[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Then it's decided, and then I will ask Ganyu to take Shenhe to your house, I hope you can take more care, if there is anything bad, you can beat or scold yourself." "

I don't know why, the people in the chat group don't know what to say when they see Liuyun borrowing the words of Zhenjun.

Is it necessary?

However, it is understandable when you think about it. After all, Shenhe's life is indeed not easy, if she can be allowed to join the group, it will be a great situation for Shenhe.

Madame Ping: "Eh, my disciple." "

The two children brought up by Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun are likely to join the group in the future, so what about their own disciples?

Think about those kids, let's talk about it later.

Zhongli: "I feel that Xiangling's food is good, if you can, you can pull Xiangling into the group, so that you can eat Xiangling's dishes anytime and anywhere." "

Muyang: "This can be had! If you have time, go and add Xiangling to the chat group, and please talk to Xiangling when the time comes. "

Grandma Ping: "This is Xiangling's honor." "】

"Do you really plan to let Shenhe stay at home?" Keqing pinched the soft flesh on Muyang's waist, I don't know what Shenhe looks like "One Five-Seven", I don't know what the personality is, Muyang directly agreed, Keqing looked at Muyang with a little resentment.

"I also know everything about Shenhe, if you don't feel at ease, you can bring Shenhe to Guiliyuan's side, didn't Liuyun borrow the wind Zhenjun before saying that Shenhe's strength is very strong?

You can ask her to move rocks or something. Seeing that Keqing was a little emotional, Muyang also hurriedly comforted.

"That Shenhe is a woman, I seem to have heard her name before, it is said that she is very good-looking, like a fairy, but a little unclose to the world. Keqing said with a strange expression.

Let Shenhe move stones? Lose what Muyang said, even if Keqing has some small emotions, it is impossible to really let Shenhe move stones.

Think about letting a big beauty carry a stone and run around, the picture is so beautiful, Keqing said that she didn't dare to look at it at all.

"Flutter!" seemed to think of something, Ke Qing smiled again: "But Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun is really not very good at talking."

When she first joined the group, she wanted to talk about Ganyu, but was stopped by Ganyu.

Thinking about it, it's something that Ganyu doesn't want others to know, this immortal is not as difficult to contact as it seems.

It's just that some don't have emotional intelligence. "

"Well, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch still takes good care of human beings, but many times he is honest.

And isn't she also starting to help humans with research and design now?

The car is being studied by Liuyun and Zhenjun, right?" Muyang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Liyue's work efficiency.

Considering that Inazuma is still cleaning up the mess, things aren't much better on Mondstadt's.

The number of the Knights of Favonius is still too small now, even if Qin wants to continue to expand the Knights of Favonius, but there are too few qualified people, and for now, the new Knights of Favonius needs to be built slowly.

The only good news is that Lisa, Jean, Diluc, and Eula are rapidly getting stronger.

Just as Muyang thought, although Lisa's soul was affected by the curse, it didn't matter, the rules of the chat group were even more above this curse.

With Lisa spending a lot of points on cultivation, her condition is also much better than before.

Obviously, as long as Lisa's cultivation can continue to improve, the curse on her body will not be a problem.

"Well, Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun is really powerful, but she seems to like to make some messy things out.

Moreover, there are many mechanisms that seem to be only suitable for immortals, and it is a big problem to make them available to humans!" Ke Qing said helplessly.

For Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun, Keqing's current senses are not bad, I used to think that the immortals were high, but after more contact, Keqing found that Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun was a tease...

Of course, the main thing is the ability shown by Liuyun to borrow Feng Zhenjun, which makes Keqing very concerned, this kind of trick boss must be used.

With the help of the True Monarch of the Clouds, Liyue's industrialization will increase rapidly.

Sometimes, Keqing's heart can't help but scold, you have such a technology, why don't you take it out early to help human beings improve their quality of life, what kind of immortal is cultivated in the deep mountains and old forests.

At this moment, Keqing seems to have really forgotten that she was very indifferent to immortals before, and thought that it was immortals who hindered the subjective initiative of human beings...

"It's a bit of a hassle with the mechanism and the power source. Mu Yang raised his eyebrows: "The conditions in the Teyvat Continent are not oil, such as the remnants of the demon god or the power of worshipping the gods, ordinary people can't withstand it, and it is also impossible to industrialize."

Elemental power can be used.

At the beginning, those machines in Kanria could have been studied, but if they used elemental power on a large scale, it would also be harmful to the leylines, which is the main reason why there were so few visions.

Even if their existence is of some benefit to the Teyvat Continent.

However, excessive consumption of leyline power is also very harmful to this world.

The best way to do this is to generate electricity. "

"But how do you store electricity?" Keqing hurriedly asked.

For the use of electricity or something, Keqing is not averse, according to the information sent by Muyang before.

It seems that electric vehicles are the main trend in the future.

However, the storage of batteries is a huge problem, as for the power generation, Keqing doesn't care, Liyue Mountain has many waterfalls, it is completely possible to use these water currents to generate electricity, and at the same time, thermal power generation is also possible, as long as you catch some fire elemental monsters, you can completely study how to make them lose their vitality, so that they can honestly generate electricity.

Even the Flame Burst Tree can be utilized.

Keqing is a very smart person and is also very good at planning.

There is no need for Mu Yang to remind him in this regard, Ke Qing quickly thought of it, as for the technical difficulties, isn't this Albedo and many immortals thinking about it?

I believe that these immortals must also be willing to contribute to the construction of Liyue.

"It's not something I'm going to think about, you can discuss it with Albedo or the immortals yourself. Muyang spread his hands and directly started to be the shopkeeper.

As a heavenly principle, he is indeed a little idle now.

It's not that Muyang doesn't work hard enough, in fact, he has worked hard, some things in the four countries, but Muyang is doing things behind his back........

Moreover, the people in the chat group have also improved a lot.

Now Mu Yang also plans to learn alchemy, but let him take the initiative to study these things, Mu Yang doesn't want to do it for the time being.

He has things he wants to do, like weapons and stuff. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, when the time comes, talk to Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun and them. Hearing this, Keqing did not refuse.

An immortal like Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun must be squeezed and squeezed more.


Muyang returned home, and before he could rest for long, Ganyu came to Muyang's house, followed by Shenhe.

When Muyang looked at Shenhe, Shenhe was also looking at Muyang, who was this man, why did the master let him follow the other party, and said that the other party could help him solve the problems on his body.

"Lord Muyang, this is Shenhe. Ganyu said respectfully to Muyang.

She also knew Muyang's identity, and this was the boss of the Rock Emperor, so when facing Muyang, the etiquette had to be in place, otherwise it would be Liyue's face that would be lost.

"Ganyu, how many times have I told you, you don't need to call me Lord, just call me Muyang. Looking at Ganyu like this, Muyang also sighed lightly and said.

In fact, at the beginning, Muyang and Ganyu got along very harmoniously, even if they knew that Muyang was a friend of Emperor Yanwang and had special abilities, they could still get along as friends.

But with the exposure of Muyang's identity, Ganyu was respectful to him, and Muyang didn't have much to do about this.

Ganyu looked at Muyang and opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything to refute it.

If you don't shout the words of adults, it doesn't make sense.

"In the future, just call me Muyang. Seeing Ganyu like this, Mu Yang said in a serious tone: "If you call me 3.9 people bigger, I'll touch your horns!"

Gan Yu subconsciously covered his horns, this is his weakness, and he must not be touched.

But she also knew that this was Muyang's scare, so she could only accept it, and she should pay attention next time, and she couldn't call Muyang an adult.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the other party will do what they say.

Or call Muyang Muyang, anyway, Muyang is still very talkative, not like Tianli at all, and have a good relationship with Muyang, and don't need to worry about when, Muyang is unhappy to drop nails from the sky.

Ganyu's appearance made Muyang laugh, it was really cute.

Immediately after, he looked at Shenhe and said, "Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun has already told you. "

Shenhe nodded slightly: "The master asked me to follow you, and you will do whatever you ask me to do."

Said you would teach me how to practice. "

"Do you practice?" Mu Yang looked at Shenhe, and immediately directly pulled Shenhe into the group.

If Nahida knew about such a thing, she would probably cry.

Muyang is treating him differently.

I'm too weak as a grass god, so I'm really sorry.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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