The doctor said hello to Tianyun with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Hi, Your Highness, the God of Grass!

Let me introduce myself!

I am the Doctor of the Fatui Executive!

Just call me Doctor!

All gods are worthy of respect, but it's a pity that you stand in the way of the great plan.

So I have to ask you to disappear."

"Just you?

Even the scattered soldiers were played by me, why do you think you can win?

Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Although Tianyun said this, he was alert in his heart.

Facing the Doctor, even Tianyun did not dare to be careless.

What Tianyun is doing now is to despise the enemy in tactics and take the enemy seriously in action.

The doctor clapped his hands gently after hearing Tianyun's words, with a calm smile on his face

"To be honest, I didn't believe what they said about the Lord Grass God having no wisdom from the beginning.

How can you become a god without wisdom, not to mention the Grass God who is known as the God of Knowledge and Wisdom!

Now it seems that you are the real God of Knowledge and Wisdom!

Maybe I underestimated you, but even if you have wisdom, you can't make any waves!

Do it!"

The doctor waved his hand gently, and the great sage behind the doctor walked to the front slowly with a strange machine in his hand.

Some people who followed behind also held the strange machine.

The machine is disc-shaped, with a suppressor, and is about the same size as a mobile phone.

There is also a virtual connection device on it, which is exactly the same as Xumi.

With the doctor's order, all the instruments started at this moment, and a strong interference energy instantly filled the field.

Tianyun could clearly feel the grass attribute around him, and the elemental force was being suppressed!

The flow of grass attribute energy became even lower, and even the green barrier that Tianyun had set up to cover the entire church began to flicker.

"What is this...!"

Tianyun could feel that something was wrong, and his body immediately flashed green light, and he wanted to run away.

But even the green light on his body was suppressed.

What on earth is this thing!

It can even suppress the grass elemental force.

Tianyun felt unbelievable, because this situation did not happen in the original book.

Tianyun looked around, at those who were operating strange instruments together.

Their faces were full of fanaticism, and the virtual instruments beside their ears were always on. It was obvious that they were controlled by the doctor!

Faced with this situation, Tianyun's face was a little ugly, although he could directly kill these innocent people and escape.

But Tianyun didn't think that the doctor would let him leave so easily.

Maybe there is some kind of camera somewhere, aiming at me. Once I kill these people, the news that the Grass God killed his people will spread all over Xumi, which will seriously damage the image of the Grass God. In fact, Tianyun guessed correctly. There was indeed a group of people in the dark using a video camera to record the scene. The doctor also clearly noticed that something was wrong with Tianyun's face. He smiled slightly and explained softly, "This is the grass attribute suppressor I prepared for you. After studying your divine heart, I found a special band and frequency. It can suppress the vitality of the grass attribute elemental force. Of course, if you want to suppress your power, it is far from enough to rely on the few on the scene. I have arranged 108 special devices in Xumi. They will emit high-frequency and high-intensity signals to suppress the grass attribute elemental force. Moreover, this signal is centered on all the people who are virtually connected to the instrument, and it resonates continuously. Under this degree of suppression, even the grass attribute divine power will be suppressed! As the grass god, you have lost the grass attribute elemental force. Even if you still have divine power, your strength will be great, not as good as before!" Tianyun fell into silence after listening to the doctor's words, knowing that what the doctor said was true. Whether it is Tianyun's fantasy power or the dream power of the grass god Nashida, they are ultimately driven by the grass attribute elemental power.

Once the grass attribute elemental power is suppressed, Tianyun will not be able to exert his original strength at all, and may only be able to exert 50% of his strength.

Let Tianyun have no

What I thought was that the doctor had developed this kind of instrument specifically for grass-attributed elements in order to deal with me.

He even put so much effort into setting up those devices throughout Xumi just to defeat me!

At this moment, the light column that originally trapped the entire teaching house also disappeared after flickering.

The soldiers in the training house found that the figure of Lei Shengying in front of them began to flicker and became more and more unstable.

After a while, it disappeared completely. When everything around reappeared, the soldiers found that the surroundings were not destroyed.

Everything seemed to be a dream, which made the soldiers a little confused, and at this time, the doctor's voice came to the soldiers' ears!

"Isn't it enough? Is it embarrassing?

Come out and help!"

After hearing the doctor's words, the soldiers were silent for a while.

Then they jumped and appeared in the square outside.

The tall mecha was on top, looking down at the little guy below!

When Sanbing saw the little grass god Nashida who had been fighting with him for a long time, he waved to him in a friendly manner and asked with a smile

"Is it fun to play with the shadow? You also met your mother, so you should be very happy!"

Sanbing's eyes were instantly covered with anger. He stared at the short figure below and said angrily

"It's you!

Everything just now was fake!

You are playing tricks on me!!!"

Sanbing felt something was wrong after hearing what the doctor said.

When he saw another little grass god Nashida outside, he understood it instantly.

The one who had been fighting with him inside was just a fake thing.

The real little grass god Nashida had been watching the fun outside, watching him get angry, watching him go crazy, and treating him like a monkey!

Thinking of this, Sanbing's anger in his heart could not stop burning.

When he was about to attack Tianyun, the doctor's voice came to his ears.

"Calm down! Sanbing!

Haven't you realized that he is just trying to provoke you?

Don't fall into his trap so easily!"

Sanbing stopped after hearing the doctor's voice, but his eyes were still fixed on the grass goddess Nashida as if he wanted to eat her.

The doctor was not surprised after seeing this scene. In fact, after turning on the energy suppressor.

The doctor did not take the next step, but waited for Tianyun's reaction.

And now the doctor has got the answer he wanted!

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