The dream was so beautiful, and the dream was so beautiful.

Tianyun thought of it and acted quickly.

A green light began to flash on Tianyun's body, and the dream that was originally controlled was slowly shrinking!

All the people who were originally in the dream were put into the House of the Order by Tianyun.

Innocent people were released, and those elders and great sages were all sent to the House of the Order!

Tianyun was once judged and exiled by those people here, and suffered humiliation and torture. Now it's time to get everything back!

In the dream

The great sage was very surprised, why he didn't see the doctor's figure, but he still took people to the gathering place, but when they walked into the House of the Order, they didn't find anyone.

Everything here is complicated, and only these people exist!

The great sage frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly, the chandelier above fell down, instantly killing an elder, and the people beside him were instantly terrified!

And then all kinds of objects kept falling from above, these things were very sharp, and once they were hit, they would definitely die.

In this sudden change, the crowd fell into panic, they dodged everywhere and screamed!

"Ah ah ah!"


"What is going on!"

The elders struggled to survive in such a desperate situation. While they were looking for a place to hide, the great sage was still stunned in the same place!

It was not that he didn't want to run, but he found that his legs suddenly cramped and he couldn't move inexplicably. At this time, a huge chandelier above the great sage was swaying slowly, and suddenly there was a snap.

The chandelier began to fall rapidly downwards!

The Great Sage looked at the once magnificent chandelier, and his pupils slowly enlarged. The fear in his heart appeared on his face at this moment!






The Great Sage was directly killed by the falling chandelier. Before he died, the Great Sage felt the pain all over his body, but the pain did not decrease at all!

The world began to break like a mirror.

When the Great Sage appeared again, he was no longer outside, but inside the Church!

The Great Sage who had just appeared had not had time to react too much, and various objects fell from above again.

All the elders were full of fear in their eyes. Their memories did not erase what had just happened, and the memories still existed in their minds.

Soon the same mistake happened again. The Great Sage could only watch himself being killed by the huge chandelier!

The world broke, and the reincarnation began again!

This time, the Great Sage was different from before.

As Xumi, a group of smarter people soon discovered that every time death came and fell, it was all inside the Order Court.

But it seemed that nothing happened outside. Does this mean that the outside is a safe zone!

This great sage seemed to see the hope of a new life!

The great sage's eyes were full of desire for life. The whole person went crazy in an instant. Even if his legs cramped, he crawled outside with his hands, just wanting to get out of the Order Court and go outside.

But he crawled too slowly. Although he avoided the attack of the chandelier, an iron pillar falling from above pierced his hand and nailed him to the spot.

The great sage let out a tragic wail, and then he was pierced by more objects. His body seemed to be killed by the whole world!

The world was broken, and reincarnation began again.

This time, the great sage directly called an elder next to him, who was his most loyal subordinate.

Let him lead himself to the outside!

After a period of hesitation, the elder nodded slowly. Although the current situation was very strange, the face and majesty of the great sage still existed!

No one knew how long this situation would last, and no one knew how to solve the current situation.

The wisest among this group of people was the great sage, so maybe they could survive by listening to the great sage's words.

When the elder led the great sage out of the door, the others also reacted and started running towards the door.

"Run, run outside and you will be safe!"

The objects falling from above killed many people during this period, but this time those people did not panic again,

There was no despair.

They were determined to achieve their goal and ran towards the door that was emitting light, as if they saw the light of hope!

But when the fastest runner was about to rush out of the door, there seemed to be a transparent wall at the door, which bounced the man back directly!

The elder was stunned on the spot, and the people behind him rushed out again in disbelief, but they could not break through the transparent wall no matter what.

Outside and inside, hell and heaven, seemed to be separated by this transparent glass!

The elder and the great sage went to the exit together.

But after seeing such a scene, the great sage was also stunned on the spot.

This time the falling object from above did not kill him, and the great sage slowly came to the front of the transparent wall.

The great sage stretched out his hand and gently touched the invisible wall, an invisible force preventing the people inside from escaping to the outside.

The Great Sage's face was dull, and the light of hope in his eyes was completely extinguished at this moment, and his eyes seemed to be empty.

At this moment, the ground under the Great Sage's feet suddenly broke.

A huge pit with an invisible depth suddenly appeared under the Great Sage's feet.

The Great Sage fell directly into the endless abyss.

The Great Sage's body was falling, and the cold wind was whistling.

Feeling the pain in his body and the darkness around him.

At this moment!

The Great Sage seemed to have fallen into the abyss, and was wrapped in endless fear and despair.

When the Great Sage fell to the bottom of the ground, an indescribable pain came from his whole body.

It was as if his whole body was broken into pieces.

The world was broken in an instant!

Everything started again!

This time, people did not run towards the seemingly bright exit, but ran deeper into the Church.

The Great Sage, whose legs were twitching, no one cared about him this time.

The follower who helped him before died soon in this reincarnation.

The great sage endured the pain in his leg and ran inside, but not long after he ran, an arrow suddenly shot out from somewhere and pierced through the great sage's body.

The mechanism originally used to defend against foreign enemies was suddenly triggered at this moment for some reason.

In such a world full of death, endless reincarnation continues.

The other elders also reincarnated together in the endless death.

And every time the great sage died, everything would reset and a new reincarnation would begin again!

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