"This..." Shenhe looked at Muyang in disbelief, what kind of ability is this.

"Ganyu, you can explain to Shenhe. Muyang pointed to Ganyu on the side and admonished.

"Okay!" Ganyu also explained to Shenhe at the moment, very detailed.

Although Ganyu did not apprentice to Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun, she can be regarded as a disciple of Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun, and she is usually busy with work, and even only during this time, she has only seen Shenhe a few times.

Shenhe is also living on her side these days.

Now that Shenhe has been sent to Muyang's side, Ganyu also feels weird.

I always feel that Liuyun borrowing Feng Zhenjun is selling disciples, but thinking of Liuyun's character of borrowing Feng Zhenjun, if someone really wants to threaten Liuyun to sell disciples by borrowing Feng Zhenjun, even if Emperor Yanwang speaks, she would rather die than give in.

For disciples, Liuyun borrowing wind Zhenjun is very caring.

Maybe it's because the demon god residue in Shenhe's body has something to do with it.

"In other words, I can use the remnants of the demon god in my body to cultivate. Shenhe thought for a moment, and she also understood Liuyun's intention to borrow the wind Zhenjun.

I don't seem to need to purify all the demon god residues in my body, these things will grow out from time to time, and they will affect themselves, and there will be more and more, as long as I purify the demon god resentment that will affect me.

You can also use these points to improve your strength later. 26

Looking at Ganyu's appearance, it seems that he is very respectful of the immortal cultivation exercises in the chat group.

Wait until you go and practice for yourself, and see what difference this is from what the master taught you.

For Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun, Shenhe is very trusting, if it weren't for Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago.

"Yes, we have discussed with Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun, and we think it would be better for you not to purify all the demon god residues in your body for the time being. Ganyu paused and said to Shenhe: "If you are willing to think about the past,

You can go to the original cave, there should still be a large amount of demon god residue there, which can be purified by you, these are all good things that can be transformed into your strength. "

For cultivating immortals, although Ganyu is not particularly concerned, he also understands it.

After all, she herself is an immortal, and it is not particularly difficult to cultivate, and besides, Muyang's immortal cultivation method and the immortal method taught by the Rock King Emperor are also very different.

Ganyu occasionally cultivates for a few hours, but there is no problem, and his spirit seems to be getting better and better.

This is also to make Ganyu himself not exclusive to cultivating these.

During this time, the teleportation anchor point on the original side has also been unlocked, and she will occasionally go there to brush points, and the harvest is not small.

Now that she has also cultivated to the foundation building chapter, Ganyu feels that her strength has also improved somewhat.

You know, she is an immortal, her own strength is strong enough, in the past two thousand years, her strength has not improved much, but how long has it been for her to cultivate Muyang's immortal cultivation technique?

You can already clearly feel your improvement.

Moreover, the points she consumed to cultivate to the foundation building chapter were not as good as Diluc and them, obviously because of her previous accumulation, which also played a role.

That's a good thing.

I've all been promoted, but what about the rest of the people in the chat group?

Thinking that everyone would be at least at the level of an immortal after that, Ganyu was more or less anxious in his heart, at least he couldn't be the weakest one, right?

"Thanks, I see. Shenhe slightly purified some of the demon god energy in his body, and his heart was also relieved.

She didn't dare to have too much emotion before, because she was afraid that she would go berserk.

Well, now I don't need to suppress myself, it seems really good.

"Thank you. Immediately afterwards, Shenhe was grateful to Muyang again.

She knew that if she didn't have Muyang, she wouldn't be able to obtain this magical energy, no wonder Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to let her come to Muyang's side to do things.

In the face of such a person, I do things for him, and I am not excluded.

"You're welcome, just purify and purify the demon god's resentment and abyss power later. Mu Yang waved his hand.

Shenhe nodded again and again, even if Muyang didn't say it, she would do it.

With such a peculiar ability and exercises, do you want to become an immortal in the future?

Thinking of this, Shenhe's heart was also looking forward to it.

It's not that she hasn't met humans before, many humans think she is an immortal, but Shenhe himself knows that he is just a disciple of the immortal family.

It is also difficult to become an immortal yourself, and according to Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch, the only true cultivator in Liyue's history who has truly cultivated from a human to an immortal is the True Monarch of Gechenlang City.

Moreover, the situation of the true monarch of Gechenlang City is also very similar to himself, and he is all entered by the dregs of the demon god.

She also studied with Gechenlang City Zhenjun for a period of time, and the effect did have some.

But now that there is a new cultivation method, it is still recommended by Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun, so let's practice these exercises.

Perhaps, you can really become an immortal.

"Ganyu, it's almost lunchtime, why don't you stay and eat together?" Immediately after, Muyang looked at Ganyu on the side and asked.

"This..." Ganyu wanted to tell Muyang that she was not used to eating ordinary meals, but considering Muyang's identity, she really couldn't refuse.

Just eat some vegetables and wait.

Well, you must not eat more, otherwise you will be fat again.

"By the way, I have a technique here that can digest the excess fat in my body. As if seeing Ganyu's doubts, Muyang chuckled and looked at Ganyu and said.

"What? There are still such exercises?" Ganyu was shocked. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Getting fat has always been Ganyu's big problem, which also caused her to dare not eat more, if it weren't for the immortal beast Qilin physique, Ganyu's behavior would have starved to death.

Now hearing Muyang's words, how can Ganyu not be excited?

"Fat or something, in fact, it's just an accumulation of excess energy. As long as you cultivate honestly, these energies can also be transformed into your own strength.

In fact, if you want to, you can also find other immortals to study such exercises. Muyang looked at Ganyu a little speechlessly.

He knows the story of Ganyu when he was a child, Gollum rolled down the mountain Zhenjun, choked the demon god Zhenjun, this is all a joke for Ganyu.

"This..." Ganyu blinked, it seemed that she really didn't expect this.

Σ (Д) So how much less delicious food did I eat?

"I'll wait for it to be uploaded to the group, remember not to digest too much fat, it won't look good. Mu Yang glanced at Ganyu's conscience and reminded the little meat legs.

Ganyu's little meat leg is still very attractive, especially the blessing of Hisi...

It would be a pity if Ganyu digested all this meat.

"Is that so?" Ganyu was also a little twisted by Mu Yang's words, Lord Muyang looked at himself like this, could it be that he took a fancy to himself?

Regarding Muyang's various scandals, Ganyu is also a witness, she used to eat melons silently, but now it's her turn?

If Muyang is really interested in himself, what should he do?

It seems that she can't say anything to refuse, but she really doesn't understand feelings or anything.

I'm not good-looking, ugly and fat, what's good.

Ganyu scratched his head, he didn't think about this matter for the time being, and he would talk about it later.

About ten minutes later, Kamisato Ayaka also came back with the food that came back from Wanmintang.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. When she came to Muyang's side, Kamisato Ayaka put down the food and apologized to Ganyu and Shenhe again.

"No, we should have bothered us. Ganyu waved his hand 050 again and again, and at the same time motioned for Shenhe to come over to help.

Seeing this, Shenhe also learned decently.

Seeing the dishes on the table, Ganyu was also slightly relieved, fortunately, they are all what he likes to eat, and besides, vegetables, Shenhe should also like them, right?

It seems that this junior sister has similar tastes to herself, and she usually lives with a pure heart.

Now that he has a secret method to become thinner, he can eat more, and Shenhe doesn't need to rely on a pure heart to get by.

These seem to be the benefits that Muyang has brought them, woo woo, they don't know how to thank Muyang.

The food at Wan Min Tang is so delicious!

After the meal, Muyang and Kamisato Ayaka were a little stunned and looked at Ganyu who was eating happily, which was completely different from the Ganyu they knew before.

"How's your work going these days?" Muyang asked Kamisato Ayaka as he ate.

It's been a few days since he went to Sumeru this time, and Muyang also went to Guiliyuan yesterday, and he hasn't seen Kamisato Ayaka for almost a week.

"Yesterday the first batch of Inamizu people arrived in Liyue, and Chisato has already taken them to Guiliyuan and Keqing to hand over to Keqing.

I don't think it will take more than two days for them to get there. Kamisato Ayaka mentioned this, and the corners of her mouth showed a hint of a smile.

Even if I don't want to admit it, Liyue's life here is much better than that of Inazuma.

Even though the cost of working in Inazuma is only two-thirds of that of the local workers in Liyue, this salary is several times that of Inazuma.

(Regarding Shenhe's question, some people may think that the two are sisters and sisters, and the relationship should be very good, but in Ganyu's voice, Ganyu did say that she and Shenhe were not familiar with each other, but they just heard Liuyun borrow Feng Zhenjun to say it, which proves that the two sides have not even seen each other.)

But Ganyu also wanted to introduce the other party to the job... It's a workaholic. )。

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