The old man was in trouble, but he was still in trouble.

Let’s not talk about what happened in Zhidong for now.

On Inazuma, Bai Luo didn’t know that he had been targeted by his colleagues, and was living a carefree life in Inazuma.

The popularity of the light novel made him earn a lot of money in Inazuma, but the money was not of much use to him. After all, as an executive of the Fatui, the North Country Bank was like his own home.

Originally, he thought that Yae Shenzi would find some excuse to deduct his royalties, or embezzle some of them.

Unexpectedly, she was very generous and gave them all to him, and even gave some "copyright fees" for selling peripherals.

Was it to give herself more motivation to write the third volume of the novel? Or was it for some other purpose?

Bai Luo didn't know, but he became more cautious.

Foxes are elusive.

As a fox fairy, Yae Shinko's real age is unpredictable. With the accumulation of years, even a fool can become a human spirit, not to mention the fox, who is naturally intelligent?

Fortunately, Bai Luo has the advantage of being a time traveler and knows some of her personality and habits, otherwise... Bai Luo really doesn't know if he can beat this fox.

"Sir, is it the same tonight?"

The Fatui bowed in front of the door and asked.

Since coming to Inazuma, Bai Luo has basically not done any serious work. He is either writing light novels in the room or "discussing monster life" with General Kujo.

Although many Fatui don't like the behavior of their superiors, considering that he is their superior, and after Bai Luo and Kujo Sara have established a relationship, the progress of the Fatui's infiltration of the Tenryo Bugyo has accelerated a lot.

Even the iron-clad Jiujo Formation House was infiltrated by the Fatui.

Moreover, even if they had sworn to shed their last drop of blood for the Queen, who would be willing to risk their lives if they could survive?

"No, I'll go out to eat."

The chefs brought by the Fatui were skilled in cooking.

But they were limited to the cuisine of Zhidong.

He had been eating for so long that he was tired of it and wanted to change his taste.

He went out for a walk to relax.

Most importantly, he seemed to have forgotten something.

He knew it was a very important thing, but no matter how he tried to recall it, he couldn't remember what it was.

Maybe he would remember it after wandering around outside.

Without meeting Jiujo Sara or bringing his men, Bai Luo left the courtyard alone and walked onto the town street.

Although Bai Luo's light novel brought a bit of heat to this somewhat lonely city.

But this fire was like the gorgeous fireworks at a fireworks show, which came and went quickly.

Although occasionally you can see people holding books and reading with relish, there is no longer the scene of thousands of people emptying the streets in the first few days.

After all... the Eye Hunting Order is still weighing on everyone's head.

"What should I eat? Fox Ramen?"

Walking on the town street, smelling the aroma of food in the air, Bai Luo temporarily put aside the thoughts in his mind and began to think about food.

But a commotion changed his mind.

Watching the excitement is human nature, which is called behavioral mechanism in psychology.

In the era of Inazuma, there are not many entertainment projects, and reading light novels is already the limit.

When they know there is excitement to watch, they will certainly not miss this opportunity.

So a group of people rushed to the street like flies smelling fishy smell.

"Boss, what happened?" Bai Luo asked a snack stand owner who didn't even care about his own stall and was going to join in the fun. "There is a strange ghost tribe scribbling on the message board over at Hanamizaka, and was caught by the Tenryo Bugyo. It seems that a fight is about to start." The boss didn't seem impatient because Bai Luo called him. Instead, he shared this interesting story with him very eagerly, obviously a man who couldn't keep quiet. "Ghost tribe?" Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, and a figure also appeared in his mind. And it also had its own voice for no reason. "Yes, it is said that he often hangs out over Hanamizaka. Fortunately, he doesn't come to our town street, otherwise this place will definitely be turned upside down by him." Ghost tribe does not have a very good reputation among the human race. Even the snack stand owner himself can't say what the ghost tribe has done to anger the heaven and the people.


But in his impression, the ghost tribe has never been equated with kind people.

"Then aren't you afraid that he will attack and hurt people?"

"Of course not!"

The boss confidently took out a few pieces of fried tofu from his sleeve.

"As long as you have this, no matter how fierce he is, he will have to retreat. After all, the ghost tribe is most afraid of beans!"

After saying this, the boss didn't argue with Bai Luo too much, and rushed to Hanamizaka impatiently.

And Bai Luo also walked over with the crowd.

"I didn't break the law! I just issued a letter of challenge to Kujo Tengu! It's just a town magistrate's office, how dare you... Hey! Don't touch my corner, you little brat! And that little brat! Don't hit me with beans! It will kill people!"

From a distance, Bai Luo heard the unique loud voice of Ara Taki Ito.

It's strange, many people have become depressed and even changed their personalities because of the confiscation of the Eye of God.

But after the Eye of God was confiscated by Kujo Saro, this Aratake Ichito not only did not change in personality, but also remained very lively.

Except that he could not continue to use the power of elements without the Eye of God, he was no different from before.

This also reminded him of his research in the Kingdom of Winter.

In order to cover up that he had special powers without the Eye of God, he once used the name of the Fatui executive [Doctor] to investigate the relevant information of the Eye of God.

Later, the Doctor was very interested in his investigation and did some research.

He still remembered something the Doctor once told him.

Even if it is to obtain the Eye of God, not everyone is the same.

For example, some people don't care much about the Eye of God, or they just want to study it, so it appears. Or they feel something in their hearts while wandering, and a Eye of God lies beside them.

This type of people do not pursue the Eye of God very deeply. The Eye of God is just a tool for them.

But the other type of people are different.

They desire power, desire to be watched by God, and desire to have the Eye of God.

The strong desire attracted the attention of "God", so they obtained the Eye of God.

This type of people attaches great importance to the Eye of God, and even puts everything in the Eye of God.

Perhaps this is why they feel like they have lost everything after losing the Eye of God.

Of course, this is just a guess by the doctor.

Compared with the Eye of God, the Evil Eye fascinates him more.

He suggested more than once that Bai Luo give up the research on the Eye of God and let it join his team.

Unfortunately, Bai Luo did not agree with his almost crazy performance, but declined the doctor's invitation on the grounds that [Rooster] had done him a favor.

But Bai Luo knew very well that if the doctor did not want to offend the Rooster, he would not have gotten rid of it so easily at the beginning.

Bai Luo squatted down and looked at the dog wagging its tail at him on the roadside. He smiled.

If he really agreed to join the doctor, he would probably not have the chance to climb to the position of executive officer. He would just be like this dog, wagging its tail and begging for mercy on the roadside.

Bai Luo's expression gradually froze, because he remembered what he had forgotten.

That white cat!

At the beginning, he was only concerned with completing the tasks of his new profession and completely forgot about the cat.

Is it... still on the tree in the martial arts field?

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