Of course, Inazuma is also worried that the Inazuma people will be smuggled into Liyue to work illegally.

After all, Liyue did give too much, and if all the people of Inazuma went to Liyue to work, would there still be anyone in Inazuma?

Therefore, Liyue and Inazuma also signed a contract, and all Inazuma citizens who went to Liyue to work must be approved by the Inazuma government, and if they do not have official approval, they will be illegally smuggled and will be sent back.

"Yesterday there were about 800 people, and if the forecast is good, about three days later, there will be a group of 500 people. Kamisato Ayaka also said seriously when he mentioned the matter: "Actually, the Shogun wanted to use the Narujin to participate in the transportation at the beginning.

In the eyes of the Shogun, nothing is more important than making a good life for the people of Inazuma.

But my brother thinks that this is in the way of the general's majesty.

Moreover, ordinary people don't dare to sit and roar the trumpet, and Sangonomiya Kokomi also thinks so, so he gives up. "

The majesty of the Ray movie?

The corners of Mu Yang's mouth couldn't help twitching, it seemed to belong to the majesty of the Lei movie, and he had already been damaged a lot because of his prank on the Seven Heavens God Statue.

However, the people on Inazuma's side also have great faith in Inazuma, and the previous Thunder Movies quelled the war and eliminated the forces within Inazuma, which also made the prestige of Thunder Movies within Inazuma not affected much.

Of course, Muyang can still feel the heart of the Lei movie.

How could she not love her people?

Where is the eternal paradise so easy to exist?

"It can take more than two days to walk from Liyue Harbor to the original place. Ganyu said at this time: "However, Keqing and the others have also started to build a port to return to the original side, and when the time comes, Inazuma's ships can stop directly there, maybe it will be much easier." "

Kamisato Ayaka was also happy when she heard this: "Then thank you very much." "

"When are you going to go to Inazuma, the teleportation anchor point of Narukami Island, Yae Miko should have found it, right?

There is one that seems to be near Kamisatoyashiki, so if you want to go home in the future, it will be much easier. Mu Yang seemed to have thought of something and reminded Kamisato Ayaka.

"It's actually pretty good here. Kamisato Ayaka looked at Shenhe on the side.

Sure enough, after becoming a Muyang-sama's woman herself, Liyue sent another woman over, which was too despicable.

Lord Muyang, you have to see it clearly, don't be hooked by these women, I can do anything!

Shenhe looked at Kamisato Ayaka with some suspicion, and for some reason, she saw the battle intent in the other party's eyes.

Do you want to fight with yourself?

That's right, as a disciple of the Immortal Family, I always encounter all kinds of challengers, maybe the one in front of me is a good opponent.

"Hmm!" Mu Yang looked at Ayaka with a strange look in his eyes, "Turtle Girl, you are the Egret Princess of Inazuma, at this time, you said that Liyue is quite good, and you don't want to go back, is it wrong to say something?"

However, soon Mu Yang didn't care about it, after all, Kamisato Ayaka was just a teenage girl, and she just asked for the other party's body not long ago, and it seemed to be a normal thing for her to want to pester herself.

"I'm going to go to Inazuma tomorrow, the Fox Palace is almost resurrected, you can join the group, do you want to go together?" Muyang asked Kamisato Ayaka.

"Okay!" Hearing Mu Yang's words, Kamisato Ayaka agreed without thinking about it.

Kitsune Palace, this is the legendary big monster of Inazuma, the big hero, when the general rushed to the battlefield of Kanria, but the Lord of Kitsunaya Palace desperately protected Inazuma.

If it weren't for the Lord of Kitsunaya, I'm afraid Inazuma would have been gone for a long time.

She is also very interested in the former Miyaji-sama.

"Fox Palace? I once met each other in the meeting of the Seven Gods, and they were very attractive demons. At this time, Ganyu also recalled the Fox Zhai Palace, and said with nostalgia.

"Oh?" Mu Yang was not surprised that the Fox Palace could participate in the gathering of the seven gods.

After all, she is a true dependant of Raiden, and her own strength is at the Demon God level, so she is also qualified to participate in the meeting.

However, this charm came out of Ganyu's mouth, and Muyang couldn't help but be curious.

I just don't know how charming that original crumb fox is.

"The specific situation is not praised, in short, it is very lethal..."Ganyu tilted his head and reluctantly explained.

"Forget it, let's meet first and then talk about it. Muyang didn't continue to ask when he heard this.

For Kasanri, Muyang still cares a lot, and the other party didn't dissipate, which is really good.

After Ganyu finished the evening meal, she left in a hurry, there was no way, she had eaten too much.

Fortunately, Muyang gave herself a quick way to digest it, otherwise, she would probably gain a pound when she went back.

For Ganyu, this is a difficult thing to accept.

"Ayaka, prepare a room for Shenhe. Muyang then also said to Kamisato Ayaka.

"It was ready before, just near our house. Kamisato Ayaka said hurriedly.

She had long known that Shenhe was going to come to live, so she asked someone to prepare a room for Shenhe yesterday, but it was separated from Muyang's room, and the flower world outside was so dangerous, she needed to protect Lord Muyang.

"Thank you. Hearing this, Shenhe did not refuse Kamisato Ayaka's kindness, and said gratefully.

"That's what I'm supposed to do. "Is this a retreat for advance?Kamisato Ayaka had a lot of ideas in her head, and the women of Liyue were just too powerful.

Sangomiya Kokomi, Yae Miko, come and help me!


The next day, Muyang got up under the service of Kamisato Ayaka and had breakfast.

Looking at Shenhe beside him, Muyang asked, "Are you going to go to Inazuma with us?"

"Master asked me to be by your side and listen to you do things, so naturally I want to go over. "Shenhe didn't sleep well yesterday night. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he was about to fall asleep, he heard the "cat meow", followed the sound to the outside of Muyang's room, and his curiosity drove him to investigate the situation inside, and then he fled back to his room.

This picture really made Shenhe a little unforgettable.

Even if you close your eyes, this is the kind of scene that appears.

As for yesterday's situation, neither Muyang nor Kamisato Ayaka knows, who will pay attention to the situation outside at that time.

Even though Muyang's perception ability is very good, it is impossible for him to drive it all the time, isn't he tired?

The other party didn't have a killing intent or anything for himself, and besides, in the backyard of the house, no one would come at night, and Shenhe didn't make a sound, so he didn't know.

"Well, in that case, you should come along. Hearing Shenhe's words, Muyang didn't refuse, and directly opened the spatial passage and entered it, and Kamisato Ayaka and Shenhe hurriedly followed.

At this moment, inside the Narukami Shrine, Ray Movie and Yae Miko were already waiting here.

"You're here!" Seeing Muyang's arrival, Lei Yingying's face also showed a rare smile.

Before, she thought that a few days were just a blink of an eye for her, but after leaving Muyang, she really missed it.

"Hmm. Mu Yang nodded slightly, and then when he saw the Yae Miko on the side, the whole person was shocked: "What's the matter with you?

"There's no way around it, although the situation in Inazuma has calmed down, there are still a lot of filth on Narukami Island.

I need to maintain the purification ritual.

It's not that I haven't thought about letting Sangonomiya Kokomi come over before, with her strength, she can also maintain this ceremony, and she can also get points and improve her strength.

However, Inazuma is now in ruins, and Shadow also has to sit in Tatarsa to solve the leakage problem of the Mikage hearth.

I can only maintain the formation day and night. Yae Miko said helplessly.

They don't have anyone in Inazuma!

Originally, Kamisato Ayaka was also okay, but Kamisato Ayaka followed Muyang to Inazuma, and the things she dealt with were also very important, and Yae Miko could only hold on.

"Is that so?" (Zhao's) Muyang was not surprised when he heard this.

Yae Miko is a little crumb, but for the sake of her friends, she is really on something.

When he saw Yae Miko for the first time before, Mu Yang saw the scene where Yae Miko was almost desperate.

Now with the power of Muyang to bring blessings to the Yae Miko, if the Yae Miko hadn't worked too hard for this time, he wouldn't have become like this.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang looked at a white-haired fox on the side, and asked speechlessly, "Could this be the Fox Palace?"

"Hello, honorable lord, I am Fox Palace. The white fox came to Muyang and saluted.

Seeing the other party like this, Mu Yang's eyelids also twitched, is this the rhythm of turning into a fox directly?

He was very skeptical, when the thunderbolt was really resurrected in the future, would he directly become a child?

looks like the statue of the Seven Heavens God, and it is not Muyang Hulai, when Lei Dian Zhen is resurrected, the position of Thunder God will naturally belong to Lei Dengen, and Lei Movie will not compete with Lei Dengen, and in terms of governing the country, Lei Movie is really not good.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's a real dish...

Thinking of what he looked like when he was a child, Muyang was also a little moved, mom, it's so cute. d

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