The scene fell into a strange calm, both sides were waiting in place, and no one took action first.

In the current situation, the doctor did not act rashly. As the most intelligent person, the doctor never did anything without preparation.

Especially when facing gods, the doctor never thought that he could control everything!

Waiting for something so calmly, it should be delaying time.

However, the doctor did not take any further action. Even rabbits will bite when they are anxious, let alone gods!

The doctor dared to appear here, naturally he had the confidence that he would not be killed by Tianyun, and the doctor never gambled everything on one possibility.

Not long after, footsteps were heard again around, and this time, the crowd that appeared was as high as thousands of people!

The crowd all had fiery eyes and their eyes were scattered. All of them were controlled by the doctor.

They rushed towards Tianyun, and even many lower-class people and some guards!

When those people around appeared, the doctor's smile became even brighter

"I know you are stalling for time, and I am stalling for time too. Now what I am waiting for is here, what about you?"

Tianyun's face was not very good, facing the surging crowd around him.

Tianyun did not expect that this scene in the original God plot would still happen.

It's just that this time the mental pressure that needs to be borne is no longer a dozen people, but hundreds of people!

Even the little grass god Nashida, who has two souls and has the current strength, is very strenuous!

After seeing this scene, the doctor showed a surprised expression on his face, and slowly walked to the front of the grass god Nashida with a smile on his face

"Oh! It's really surprising!

I didn't expect that your mental power has been so strong that the mental power of so many people can actually stop their thinking forcibly!

You are worthy of being the god of knowledge and wisdom!"

The doctor still had a smile on his face, and there was not much fluctuation in his voice.


How about this!"

Looking at the young figure in front of him who was frozen in place, he slowly took out a very special instrument from his arms.

The instrument is a special button. After the doctor pressed the button, Tianyun felt that the mental pressure increased several times in an instant.

Accompanied by this, the whole body was stiff and unable to move, and even the thinking was much slower!

Afterwards, the doctor took out a syringe-like object from his arms

The tip of the object was needle-like, like a syringe, and it was filled with black liquid, and no one knew what it was!

The doctor spoke slowly

"This is a high concentration of dark energy. Let me have an experiment to infect the gods today!

If you hadn't come back, I thought I wouldn't have the chance to do the experiment.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do the experiment!"

Tianyun looked at the liquid with dark mist and the needle-like syringe, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He was very anxious, but he couldn't react because of the excessive overload.

Although Tianyun didn't know what kind of harm that thing would cause to him.

But the resistance from his body and the strong sense of danger in his heart told Tianyun not to touch that thing!

Tianyun could only watch as the syringe got closer and closer.

But when he felt a special breath appearing, he relaxed in his heart.

And just when the syringe was about to touch the grass god Nashida, a flash of lightning flashed!

The injection instrument fell to the ground, and the doctor's palm was cut off. The hand that fell to the ground kept crackling with sparks.

Then another flash of lightning flashed, and the doctor in front of him was split in half.

It was not until this time that Tianyun realized that the thing inside was not a person at all.

It was a mechanical device, similar to a stand-in.

No wonder the doctor was so unscrupulous. It turned out that the person who came to Tianyun was not the real person, but a stand-in robot.

When the figure appeared beside Tianyun, the pupils of the scattered soldiers on the side suddenly shrank!

Thunder God Shadow!

Why did the mother appear here? Shouldn't she be in Inazuma!

Thunder God Shadow did not speak, but glanced at the people around him with indifferent eyes.

Fierce lightning surged from Thunder God Shadow's body, accompanied by the pressure of the gods and extremely strong thunder attribute elemental power.

Forming a wave of lightning, spreading to the surroundings, all those affected by lightning

All the people who were electrocuted fell to the ground and fainted.

And the surrounding instruments, after being baptized by lightning, all crackled and sparked!

The doctor in the dark frowned slightly after seeing this scene.

"How could Thor appear here!"

The appearance of Thor completely disrupted the doctor's plan.

The doctor had thought that Tianyun might come back, or maybe bring some helpers back.

But he never thought that the grass god would return with a god.

Doesn't this Inazuma's Thunder General worry about her leaving?

Will Inazuma be threatened and fall into war again?

But there is still a chance!

"Go, Sanbing, it's time to show your strength.

Since the Thunder God Shadow appears here, isn't it convenient for you to make a conclusion?

You don't want to go back again!"

The doctor's voice rang in Sanbing's ears. After a moment of silence, Sanbing rushed towards the Thunder God Shadow.

A pair of huge hands fell from the sky and slapped Lei Shenying, but Lei Shenying just raised his knife lightly, and a flash of lightning flashed.

The attacking palm split into two halves, followed by another purple flash, and Lei Shenying and Sanbing's body suddenly crossed each other.

One leg of Sanbing's huge mecha was cut off, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground!

At this time, Sanbing's body suddenly released a strong elemental shock wave, which directly swept towards Lei Shenying.

And Lei Shenying's body had a thunder elemental shield, resisting the attack of the elemental shock wave.

At this time, a muffled sound suddenly came from a distance.

Lei Shenying seemed to have noticed something, but because he was in a defensive state, he couldn't react quickly!

When he reacted, everything was too late!

A very sharp object, at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, directly penetrated the body of the little grass god Nashida.

A stream of black energy slowly flowed out from the wound.

Black smoke filled the air...

Tianyun felt as if his body was invaded!

After seeing this scene, the doctor in the distance smiled, his face was still very calm, but his voice was slightly excited and fanatical


Now let me see!

What will be the result of the gods infected by the dark energy compressed by high concentrations!"

But the doctor was not happy for long, and the smile also stopped on his face.

The smile that had been maintained all the time also disappeared.

Everything around seemed to have turned into glass...

The world began to break...

Just like the scattered soldiers before...

Everything is a dream!

The doctor frowned slightly and looked around quietly. The world continued to spread cracks and then broke.

The doctor looked at the shattered world around him and whispered softly

"When did it all start..."

(Preview of the next issue...

Chapter 54, Reality and illusion, dream and reincarnation

Chapter 55, True lies, the recovery of the heart of God

Chapter 56, the doctor's separation, puppets and scattered soldiers

Chapter 57, scattered soldiers who became dependents, grass gods who became mothers

Chapter 58, the rebirth of scattered soldiers, the disposal of the great wise dog

Brothers, the 4th day of the explosive update, today is still a day of 10,000!

Do you know how much perseverance the author spent to endure the temptation of not playing on Friday?

The author works, and he writes on holidays, and he dares not play on Friday.

It's really not easy to get 10,000 a day, so please don't give up on this book.

Follow it every day, don't support the book!


Finally, seeing that the author worked so hard, he even endured the temptation of Friday.

Can I ask for a small gift?


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