The three men were so frightened that they left the alley and walked away.

Tianyun just stared blankly at the three burly men with ferocious faces and a weak child.

The three men held the child's left and right hands and slowly left the alley together, walking further away.

After seeing this scene, the people around were scared and fled in all directions, and some even called the police through virtual devices.

"Hello! Is this the discipline officer?

I found a child kidnapping case here, and the murderers are three extremely scary men!"

Tianyun was a little speechless. If he hadn't heard their conversation from beginning to end, he would have taken action directly. Hero saves the child!

The burly figures of the three strong men were too oppressive, and no matter how hard you think about it, you can't associate them with good people.

It was normal for people around to call the police when they saw the child being taken by three strong men, and Tianyun was not surprised at all.

What surprised Tianyun was that the development of the resistance army had actually infiltrated Xumi City.

Perhaps the resistance army in Xumi was not as bad as Tianyun imagined. After all, it was the power of a nation and a country.

The night slowly fell...

This night was destined to be an uneasy night!

All the resistance forces were united at this last moment.

Changed the plan and launched an uprising at midnight!

Originally, Tianyun was also checking the situation everywhere, but the whole Xumi was filled with shouts of killing.

Tianyun looked at the thin people, picked up their weapons, and attacked the nearest county.

This was part of Tianyun's plan!

Since the plan has been exposed, then use the trick!

Those landlords, those servants, and those armies would gather their strength at night to prepare for the general attack tomorrow!

They all knew that the uprising would take place on the birthday of the flower god, but they didn't know that it would happen in the early morning!

Somewhere in the countryside, hundreds of thousands of people gathered.

These 100,000 people gathered under a hill, and a high platform was built on the hill!

Zhang Jue, wearing a yellow robe and a green scarf on his head, slowly climbed up the highest step step by step.

Zhang Jue stood at the top, looking at the crowd gathered below.

Looking at their sincere eyes full of hope, looking at their thin bodies.

Everyone's eyes were shining with high morale, and everyone's heart was filled with the light of hope!

This moment!

Zhang Jue was the center of attention!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Jue, and Zhang Jue specially wore the priest's costume of the grass god for this special festival!

Zhang Jue looked very majestic, and a natural leadership temperament burst out from him.

In this solemn occasion, under the expectant gaze of everyone.

Zhang Jue suddenly swung his fist and raised it high to the sky!

There was eagerness and hope in his eyes. He roared with all his strength

"The sky is dead!

The God of Grass should be established!

The year is on the birthday!

Good luck to the world!

God of Grass, help me!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, an extremely surging green light rose from Zhang Jue's body and instantly covered the outside.

Zhang Jue took out a lot of seeds, threw them out suddenly, and shouted loudly

"Sowing beans makes soldiers!"

Under the rendering of the green grass element, those beans slowly turned into human figures holding sharp weapons, wearing green armor, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm and determination!

It was at this moment that the whole sky turned emerald green, as if with the help of a true god.

It began to rain in the sky, with green raindrops dripping down, which was exactly what Tianyun had used before.

The crowd gathered, all wrapped in green fluorescence, and the green light condensed on the crowd.

Finally, it slowly turned into armor emitting green light!

The spirit of the people was greatly improved at this moment, and their physical fitness and strength were also greatly improved!

With hope in their eyes and fanaticism on their faces, people raised their fists and pointed at the sky!

Screaming at the top of their lungs

"The sky is dead!

The God of Grass should be established!

The year is on the birthday!

Good luck to the world!"X3

Looking at the people below who followed the roar, he looked at the green light rain that kept falling from the sky.

Tears fell from the corners of Zhang Jiao's eyes. Zhang Jiao knew that it was the Lord of Grass who was watching them and giving them

Their own response!

Zhang Jue's heart was filled with emotion, and he wanted to vent something.

Zhang Jue suddenly drew out the long sword from his waist, waved it towards the distant city, and roared loudly.

"The sky is dead!

The grass god should be established!

The year is on the birthday!

Good luck to the world!

The Lord of Grass is watching us!

Folks, comrades!

For hope!

For the future!

For a new life!

For Lord Grass!

Follow me to charge and take this city!

Victory will eventually belong to us!


As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Jue clenched the long sword in his hand and rushed towards the city in the shadow in the distance.

Rushed towards the largest city in the entire Xumi!

And there!

It was the main city of Xumi!

The crowd behind him was also full of enthusiasm, and followed Zhang Jue with hope in their eyes.

People held torches high, weapons in their hands, those without weapons held farm tools, kitchen utensils, sickles, and all kinds of weapons.

Maybe they were just a group of ragtag troops!

Maybe they couldn't even get weapons and armor together!

Maybe it was a stretch to call them an army.

But they had hope!

But they had faith!

They were willing to give everything for it!

An army, even if it was just a militia!

As long as they had faith, goals, and the courage to not fear death, even if they were just farmers!

They could also burst out with amazing momentum and combat effectiveness, and they built a steel wall with their own flesh and blood.

The huge crowd, like a tide, rushed to the city that radiated light in the night!

Xumi City!

The other side of Xumi City

Xinghuo also stood on the high platform, with tens of thousands of people gathered below, with hope in their eyes, watching the resolute young man in the middle!

They were impressed by the temperament and spirit of this young man and followed him voluntarily!

And there were many people who had just joined the rebels gathered here.

And in front of them were many coffins that had just been buried and piles of earth!

Those contained people who had died during this period and those who were harmed by the landlords!

The rebels below looked at the graves in front of them.

Looking at the graves where the bodies were buried, they all felt fear in their hearts and were scared!

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