The old man was very happy, but he was not happy.

Tianyun looked at the Coral Palace Heart Sea in front of him and spoke slowly

"Get ready, bring the core team, and we will go to Xumi together!"

What Tianyun didn't expect was that Coral Palace Heart Sea slowly shook his head and said softly

"The will of every living being deserves respect, just like the fish swimming in the sea, they also have their own direction.

I can only decide my own choice, as for others, I can't force it."

After hearing this, Tianyun's face darkened instantly, squinting his eyes, looking at the Coral Palace Heart Sea in front of him, who seemed to be indifferent, and secretly said in his heart

It is indeed the Coral Palace Heart Sea, and it is definitely not a meal!

However, Tianyun was not surprised. As the leader of the rebels, if he didn't have a brain, Tianyun would be really disappointed.

In the end, Tianyun still followed what Coral Palace Xinhai said and asked some leaders. Among them, only 1/3 were willing to continue to follow to Xumi.

Seeing this situation, Xinhai was originally worried that the grass god in front of him would be angry and take them all away by force.

Unexpectedly, the grass god just smiled and agreed.

In his heart, he also had some good feelings for the little girl in front of him, who looked very young.

Tianyun didn't think so much. Those who were willing to go must have strong beliefs, and they could be said to be elites.

Tianyun would not force those who didn't want to go, after all, their home was here and not in Xumi!

Tianyun didn't think that they would fight for him just by his words.

Teaching experience, as long as a small number of elites are enough.

After everything was prepared, Tianyun asked Lei Shen for some ships to carry the members of the rebels.

When Tian Yun stood on the boat and saw that the boat was already full of supplies and personnel, he smiled, waved his hand slowly, and issued an order.

Let's go!

The fleet slowly left the port and headed towards Xumi.


On the square in the countryside, a man was tied up and covered with bloodstains from being whipped.

There was a large group of people around, and in the center of the square stood four or five servants, who surrounded a man in gorgeous clothes.

The man held a whip in his hand and kept whipping the man in front of him, shouting loudly with a face full of anger

"Did you see it?

This is the end of traitorous rebellion!

Who among you has joined the rebels!

You'd better stand up now, otherwise your whole family will die once I ask!"

The landlord in gorgeous clothes looked up and looked around at the people in the square. The people below, who were in tattered clothes and thin bodies, slowly lowered their heads and dared not look directly into the landlord's eyes.

The landlord took a light bite, then whipped the bloodstained man in front of him with the whip in his hand, his face full of anger.

"Tell me! Who is your accomplice!

Tell me and I'll give you a quick death!"

The man tied with ropes was whipped continuously, his body twitched uncontrollably, his face was full of pain, but he endured it and didn't make a sound.

The man's eyes were full of determination, looking at the arrogant landlord in front of him with hatred, and suddenly accumulated a mouthful of bloody phlegm and spit it at the landlord!

The landlord, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, was sprayed in the face in time to dodge, and endless anger surged from his heart

"How dare you dirty my clothes!


I will kill you!"

The landlord pulled out the servant next to him, and when he was about to chop down with the scimitar on his waist, he stopped and sneered on his face

"Do you think I will kill you so easily?

Come on! Bring up the special water!"

A servant next to him immediately ran to the distance and brought a basin of red water with a water scoop in it.

The landlord, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, had a grim smile on his face, picked up the water scoop, and poured it directly on the man.

The man who had been enduring the pain and had not cried out for a long time let out a painful wail at this moment!

The landlord laughed after seeing this scene, and scooped out another bucket of water and poured it on the man.

"This is a mixture of special pepper water and salt water. Today I will make you live a life worse than death!!!"

On the platform in the square, the man wailed in pain, but did not beg for mercy, still holding on tightly.

The people watching below the platform were numb in their eyes, obviously because they had seen this many times.

In the crowd below, the man's companion just held the

Fist, but did not kill the landlord.

The green communication device beside the landlord's ear is connected to the Xumi network.

Before killing him, the landlord will send a message that there are rebels, and the news will spread. What awaits them is the massacre of the village!

As long as there is a rebellion in one place, the whole village will be massacred.

How can the grassroots people who are powerless and hungry be the opponents of those regular troops with strong hands and feet and sophisticated weapons and equipment?

Under the oppression of such an extreme situation, small-scale resistance will be suppressed quickly, and those failed resistances.

And the case that caused the whole village to be bloodbathed also made other people dare not act in advance, nor dare to act privately!

Everyone was quiet, waiting for the arrival of the Flower God's birthday, waiting for that day!

The man on the stage seemed to be unable to bear the pain, and finally said, "I say! I say!"

The landlord heard the man in front of him begging for mercy, slowly stopped his actions, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

"That's right, tell me who your accomplice is!"

"Come closer and I'll tell you!"

The landlord moved closer, and the man opened his mouth weakly.

The landlord couldn't hear clearly, so he moved closer, but still couldn't hear clearly.

Finally, he stood next to the man. In the landlord's opinion, the man was tied up, so how could he hurt himself?

When the landlord put his ear close to a certain extent, the man suddenly opened his mouth and bit the landlord's ear.

He bit off the landlord's ear, along with the green connector on it.

The landlord suddenly fell to the ground, covered his ears and cried, tears could not stop flowing, and red blood kept flowing from his ears.


My ear! My ear!

Damn bitch, I'm going to kill you!

I'm going to kill you!"

After the man bit off the landlord's ear, he suddenly shouted

"Now! Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the rebels who were lurking in the crowd instantly stood up and rushed towards the servants with weapons.

The two sides fought together, and the situation was very chaotic.

But soon the rebels fell into a disadvantage. They were hungry and their weapons were not as good as those of the servants. It was reasonable for them to fall into a disadvantage.

The man tied to the stage was extremely anxious after seeing this scene.

Looking at the still numb crowd in the distance, he felt sad and couldn't help but roared.

"What are you waiting for!

Hasn't it been enough to be oppressed?

When the landlords killed the rebels, you kept silent, because you were not rebels!

When the landlords killed the elderly, you kept silent, because you were not elderly!

When the landlords tortured and killed women, you kept silent, because you were not women!

When the landlords killed children, you kept silent, because you were not children!

When the landlords want to kill you, no one will stand up to speak for you, because those people are dead!

People in the dark!

Numb people!

Don't kneel anymore!

Stand up!

Get up!

People who don't want to be slaves!

Let us be upright and honest people!!!"

The man let out a heartbreaking roar, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked at the crowd below with anger.

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