy looked in the mirror and felt like she was wearing a pretty good-looking ornament.

Lei Yingying and Delisi, dressed in a gilded brigade outfit, also match the Void very well.

Except Zhongli.

Wearing a Liyue dress, she is elegant yet casual, noble and down-to-earth.

There is a Void ornament on her head, which is neither fish nor fowl.

However, the soldiers demanded that everyone must wear the Void in a tough attitude.

The Flower God’s Birthday Festival is the grandest event in the Grand Bazaar. Under the intervention of the Order of the Church, Zubair, Nilu and others try to make every birthday festival event interesting.

Eris, the Knight of Flowers, dressed in her best clothes, surrounded by the pilgrims, and her laughter spread throughout the Grand Bazaar.

It was late at night.

Everything was silent.

The people in Xumi City fell asleep one by one.

The cycle of dreams, start!

With all permissions turned on to the maximum, the Void Terminal presents a terrifying situation of not rejecting anyone, but anyone wearing the Void Terminal will be included in the dream.


The boy holding a harp appeared at the top of the treetops, overlooking the entire Xumi City.

The blue sky is clear and the white clouds are leisurely.

Everything is so real.

However, it did not reach the truth after all.

The wind will tell the answer.

The free wind will blow to any corner of this world, even the so-called windless zone, the Ember Sea, where the wind elves live.

The wind here is silent.

Because there are boundaries.

The wind living in the cage will not have any desire to express itself.

"A dream cage that restrains everyone?"

Wendy laughed, so happily.

The long-lost memory was opened again. It was Mondstadt under the rule of the lonely king of the tower. High walls were built to isolate the strong wind, and outside the high walls were continuous snow-capped mountains.

Birds in cages, happiness is not freedom.

High walls

The wind inside, only cries and wails.

Now, how similar it is to that time!

"Well, although it is in your country, it seems that I am also involved! Hehe, things are moving towards an interesting direction!"

The singer from the Land of Wind gently plucked the strings, and the free notes were transmitted into the wind. A pool of stagnant water was stirred and boiled in an instant, and the vigorous wind in the sky rushed to the border.

The wind is invisible and visible!

The barrier of the void is invisible and visible.

Under the whip of the wind, cracks gradually appeared.

"You are really a good god!"

"I don't want to be like this."

A voice came into his ears, and Wendy said nothing more, and continued to play quietly.

There is a Land of Wind in Mondstadt, which is said to be the origin of wind.

Vanessa, the first Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, also waited for Sky Island in the Land of Wind.

However, countless whistling winds know an indisputable fact: where there are young people, there is the hometown of wind!

"Guest Zhongli, you are being lazy again!"

The girl pulled Zhongli into the crowd again. Such an important festival is also a great opportunity to promote new ideas.

The idea of ​​sending off is promoted at the Flower God Festival.

It cannot be said to be a genius idea, but a genius idea.

Wearing the void, Zhongli looked at the pedestrians coming and going, thinking for a while, and a helpless smile appeared on his face.

If he guessed correctly, that guy should also be forcibly included in this collective dream.

It can be confirmed that this is not his dream.

Or, what will his dream be used for?

Zhongli shook his head. He hasn't been so relaxed for a long time!

The wear and tear of endless years is not only reflected in one aspect. Many factors such as memory, temperament, dreams, strength, etc. will change with time.

As an ordinary person, can we live without the scope of God?

What a joke!

The wear and tear of dreams will gradually erode the mind, and the illusory dreams and long-lost memories will be intertwined and entangled, and finally become a part of the wear and tear.

Living longer means that the wear and tear is equally serious!

The old friends are gone, the demons rise up, the heroes fight, and they are deceitful.

Occasionally there are beautiful memories, which are precious, but not too many.

Few means that they are most easily worn and eroded.

"Is this the dream of a normal person?"

This is the first time that Zhongli has entered a normal dream, which is filled with festive atmosphere. Everyone lives happily without worrying about the loss brought by the passage of time.

Because you will lose yourself.

Maybe this is the happiness of a short life?

Zhongli looked at the girl who was holding his hand and running in the crowd. Decades later, will I also be able to attend your funeral and witness your descendants become the 78th generation of the master of the Hall of Rebirth?

Or, will you hold a funeral for me one day?

Well, endless dream reincarnation?

It's rare to have such a relaxing leisure time, why not experience it?

At the same time, in the Church Order, a scholar was twitching all over, his mouth and eyes were crooked, and he was foaming at the mouth. It was obvious that he had received some stimulation.

"What happened to them?"

"I don't know! I just entered a dream and then became like this!"

The scholar next to him said so.

"I don't believe it. How terrible can a human dream be? It's not a god!"

The man didn't care and even chose to enter the dream himself to find out the truth.

"A bunch of cowards!"

In an instant, the perspective suddenly became unusually wide.

Just like an ant making a sound, countless humans turned around and showed a hideous smile, and the idea of ​​almost despairing to the point of wanting to end their lives directly filled their hearts.

What a terrible dream this must be!

What kind of heart should a person with such a dream have?

While thinking, a big hand gently held it in its hand, just like a grain of rice being held between fingers.

A little force will kill life.

Those with crooked mouth and eyes and foaming at the mouth, +1.

Is this another reincarnation?

Undoubtedly, if we look at the number of reincarnation experiences, I am afraid that among all the gods, only Ying has the most experience.

In the pure land of one heart, while avoiding wear and tear, he draws a line for himself and sticks to his own ways.

The reincarnation of the years comes again and again.

Later, he fought endlessly with Qin Yu's will in the long river of time, and finally reached a reconciliation.

What is reincarnation?

The loop of rotation.

Going around, it will be another circle.

After countless repetitions, Ying has no interest in the reincarnation of dreams.

In the process of repetition, the so-called boundaries are ignored


Once, after the end, Ying chose to close her eyes and start a new dream cycle again.

However, this time, she did not want to repeat the cycle again.

The skylight was a moment, and the world remained eternal for thousands of years.

The trajectory of reincarnation had been broken as early as that time.

Years have cycles, is there a return?

If there is a return, it means that the loss will come again.

Why do we need a return!

This is Ying's answer.

After avoiding, there is stagnation. In addition to fear of emptiness, the loss will also be staged again.

Only by moving forward can we avoid the cycle of years and avoid the pain of loss.

The boundary of dream reincarnation?

The birdcage shackles called Xumi City?

Imprisoning gods, don't you think it's a bit bold?

Lei Film wanted to laugh.

The country that claims to be wise, but what it does is contrary to the word wisdom.

As long as he is a normal person with a brain, he will not consider such a fantastic idea as imprisoning gods.

He is still too young.

At the gate of Xumi City, Lei Yingying went straight away from Xumi City.

At a certain moment, she touched the barrier of reincarnation.

"No thoughts, cut off!"

The knife that shatters the light of the sky can also break all kinds of illusions!

Humble and weak ants.

Do you think that other gods are the same as the weak and ignorant grass gods who are manipulated by others?

Ignorance and weakness are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.

Being in a dream that is so ordinary that it cannot be more ordinary, Delixi even wants to laugh.

Standing in the permafrost, the white ice can be called the purest and flawless thing in the world.

When Delixi found that she was also in the dream woven by the void, she couldn't stop laughing.

Then, her face was cold.

The perpetual cold can freeze everything, visible and invisible, even the flow of time!

Just a small dream.


It seems that the Heart of the Grass God has not been obtained yet!

In this case, Delixi had no choice but to smile bitterly. It is better to play along than to lose everything, right?

The endless power was extracted until it could no longer support the petite body.


Gods also have weak moments.

When the Great Compassion Tree King took this branch from the World Tree, the alternation between the new god and the old god had officially begun.

Nashida didn't understand.

Why do people who claim to pursue wisdom hope to gain wisdom from her mouth?

Shouldn't wisdom be obtained by oneself?

She was still young and didn't understand that in addition to guidance and protection, the accusations of the gods should have other contents?

The upper and lower channels continuously absorbed power.

Just as wisdom never ceases, the wise gods will never cease to believe.

Power will also be endless.

"The cycle of dreams chooses to pull four gods into it. Traveler, where are you at this moment?"

In Nashida's memory, there are two people who are really willing to resist.

The first one almost destroyed the House of Orders directly, but was stopped by her.

The second person broke the infinite dream cycle of dreams in dreams with her help, and may be trying to save her at this time.

When more and more malice is accompanied by overstepping words and deeds, the young god who is still in the growth stage knows his narrowness.

It is clearly a wisdom that everyone understands, but she only realized it at this juncture.

What is love?

What is wisdom?

Can violence be considered wisdom?

The wisdom that Nashida understands is too peaceful and narrow. The wisdom constrained by the cloak of peace has lost its original power.

Can't hunting prey be called the wisdom of hunters?

God guides and protects his people.

Similarly, appropriate violence is indispensable to demonstrate the power of divinity.

Unfortunately, this wisdom was acquired a little too late.

A turning point has appeared.

Foreign travelers and golden flashes.

The four gods show their respective powers in the dream cycle.

The reincarnation of the flower god's birthday festival is a birth ceremony and a precursor to destruction.

The young god who chose to spend a long time in this energy-absorbing container faces the gods and humans for the first time.

"Welcome to growth, Nashida."


Hoohoo, two more chapters are sent, the number of words remains unchanged.

Good night~

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