The construction of the training ground of the castle tower has been under construction since the last duel in front of the emperor.

In fact, for the people of Teyvat, it doesn't take too long to just build a training ground.

You just need to find some corresponding users of the Eye of God and mobilize the power of the elements, and you can basically restore the place to its original appearance in less than a day.


Because of the Eye Hunting Order, the shogunate can't find a mason with the Eye of God.

Even though Kujo Saro has repeatedly promised that he will never confiscate the Eye of God from the craftsmen, no one has come to apply for the job.

Not confiscate?

What a joke.

After the Battousai incident, General Raiden personally confiscated the God's Eye of a shogunate soldier.

The shogunate did not even let go of its own lackeys, so how could it let go of an ordinary bricklayer?

So no matter how high the salary was or how much promise was made, the martial arts field was being repaired at a very slow pace.

Every noon, Kujo Sara would personally visit the repair site.

As the general of the Tenryo Bugyosho, she personally did everything, big or small.

Even for the repair work, she would come to inspect it.

After understanding the progress of the repair, Kujo Sara came to the cherry tree as usual.

On the day of the duel in front of the emperor, the mysterious man came out from near this tree, so this place was also investigated in detail.

But the other party was very cautious and did not leave any clues at all.

There was a cat that had been hiding in the tree and refused to come down.

In fact, when she first saw this cat, Kujo Sara had recognized it.

Although there are many white cats in Inazuma Castle, there is only one cat that is so spiritual.


The arrival of Kujo Sara alerted the white cat.

It growled and gave its own warning.

Even though it has not yet become a demon, it is much smarter than ordinary animals.

It saw its master and this woman fighting with their own eyes.

Therefore, in its heart, Kujo Sara is its enemy.

And Kujo Sara has long been accustomed to its hostile behavior.

She took out the food she brought specially, put it under the cherry tree, and left.

The food was not very luxurious, just some dried fish and milk.

But for a tired cat, this is already a feast.

"Master Kujo."

Just as Kujo Sara quietly observed whether the white cat touched the food she gave, her subordinate Yamatoda from the Tenryo Bugyosho hurried over.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing him in such a hurry, Kujo Sara frowned slightly.

Although the Tenryo Bugyo's office in Inazuma also has certain rights, it is absolutely against the rules to break into the castle tower so carelessly.

And Yamato is not the kind of person who does not follow the rules.

So... there is only one possibility.

Something happened in Inazuma Castle.

"Kujo-sama, we just received a report from the Town Bugyo, saying that the demon who scribbled on the message board of Hanamizaka was caught and wanted to be handed over to us. What should we do?"


After hearing what Yamato said, Kujo Sara's face became even uglier.

Of course, she knew who the demon caught by the Town Bugyo was. He was the one who left messages on the message board every day and kept provoking her.

As an active general of the Tenryo Bugyo's office, don't you have any face?

"According to the usual practice, he will be sent to the detention room and locked up for seven days."

For the noisy ghost, staying in the detention room for seven days is more painful than taking his life. It is already a severe punishment for him.

"But his subordinates brought a mental evaluation bail, saying that he has a problem with his brain and insisted that we let him go."

This is also one of the reasons why Yamato came here, because this kind of document is a very important document and must be approved by Kujo Sara.

Now that it appears in the other party's hands, does it mean that this is what Kujo-sama meant?

"Mental evaluation bail?"

Hearing this word, Kujo Sara's expression changed again.

"Is it that guy, Kuki Shinobu, who is bailing him out?"

"Yes, that guy seems to be called this name."

Yamato recalled carefully and reported.

"Go tell her that because that guy has a problem with his brain, he will be locked up for seven days and seven nights. Otherwise, if he hurts people at will, then it will be too late.

It's easy to deal with. "

Kujo Sara's meaning is very clear.

That guy Aratake Ichito must go to jail, and even if she, Kuki Shinobu, comes, she can't save him.

"Okay, I understand!"

Yamato stood up straight, bowed, and hurried away again.

When Kujo Sara looked at the food she had placed again, she found that the milk and dried fish had disappeared.

Only some fish bones and debris fell from the lush cherry trees from time to time.

This scene also made her originally bad mood recover a lot.


Aratake Ichito has been taken away, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Only Bai Luo was alone, looking at the green-haired girl who left with the town magistrate, with a face full of contemplation.

"Isn't Xiao Gong red-haired? When did you join the Aratake faction? And dyed your hair green? What's the benefit of dyeing that thing green? "

As the main C in the game, Bai Luo was quite concerned about this.

Unfortunately, he came early and the game had not been updated yet.

So he didn't know that there was another guy named Kuki Shinobu in the Arotaki faction.

"Huh? Are you calling me?"

The sudden voice in his ear made Bai Luo stunned for a moment.

He turned his head and looked at the girl who had appeared beside him at some point, and then looked at the mysterious green-haired girl who was still following the town magistrate and Arotaki Ichito in the distance, and gradually fell into deep thought.

Why are there two Xiaogong?!

"Customer, do you want to order fireworks? If you are recommended by a regular customer, I can give you a 20% discount. "

After sending away the little guys around her, Xiao Gong spoke to Bai Luo again.

She just heard someone mention her name vaguely, but didn't hear clearly what was said.

So she thought Bai Luo came to Hanamizaka specifically to ask her to make fireworks.

After all, she was most famous for making fireworks in Hanamizaka.

"Well, I guess so."

After calming down, Bai Luo said perfunctorily.

I didn't expect that I didn't meet her last time I came here on purpose, but this time I just came to watch the fun and met her by chance.

Or two.

Good luck.

"Guest, you came here last time, right? Dad mentioned you before. "

Xiao Gong led the way while chatting with Bai Luo.

Perhaps some cautious people would think that she was trying to find out something.

But Bai Luo knew very well that Xiao Gong's personality was like this. She liked to talk to people and liked the hustle and bustle.

Along the way, she could call out everyone's name and greet them in a friendly manner.

Whether they were good-tempered or bad-tempered, everyone who saw her would respond to her enthusiastically.

She was like a little sun in winter, warming everyone around her.

"Yes, I've been here more than once."

I didn't expect that we would meet again, my main C.

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