At this moment, Tianyun felt that he might have guessed something.

Only in this way can we explain why Sanbing is so afraid of losing the Heart of God.

But this is just a guess...

So what should we do now?

Tianyun looked at the Sanbing in front of him and was in a dilemma.

If he killed Sanbing directly, he would not only offend the Kingdom of Dongdong, but also General Lei Dian.

Not only would it not benefit him at all, but it would also cause two enemies.

Even if General Lei Dian would not cause trouble for him, the relationship between the two would inevitably be distanced.

But if he didn't kill him, the man in front of him had always wanted to kill the Grass God Nashida!

Just when Tianyun was worried, the voice of the little grass god Nashida suddenly came to his mind.

"You can actually turn it into a follower."



Tianyun instantly became interested, with a playful smile on his face.

Turning scattered soldiers into the follower of the grass god is also a very interesting thing.

"Followers come in many forms. The one you used on that strange flying creature before was the blessing type.

And now you, you can use the contract type!

Just force the guy in front of you, who is very fierce but very strong, to contract, and that's it."

Before hearing the answer of the little grass god Nashida in his heart, Tianyun's eyes lit up immediately.

Then he handed over the control of his body to the little grass god Nashida, and she completed the contract.

Although Tianyun has the power of the grass god, he is not very clear about many things about the grass god.

And the little grass god Nashida, who has the inheritance of the world tree, although her wisdom does not seem so smart, she definitely knows more than Tianyun.

It's just that the grass god Nashida doesn't know how to use that knowledge.

After all, only Tianyun himself knows that he is not the wisdom of a god, but a time traveler.

At most, his mind is more flexible, but about everything related to the gods, the grass god Nashida still knows much more than Tianyun.

As the grass god Nashida slowly lowered her hands, green light burst out from her hands, forming a green light ball that connected to the scattered soldiers in front of her.

And the turtles that the grass god Nashida had drawn on the scattered soldiers before also emitted green light.

The contract must have a medium, and the turtles on the scattered soldiers at this moment became the connection points of the medium.

Under the rendering of the green light, the turtle pattern slowly turned into a complex symbol.

Those symbols exude a strange and powerful power, which is very mysterious.

In the end, these symbols gathered together and gathered at the center of the eyebrows of the scattered soldiers.

It formed the appearance of the pattern in the eye of a grass god.

When the pattern was formed, the connection between the grass god Nashida and Sanbing was strengthened.

As the grass god Nashida continuously delivered energy, the connection between the two became stronger.

When the energy reached a certain level, the grass god Nashida stopped delivering energy. At present, this level was enough!

Sanbing's body was slowly covered by green light, but the time Sanbing was covered was much longer than that of Paimon.

And under the erosion of the grass elemental power, Sanbing's body began to change.

The elemental power that was originally flashing on his body turned into grass elements at this moment.

Sanbing's hair extended back and became longer, and his face became more beautiful.

When the green light disappeared, Tianyun was stunned.


Tianyun stared at the woman in front of him with his mouth wide open.

Yes, that's right, it's a woman!

Even in Tianyun's heart, the stunned voice of the grass god Nashida rang out

"Ah! This guy who looks like a big brother is actually a big sister!"

This reminded Tianyun that in the original plot, Sanbing's gender has always been a mystery.

As the choice of Lei Shenying's puppet, perhaps the body is female, but Sanbing's behavior style looks more like a man!

In Tianyun's view, being a puppet has no gender distinction, and the cognition of self lies in how to define one's own existence.

After completing the infusion of power, Sanbing slowly opened his eyes, and the bright pupils turned green.

The pupils look exactly the same as those of the grass god Nashida, but the appearance is different.

In appearance, she looks very similar to the Thunder God Shadow, with long hair falling behind her.

When the soldier opened his eyes and saw the grass god Nashida, he slowly knelt on one knee, put his hand on his chest, and spoke softly, but his words were shocking

"Mother! Thank you for saving me from the dark world!"

Tianyun was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the beautiful soldier who was kneeling on one knee in front of him.

Some were speechless, and there were 10,000 horses galloping through his heart.

Oh my god!

I haven't even gotten married yet, and I have a child! ! !

What a joke!

At this moment!

Tianyun experienced the feeling of Ningguang when she suddenly had a child.

Really, it was extremely complicated!

Tianyun's reaction was very big, but the grass god Nashida's reaction seemed to be like this.

Tianyun immediately asked the grass god what was going on, which led to the current situation.

"This big sister in front of me is a puppet used to hold power!

Although I don't know why she was abandoned, and she can't even maintain her own energy.

But now she has become our dependent. We have given her energy and new life.

To her, we are naturally mothers!"

Tianyun stayed there in a daze, and it took him a long time to recover.

Sanbing looked at Tianyun with some doubts, and asked softly in the face of concern

"Mother, what's wrong?"

"Ahem! Nothing..."

Tianyun coughed twice to ease his embarrassment. Tianyun felt so embarrassed that he could dig out 3 bedrooms and 1 living room.


Can you please stop calling me mother, or call me grass god?"

Tianyun hoped that Sanbing could change the name. This name is really too embarrassing!

"Why? You are indeed my mother, why do you want me to change my name?"

Sanbing's face was full of doubt, and then he continued to speak with a lonely look

"Don't you want me anymore?"


Tianyun instantly grasped the key to the problem, looked at Sanbing in front of him with some surprise, and immediately took two steps back vigilantly.

"You still have the previous memory?"

"Yes, mother!"

"Then who are you now!"

"Don't worry!

The past Sanbing is dead.

The current me...

I am a new me!

You haven't given me a new name yet, mother!"

Tianyun fell into silence at this moment, looking at Sanbing's expectant expression, his expression was also full of complexity.

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