The scene fell into a brief silence, listening to the roar of disappointment.

Someone in the crowd moved!

A young man of seventeen or eighteen picked up the hoe on the ground, and rushed towards the servants who were fighting with the rebels with determination in his eyes.

As one person moved, others followed suit, some holding brooms, some holding bamboo poles, and some holding farm tools and rushing towards the servants!

There was anger on people's faces, and deep hatred on their faces.

Even the lowest people yearn for light!

If possible, who would want to be a slave?

With the addition of a large number of people, the rebels who were originally retreating step by step soon gained the upper hand, and those servants slowly fell to the ground in the crowd's mess!

After dealing with those servants, a large group of ragged, staggering, skinny people.

All slowly surrounded the landlord, with unkind faces and weapons in their hands as if they were about to fall at any time.

The landlord, dressed gorgeously, looked at the group of people with ferocious eyes in front of him with horror, covered his bleeding ears, crawled back on the ground, and threatened with a trembling voice

"You can't kill me!

You can't kill me!

I am a human!

I am a person protected by Xumi's laws!

According to Xumi's laws!

If you kill me, you will die too!"

After hearing the words of the landlord, the people who had gathered stopped one after another, their eyes full of hesitation.

According to the laws of Xumi, killing a person is a very important crime, and slaves who kill their masters will be punished severely, and their three clans will be implicated!

While everyone was hesitating, the young man who stood up first, with a firm face, pulled out a scimitar from the servant who fell to the ground.

The young man Xinghuo slowly walked to the side of the landlord, chopped down with a knife, and the body was separated, and blood splattered.

After doing all this, Xinghuo slowly turned around and looked at the people behind him who were full of disbelief

"Since we have already resisted, do you think he will let us go if we stop?

I am afraid he will report it as soon as possible, and what awaits us at that time is the destruction of the whole village.

Now he has no time to send a message, and we have enough time to move and prepare. Killing him is the best result!"

After Xinghuo finished speaking, everyone present fell into silence. After a while, several strong men walked towards the fallen servants and ended their lives!

When everything was over, the crowd cheered loudly, and their faces were full of joy.

At this moment, the mountain that was pressing on them disappeared, and there was no more oppression from the landlords, and no more whips.

People could live more freely and comfortably, and no longer had to kneel down every day.

Not long after the crowd cheered, several middle-aged men who had joined the resistance army walked to the man who roared at the beginning.

The leading man called the man's name softly

"Wu Si, Wu Si, wake up!"

However, the leading middle-aged man shouted for a long time, but Wu Si did not respond at all.

When he stretched out his hand to test the man's heartbeat, he found that Wu Si had lost his breath.

After feeling his brother's breathlessness, the leading man Dazhuang's tears instantly fell from his eyes, and he hugged Wusi tightly in front of him.

"Wusi! You are our brother. Because of our mistakes, you were caught by the hateful landlord.

Have a good journey, brother!

We will take your share with us on the road ahead.

May you enter the kingdom of the grass god."

The people who were cheering originally also felt the wing-shaped cheers here, and they all slowly lowered their heads, and many people began to shed tears!

Wusi was already dying from the torture of the landlord, and experienced such pain, but he had been holding on, and the final outbreak was the last ray of life.

Wusi left, with a smile on his face.

He saw the spirit of people's hearts towards light, and also saw the courage of people to move forward.

The people bowed their heads and cried softly, looking at Wusi, who was facing the sun with a smile on his face.

The tears filled his eyes and could not stop falling.

May Fourth is gone...

But his spirit lives on!

The young man Xinghuo looked at the man in front of him, who was covered in wounds but still had a smile on his face.

The smiling figure became more and more determined in his heart.

Xinghuo slowly raised his head and looked in the direction where the man was looking. That was where the Grass God held the Flower God Birthday Festival every year.

A group of green light spots in the sky slowly condensed in the sky.

A grass-attributed God's Eye fell on Xinghuo's hand!

Xinghuo stared at the God's Eye in his hand in a daze, then held the God's Eye in his hand tightly, raised it high, and shouted

"Grass God is watching us, we will definitely usher in light!"

The sun is shining in the sky, shining on people's faces and in people's hearts!

The people around looked at the young man in the middle with his arms raised high, looking at the God's Eye in his hand.

People's faces are no longer numb, and the light of hope blooms in their eyes, which is the yearning for a better life and the desire for a bright future.

A spark can also start a prairie fire!


Needs a new life!

After Tianyun arrived at Xumi, under the advice of Xinhai of the Coral Palace, everyone hid.

Some experienced rebels were also sent out to explore various news.

Although Tianyun was able to understand the situation in most areas of Xumi through the Grass God Eye.

However, for some very remote areas, he could not know everything.

The area that Tianyun could cover was not very large, but scattered everywhere.

This resulted in the information that Tianyun could perceive being scattered.

We can only know where the massacre happened and where people's lives were the most difficult, but Tianyun had no way to change these.

Those oppressed people had long been numb and lost their wishes.

Even if Tianyun wanted to give them the Eye of God, he could not do it. Those who had no wishes, even Tianyun could not force them!

The first thing Tianyun did when he returned to Xumi was to use the Grass God Eye.

Feeling the various situations in various places and sensing various information from the Church Order Institute, the result made Tianyun feel very bad.

The Order of the Lords re-elected the Great Elder and renamed him the Great Sage. Tianyun found that he looked so familiar.

It turned out to be the Great Sage in the original plot!

At this moment, Tianyun realized that he had been tricked by the doctor.

It was because Tianyun killed the original Great Elder that the Great Sage took the throne.

However, Tianyun knew that even if he did not kill the Great Elder, the Sage would still take the throne in the end.

The doctor would not allow obstacles to his plan to exist, and the final result would not change.

What a terrible doctor!

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