After a long silence, Tianyun finally let the grass god Nashida take control of the body.

It was the grass god Nashida, not Tianyun, who turned the scattered soldier in front of him into a grass god's dependent.

So the right to name should be given to the grass god Nashida.

This is definitely not because Tianyun is a bad namer, but he thinks that the naming right should be given to the grass god Nashida.

The grass god Nashida slowly stretched out her hands and stroked the scattered soldier's face, with gentle eyes and a gentle smile on her face.

The grass god Nashida looked even cuter in this look!

For gods, dependents are their own children.

The grass goddess Nashida was naturally very gentle when facing this child she created with her own hands.

The grass goddess Nashida looked at Sanbing and spoke softly

"Since you have said goodbye to the past and Sanbing has become the past, then the new you...

Let's call you Xiaocao!"

Sanbing fell into silence after hearing this name...

And Tianyun couldn't help but cover his face in his heart after hearing this name.

This is too embarrassing, this is even worse than me naming!

After Sanbing was stunned for a while, he hesitated and asked


Can you change the name!"

Tianyun looked at Sanbing, and he felt funny about the look of wanting to say something but not daring to say it.

Finally, he made a suggestion to the grass goddess Nashida in his heart.

After hearing the wise suggestion, the grass god Nashida hesitated for a moment, but still spoke softly


How about...

I'll call you Xiaobing.

How about it?"

After hearing the grass god Nashida's words, the soldier fell into silence again.

After a long time, he slowly spoke

"How about I call you Xiaocao."

Tianyun was instantly more embarrassed, and this name was not as good as the name given by the grass god Nashida.

I am the wisdom of the grass god, the god of knowledge and wisdom, but I can't even compare with the grass god Nashida.

I was actually stumped by a name!

After thinking for a long time, Tianyun finally gave an answer.

After telling the grass god Nashida the answer, the grass god Nashida looked a little hesitant.

But he still believed in his wisdom and spoke softly to the soldier in front of him again.


You are already a mature puppet...

You need to learn to name yourself..."

Sanbing fell into silence again, and even couldn't help but touch his forehead with his hand and rub it gently.

When he learned that the one who gave him life was this very young girl in front of him.

Sanbing could still accept it in his heart. After all, although the gods look young, they are already hundreds of years old!

But Sanbing found that his mother was too wise.

It was really a headache for Sanbing to meet such a wise mother!

If Sanbing was still the same Sanbing as before, he would definitely speak well of the little grass god Nashida in front of him.

But unfortunately, the one standing in front of him now is his mother. Sanbing must accept it even if he thinks it is outrageous.

Who let the little grass god Nashida be Sanbing's mother now?

Forget it!

It's good enough to let yourself name yourself, at least it's much better than names like Xiaocao or Xiaobing.

Sanbing lowered his head and pondered for a while, then looked at the grass god Nashida in front of him and slowly said

"I have gained a new life here, and it is you, mother, who awakened me.

And my appearance is to protect you, mother!

So my name is Guard, what do you think, mother?"

Tianyun fell into silence, and the grass god Nashida also fell into silence.

The air condensed for a time, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Tianyun couldn't help but complain in his heart.

It's really worthy of it, like mother, like daughter!

Did you get infected by the power of the grass god and become smart, Sanbing!

This name is not much better than Xiaocao and Xiaobing!

It turns out that you are also a bad namer!

Three bad names, together, are still a bad namer.

Finally, Tianyun took over the control of the body, smiled helplessly at Sanbing, and finally said slowly

"Forget it, let's not change the name, just call you Sanbing


From now on, you will be Xumi's Soldier. The previous Soldier is dead. "

After hesitating for a while, the Soldier still accepted the original name.

After all, the original name does sound better than Xiaocao, Xiaobing and Weibing.

With the confirmation of the name, it also means that the Soldier in front of him, who looks very beautiful, is the follower of the Grass God Nashida.

It is completely determined!

The Grass God Nashida is also completely called mother by the Soldier in front of him!

After Tianyun finished thinking about the Soldier, he also began to think about what to do next.

After the doctor left the dream, Tianyun could no longer lock the doctor.

It is unknown what method the doctor used to hide himself, and even the Eye of God could not find it.

But there is one thing Tianyun can be sure of, that is the current doctor.

It has been transformed from the light to the dark, and now Tianyun himself was exposed.

This is not good for the subsequent development, and it is even more necessary to be careful of the doctor's conspiracy.

But now Tianyun has one more thing to do!

That is...

Kill the wise dog!

Although the doctor has left the dream arranged by Tianyun, the great sage is still in the dream, looping!

At the same time, a large group of elders from the coaching academy are also in the dream loop, and they are all in the same dream!

Tianyun narrowed the scope of the dream, limiting the scope of the dream to the vicinity of the teaching academy, and the dream of the entire Xumi City was slowly cancelled.

The people who were originally in the dream woke up at this moment.

The city is still operating normally as usual, as if nothing has happened.

No one even realized that they have repeated many times in the dream. times.

As for the elders and the Great Sage Dog of the Church Order, Tianyun would not let them die easily, which was too easy for them.

They bullied the people and caused so much suffering to the people at the bottom.

Even if they were cut into pieces, their sins could not be eliminated.

So Tianyun chose the most cruel way to punish the Great Sage Dog and the elders.

Let them repeat endlessly in the dream in the way of Death is Coming, but the difference from Death is that every accident will lead to real death.

Every time they die, everything is reset, and they still have the memory before death.

Even if they escape from death once, they will be greeted by another death.

The Great Sage Dog and the elders, whose spirits are in the dream, become empty shells without consciousness.

Tianyun will put their The body turns to ashes!

This is the only way to relieve Tianyun in the previous life, as a diehard party of the Little Grass God, the impulse to kill the wise dog and destroy the Order Institute.

Even after the traveler Kong came to Xumi, this dream was opened specifically for him!

Turn this dream into a copy. As long as you raise the Order Institute once, you will be rewarded with 20 original stones.

The number of times per day is not the upper limit!

Just thinking about it is very exciting!

(Preview of the next issue

Chapter 59, Reincarnation Hell, the Great Sage of Infinite Death

Chapter 60, The World of Death Cage, the Roar of the Great Sage

Chapter 61, The Cruel World, Zhou Shu and Chen Chen

Chapter 62, The Torch of Dreams and the Darkness of Reality

Chapter 63, Zhou Shu's Diary, the Sea of ​​Heart Netted in the Water

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