The world is full of ups and downs, and the world is full of ups and downs.

For some reason, the world seems to be shrunk in such a small church!

As time goes by, the reincarnation cycle repeats again and again, and the people inside are still afraid.

Not only did they not become numb, but they became more afraid.

They have memories before death and can clearly feel how they died.

The pain before death still surrounds their minds, and the yearning for life in their bodies prompts them to flee!

But no matter what, they can't escape the cycle of death. The whole world seems to have become a cage of death.

Hanging over their heads are endless clouds of death and endless reincarnations, after experiencing many deaths.

These elders found a point that they had never paid attention to before.

That is, once the Great Sage dies, the world will be reset.

At first, few people discovered it, and no one paid attention to it, but as the number of times increased.

This matter was also discovered by more people, and the elders also discovered it!

This discovery instantly made many elders start to think about countermeasures, and after the new reincarnation began.

The people around the Great Sage looked at each other, and without saying a word, they picked up the things around them and threw them at the Great Sage.

Want to kill the Great Sage before death and enter the next reincarnation!

In this way, there is no need to suffer the pain of death!

The Great Sage fell into a pool of blood with confusion and reluctance in his eyes.

Before he died, he watched those people cheering and jumping for joy, and the world around him shattered again.

Those elders succeeded!

By killing the Great Sage, they successfully solved the fact that they were constantly dying in reincarnation.

But this method failed after they used it more than 100 times!

The world of reincarnation seemed to have changed. This time, it was no longer all the deadly things falling from above.

Instead, it slowly fell from the exit and began to cover the front, prompting them to run forward, to the safe area!

Tianyun discovered this loophole when the elders took advantage of it.

However, he waited until the Great Sage died more than 100 times before he closed this loophole.

Let the Great Sage experience being killed by his subordinates who once obeyed him, were once loyal to him, and were once regarded as his playthings.

Experience the despair and the feeling of being abandoned by everyone.

When the Great Sage died for the 100th time...

The whole world seemed to be frozen, everything around stopped, and the only conscious Great Sage was dying.

The Great Sage looked at the green light and shadow that kept condensing in the distance, and when he saw the figure, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The grass god Nashida slowly walked to the side of the great sage, looked into his eyes and asked softly

"Do you know you are wrong?"

After hearing what the grass god Nashida said, the great sage laughed as if he had heard something funny.



Is this your punishment?

Ha! What a bullshit benevolent grass god, now is your true appearance!

Still thinking about mercy at this time?

Do you think I will succumb to you if you are merciful?

I tell you!

In the hands of a god like you, Xumi will only go to destruction!

Mercy and pity are of no use!

Only iron and blood can give Xumi a new life!"

"Why are you so extreme? Those people at the bottom are innocent and are on the verge of death every day.

Seeing such a tragedy!

Won't you feel heartbroken?

Won't you have nightmares?

Aren't you afraid that they will come to find You!"

"Hahaha, why should I be afraid!

They are weak, and as a strong man, I naturally have the right to decide their life and death!

The law of the jungle is the law of the forest, and it is the law of this world, but you have to sympathize with the weak and love the weak!

But what about the strong! As a strong, why should you be equal to the weak!

The weak should be what they should be!

Enslaved by the strong, used by the strong!

You fantasize about equality for everyone!

You hope that everyone can live a good life!

But how can such a thing come true!

No one can be absolutely fair!

Not even the gods!

And full of kindness

Kind you!

You are the biggest obstacle to Xumi's development!

You have never been a qualified god! ! ! "

After the great sage roared for the last time, he fell into death due to his serious injuries, and the world began to break again.

The grass god Nashida was stunned on the spot. Tianyun, who noticed that the grass god Nashida was in a bad mood, immediately took control of the body.


Everyone can live a good life...

Is it really impossible to achieve?

Am I really wrong?

Am I really not a qualified god?"

Tianyun suddenly felt that the grass god Nashida's voice became choked



I just want everyone to live a better life.

Everyone can live happily and peacefully!

It's such a simple thing...

Why can't it be achieved..."


It will be achieved! "

Tianyun interrupted the little grass god Nashida's soliloquy, his eyes revealing determination.

"Let the people live better and everyone can be happy. This is a very simple thing, but also a very difficult thing!

And its difficulty lies in the desires of the people!

And now the desires of those people at the bottom make them feel that happiness is very simple, as long as they can live!

Just like before at the Flower God's Birthday Festival, you can feel the joyful emotions in their hearts!

But for those elders, making them feel happy means having more power and controlling the life and death of more people!

It all depends on the size of people's desires! "

"In that case, can everyone really be happy?"


Nashida, do you know?

The quality of people's lives has never been determined by whether the dynasty's policies are good enough.

But it depends on whether there is enough productivity!

When productivity is rich enough and strong enough.

Even the people at the bottom can live...

have clothes to wear and food to eat.

There is meat to eat and a house to live in.

You won’t starve to death or freeze to death!

Even everyone can learn and have enough spiritual satisfaction.

And the premise of all this is one condition, that is, scientific and technological productivity! ”

“I don’t understand…”

“It doesn’t matter, leave the future to me.

Believe me!

Your ideals and will will definitely come true!”


After Tianyun successfully appeased the grass god Nashida, he slowly left the dream, and the endless cycle continued.

The great sage will also wash away his sins in this endless cycle.

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