The doctor played with the test tube in his hand, which was loaded with highly compressed abyss energy!

The doctor looked at the distant Xumi with excitement and enthusiasm!

"Let me see how you will deal with the invasion of the abyss!

I'm really looking forward to it!



There is still one day left, which is the beginning of the Flower God's birthday, and Tianyun is making the final preparations.

In order to ensure success and let Xumi usher in a new life, Tianyun is also running around to confirm the power of various places.

Although the core group of elders has been defeated by Tianyun, the army and senior officials distributed in various places are also a force that cannot be underestimated!

With the blessing of the city wall defense, the siege battle will definitely cause heavy casualties!

And to solve this problem, Tianyun needs to find those who have enough wishes and give them the Eye of God.

Relying on top strength to make a frontal breakthrough, it is obvious that the current Little Grass God can give the Eye of God on a large scale.

But the number will not be too many. After all, there are so many adults in the whole Xumi, it is impossible for everyone to have one, right?

Tianyun walked on the street of Xumi City, and before he took a few steps.

Suddenly, he saw a weak child in the alley in the distance, being surrounded by three hideous strong men.

The three strong men had rough arms and rough faces, full of power and wildness, and the scars on their faces gave people a very powerful feeling.

This is definitely not an ordinary ruffian. For ordinary people, there is almost no chance of winning when encountering such a person, let alone a child who is only a teenager.

"You... don't come over!"

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old child slowly retreated, but suddenly hit the wall from behind.

Looking back, he found that he had come to the wall and had no way to retreat, and the three strong men in front of him were slowly approaching.

The leading man narrowed his eyes tightly and walked slowly forward, his voice was very heavy.

"Are you Jun Yang? It really took us a long time to find you!

Do you know how much pain we three brothers have spent to find you?"

"Who are you and what do you want to do? I don't know anything!"

"Don't know?


The three burly and ferocious-looking strong men laughed loudly.

Tianyun frowned slightly when he saw this scene and was about to take action.

Then the sturdy man said

"Jun Yang, let me introduce myself!

I am the eldest, named 715, nicknamed Yishiqie!

This is the second, named 548, nicknamed Duba!

This is the third, named 955, nicknamed Jiushenyi!

(When the three brothers' names are combined,

that's where Jun Yang is!!!)

We three brothers came here to find you according to instructions. I heard that you are the person in charge of contacting Xumi!

You have the secret contact location and gathering place of the rebels.

So the three of us came to you!"

" do you know my identity!

I tell you, I won't say anything!

Even if you kill me!"

Jun Yang showed a resolute look, and his young eyes were full of determination.

The moment he joined the rebels, he was ready to lose his life at any time, and now is the time for the test!

The three strong men were stunned after hearing what the child said. The leader frowned and said, "Kill you, why should we kill you? We are here to join the resistance!" The child was stunned, and looked at the three people carefully. He was still a little unsure, and asked again, "You... Join the resistance?" The three brothers nodded as a matter of course, and asked back, "Of course not, why do you think we should bring you to this remote place? Do you want to expose your identity and let the guards catch you?" "But... You look..." The boy looked at the three men in front of him, who were as strong as bears, with hesitation. The main reason why he became a contact person was that those people would not be too wary of a child. And those who knew where he was must be high-level personnel in the resistance. These people were able to find him, and it was basically certain that they were introduced by internal personnel, but their appearance did look a little...

The leading man laughed loudly, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"You also discovered it, right!

We have kind faces and never conflict with others!

We don't like to hit people, and we don't quarrel with people!

The three of us are very gentle, and we won't use our momentum to suppress others!

We are well-known good people in our village!

This has been personally admitted by many people!"

The wretched man slowly introduced himself, then slowly moved forward, and the whole person approached the weak boy, and asked softly in a very heavy voice

"How is it?

What do you think of us three brothers!

Are we very kind?"

The little boy looked at the huge body that was pressing on him, the huge scar on his face, and the ferocious expression on his face.

The whole person was about to cry, his body trembled slightly, his voice trembled, and he stuttered a little.

"And... kind!

You are the kindest people I have ever met!"

After the boy finished speaking, the man slowly withdrew his body with a smile on his face

"Isn't it!

I said that the three of us brothers are all kind-looking good people!

Everyone says so!"

Jun Yang looked at the three people in front of him with their sturdy bodies, strong figures, ferocious expressions and scars on their faces.

He complained in his heart.

I know why they are saying that you are kind, do they dare to say no?

No wonder no one has a conflict with you, that's because he dared!

With your figures, anyone would be scared.

It even proves that the boy suspected that the reason why these three people had a reputation as good people in the village was that they were called out to join the resistance army.

I'm afraid those villagers were celebrating the departure of the three brothers.

As it turned out, the boy was not wrong. When the three brothers left their village, the village immediately started beating gongs and drums.

The landlords in this village have been beaten to death by these three brothers!

Tiansheng Dali also ate a lot of the landlords' surplus food, which was almost eaten up by these three brothers. If they continue, they may not be able to feed the whole village.

Because every meal of the three brothers will eat 10 times the rations of others.

As for why no one dared to step forward to persuade them, someone must dare to do it.

Looking at the burly figure and the ferocious expression, like the leader of the bandits, who dared to step forward to ruin their good deeds?

The three brothers walked all the way, robbing the landlords everywhere, all wanting to make a career.

Finally, through the introduction of the high-level rebels, they came to Xumi City and found Junyang!

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