After the flute was destroyed, the strong man continued to beat the boy for a while and then left cursing.

"Damn the guards, all the money I won is gone!

If I know who reported it, I will break his legs!"

The drunken strong man left, and didn't care about the boy lying on the ground twitching.

The moonlight sprinkled on the land and on the boy.

The boy didn't say much, but curled up his body, but twitched all over because he moved and touched the wound.

The boy's body was full of bruises and wounds all over his body.

The boy could feel the severe pain all over his body.

But the boy still endured the pain and slowly crawled to the place where the middle-aged man had just stood.

The boy picked up the flute that was broken into two pieces on the ground and held it tightly in his arms.

Since he was beaten just now, the boy had never shed tears.

But at this moment, he cried while holding the broken flute in his arms, and tears kept falling.

It seemed that what he was holding was not a flute, but a friend who had passed away.

For the boy, it was not only his flute that was broken, but also his dream.

From tomorrow, he will be forced by his father to go to the fields to farm.

His father is an alcoholic and also loves gambling.

This made the family poor and even his mother ran away from home because she couldn't stand his father.

Originally, the boy wanted to leave with his mother, but his mother disliked him as a useless burden and finally threw him to his father.

The boy endured it every day. Every time his father drank or lost money in gambling, he would take it out on him. After a long time, he got used to it.

Whenever his father took it out on him and he was covered in wounds, the boy would find a corner where no one was and play his music alone to relieve himself.

The boy stared blankly at the flute that was broken in two pieces in his hand and tried to put it together.

Unfortunately, it was useless and the broken flute was completely destroyed.

The boy held the flute tightly and shed tears silently.

"Is it really useless?

My music...

Is it really not liked by anyone?


Is it necessary to persist?"

The night wind blew the boy's figure, and when the cold wind blew on the wound, there was always a stinging pain.

The boy did not dare to go home, fearing that he would be greeted by another beating.

Wendy's eyes were full of heartache, and she slowly walked to the boy's side, and a green light also lit up on her hand.

The originally cold wind became warm without knowing when.

The boy's painful wound began to be gradually covered by the blue light and slowly healed.

A gentle voice suddenly came to the boy's ears.

"The wind is always there...

The wind is always listening to your music...

Even if you lose your instrument, you still have your own singing.

A bard relies on more than just instruments!"

When he heard this strange voice, the boy slowly raised his head.

The boy looked at the figure in front of him that looked exactly like him.

Although the face was the same, the boy could feel a warmth from the figure in front of him.

Feeling a sense of confidence, the temperament on his body was also completely different.

The boy looked at Wendy in front of him with confused eyes. The warm feeling and the gentle wind came from the figure in front of him.

"Who are you..."

Wendy smiled softly. At this moment, Wendy no longer looked improper, and her voice was very soft.

"I am the wind...

I have always been your most loyal listener...


Please don't give up your dream..."

"Do you really think my music is good?"

The boy's voice was full of expectations, and there was a light in his eyes, which was the light of hope!

Wendy smiled gently, and her hands were still standing, emitting a green light.

"Of course!


Keep pursuing your dreams!

Become the most famous bard in Mondstadt!

The wind...

Always there!"

While being wrapped in the warm wind, the boy's wounds slowly healed.

The boy smiled and nodded gently to Wendy in front of him.

"Thank you!

Kind stranger!

Although I don't know who you are, you are the first person who said my music is good.

I will

Keep going, and pursue my dream!"

The boy waved goodbye to Wendy with a smile on his face.

Wendy also waved gently with a smile on her face.

But when the boy walked away, the smile on Wendy's face slowly faded.

Wendy looked at the boy's leaving figure with complicated eyes, and then looked up at the moonlight shining down from the sky, and sighed softly

"I finally...

I still took action..."

According to Wendy's memory, The boy will have a turning point in his life tonight.

As a listener of the boy, I could only watch the scene happen quietly.

But now I have the opportunity to tell him what I want to say.

Although I don’t know if this can change the boy’s future life.

But Wendy has no regrets, and the voice she wants to confide in.

The voice she wants to convey to the boy has been conveyed by Wendy.


Try to move forward towards your dream!


I’ve been listening to your singing…

(Character Theater

The character that will appear this time is: Wendy

Wendy: “Hey! Is it finally my turn?”

Reader: “Wendy, did you want to become a bard because of the influence of that boy?”

Wendy: “This…

Although this is indeed part of the reason, I also like music very much.

In the past, present, and future, there is no music that I don’t know.”

Reader: “Wendy, I wonder what you think of Anna’s hangover soup?”

Wendy: “Terrible ! Very scary!

Although I don't know what happened at that time, I can feel it.

Every time I hear the three words "hangover soup", my mouth will be bitter. "

Reader: "Wendy, if I give you a room full of wine, can you dress up as a woman?"

Wendy: "Hey! Of course!"

Reader: "Don't you care?"

Wendy: "Why should I care? I am a god, and I am the wind.

How can the wind care about appearance?"

Reader: "..."

Wendy: "Why Not talking? If there isn't so much wine, 10 bottles will do. "

Reader: "..."

Wendy: "5 bottles...


Three bottles can't be less!"

Reader: "Deal!"

(6000 words of Wendy's women's clothing content omitted here)



The author is asking for a small gift.

Come on to generate some love.

The author's income depends on this.

Wendy in women's clothing: "Hey, I'm asking for a little gift too

to generate some love."


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