The scene became blurry again, and Wendy slowly raised her hand.

The cyan energy gathered in it, gradually forming a beam of light.

Wendy slowly plucked the strings and played the familiar melody.

The clear and familiar music sounded again, and the familiar melody resounded around Wendy.

"In the past, present, and future, there is no ballad that I don't know.

But the song that impressed me the most is still the song I heard from him.

Fly, fly.

Just like a bird, see the world for me.

Fly to the sky for me..."

After the song was finished, Wendy slowly opened his eyes.

Wendy looked ahead and whispered to himself. Not far ahead appeared Mondstadt.


The hero's poem is finally about to enter the chapter of the decisive battle!"

Wendy slowly put away the organ and walked forward step by step.

As Wendy moved forward, a breeze also blew, and Wendy moved forward together.

Wendy walked slowly like a wandering poet, with some expectations in his eyes.

He does not exist, but he is everywhere.

He is a soul yearning for freedom and the courage to chase the wind.

People will come together because of a common will.

What led you and me to meet must be the wind of freedom.

He came from the end of the journey, from the edge of the world.

From your heart and mine, never stopping.

Wendy continued to walk, and the world behind him was constantly breaking.

The beautiful music also spread farther in the air with the breeze.

Under the city of Mondstadt, the guards are united together, and the knights are guarding the people behind them.

Outside, the abyss invades, and more and more monsters gather outside the city, constantly attacking the city.

People are afraid and flee in panic.

The knights hold their swords and fight bravely, and they never stop their blades even if their companions fall.

People who have smooth sailing will not understand its value.

But when you are in a desperate situation...

Courage is the only light that makes you fight and get out of the desperate situation.

The boy stood on the high wall of Mondstadt, and countless knights were fighting desperately below.

The sound of swords colliding, blood splashing, and the smell of blood filled the field.

The boy looked at the scene in front of him in horror, but when a monster came in front of the boy and raised his weapon.

The boy finally stood up, courageously pounced forward, and pushed the monster off the wall.

The young man panted violently, and was extremely scared in his heart, looking at the people fighting bloody below.

The monsters were constantly approaching, and more and more deaths were occurring.

As his companions around him continued to die in battle, fear filled the hearts of every knight.

The situation became more and more critical, and the young man stood above with an anxious face, wanting to do something.

And what was he best at?

It was singing...

Finally, the young man took a deep breath slowly, and then slowly started to sing.

A song of unyielding resistance echoed in the air.

This sudden song attracted the attention of everyone around.

People cast their eyes on the city wall and on the young man.

The young man's singing seemed to carry some kind of power, which made the knights feel unyielding!

As the young man's singing sounded, a breeze began to gradually blow over the land and over the battlefield.

The battle line was stabilized, and the knights became more heroic. Everyone united together to fight against the enemy.

Even if the body was broken, we must fight bravely!

Fight on the battlefield until the last moment!

Even if the last drop of blood is shed!

The boy also became a sign of the enemy's attack, and dozens of arrows were shot at the boy.

Facing the incoming arrows, the boy bravely dodged, but was hit by several arrows after all.

Even if he was hit by several arrows, the blood kept flowing, and the stinging feeling kept coming from the wound.

The boy still endured the pain and sang the encouraging music.

The situation was slowly improving, but the boy's injuries were getting worse.

Standing in the sun will surely make you a hero!

At this moment, a beam of slanting light shone on the boy, illuminating his face and shining into people's hope.

Many people stared at the boy's appearance blankly, just the person they once looked down on.

The one who wanted

The civilians who became bards shone their own light at this moment, and also contributed their own strength with their own songs.

At this moment, no one laughed at him anymore, and no one frowned and scolded him anymore.

The drunken strong man also saw the figure illuminated by the sun on the city wall.

When he was attacked by the monster just now, a monster suddenly fell from above and crushed the monster in front of him to death.

When the strong man looked up, he could only see a shadow.

But he could also see a thin figure at that position.

But the strong man never thought that the figure was actually his son.

The son who had always been despised and beaten by him.

The strong man stared blankly at the figure on the city wall,

"It turns out...

That light of hope...

is my son..."

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