"Hmm!" Mu Yang glanced at the Fox Palace, and then at the Yae Miko: "Did you give all the points to the Fox Palace?"

"yes, it's a little bit more than I expected at the beginning, and it cost about 1.2 million points.

However, Kage's body is almost exactly the same as that of Lord Kitsune-sama at the beginning, but it takes time to improve himself later..."Yae Miko said without concealment.

At first, they thought that the points needed to resurrect the Fox Palace would not require 1 million points, but they didn't expect that the resurrection of the Fox Palace would cost 1.2 million points.

Moreover, the current state of the Fox Palace is similar to the state of the newborn, and no one knows how many points the Fox Palace will need to recover completely.

It's just that the Fox Palace needs so many points, so what about Raiden Zhen and Raiden Shogun?

That's probably an astronomical amount.

"Anyway, the Fox Palace is resurrected, isn't it?" Looking at the white-haired fox, Mu Yang had an urge to masturbate.

"yes! No, I'm going to take a break. Yae Miko smiled bitterly, and then under the gaze of Muyang and the others, Yae Miko directly turned into a fox.

"It's so cute..."Seeing this pink-haired fox, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but exclaim.

Even though Kitsunayamiya-sama is also cute, Yae Miko-sama is so cute, and this cute feeling of crumbs is amazing.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Yae Miko used to play tricks on Kamisato Ayaka.

"Son of God. Seeing Yae Miko like this, Lei Ying sighed lightly, hugged Yae Miko in his arms, and then looked at Muyang again, signaling Muyang to help him think of a way.

She is destined to go to Tatarasa to sit down, and the purification over there can't be stopped for the time being, the leakage of the Mikage hearth before is too serious, even if Lei Movie has been purified for so long, it hasn't solved the 733 problem of Tatarasha.

If Kamisato Ayaka had done so, she would have been able to preside over the purification ceremony, but she would have to return to Liyue later.

"Pretty cute!" Looking at Yae Miko like this, Mu Yang chuckled, "Did you have a divine vision before the Fox Palace?"

"The Fox Palace doesn't need a Vision of God. Lei Ying shook his head slightly: "The Divine Son actually doesn't really need the Vision of God.

For them, the Vision is just a buff. "

"What do you think would happen if you gave the current Fox Zhai Palace a divine vision?" Mu Yang asked as he glanced at the white-haired fox.

"Kitsune Palace's control of magic is much more powerful than that of Miko.

If she was given a Vision of God, she would barely be able to preside over the ceremony, but she could use her points to grow.

Maybe it can be successful. Lei said after thinking about it seriously.

If it was before, Ray Movie didn't want the people around him to get the Vision of God, after all, the ending of Genshin Impact was not much better.

But now that Tianli is Muyang, it seems that it is not impossible.

"What attribute of the Vision of God do you want?" Mu Yang came to the side of the Fox Zhai Palace, squatted down and stroked the Fox Zhai Palace, and under the other party's hand dancing, he let the other party go.

"Can you still choose the attributes of the Vision of God?" Shenhe was directly dumbfounded (cgbd) on the side.

Isn't this the Vision of some attribute, just the Vision of God?

When can I still ask for it?

"Thunder elemental, I'm better at thunder elemental demon methods, of course, ice elemental or grass elemental can also be. Fox Zhai Gong forcibly restrained his emotions and said to Muyang.

Hmph, the other party actually stroked himself, this hatred, I wrote it down.

Be sure to get revenge back in the future.

"Yes!" As Mu Yang's words fell, a purple light fell from the sky and landed on the body of the Fox Palace, turning into a Thunder God's Eye.

"Try it. Mu Yang pointed to the Vision of God and said to the Fox Palace, and at the same time pulled the Fox Palace into the chat group.

"Can it still be like this?" Shenhe and Kamisato Ayaka are both dumbfounded, the Vision of God that others dream of, when they come to Muyang, they really want to give it.

"Thank you. Kitsunaya tucked the Vision in her furry white tail, and then went to the place where Yae Miko was, and she began to preside over the purification ceremony.

"It works, but it's weak. Fox Zhai Palace's tone was full of joy and said: "I can use the purified points to restore my strength, and then use the demonic power obtained from the increased strength to purify the filth, overall, I earned it."

As long as no one threatens me and keeps me safe, I can grow. "

"Then this ritual will be handed over to you, and it is rare to have so many points to brush. People from other countries don't have that easy to find so many points. Yae Miko also said when he heard this.

"In this case, do I want to resurrect Zhen first, and then let Zhen earn points by himself? and then I go to get the general's body?"

As far as the filth gathering speed on the side of the god cherry tree is concerned, it is not enough to just brush the points by one person in the Fox Palace, and it is completely possible to let Shinya come here to brush the points.

Anyway, there are a lot of places to brush points on Inazuma's side, and when the points on the side of the god cherry tree are brushed, you can go to Tatarasa, and then there are Yayu Island and Kiyorai Island.

Before, Ray Movies was not interested in these islands, and felt that these places were a bit of a drag. But it's different now, it's all a good place to brush points.

They are all places that can help my sister and Kitsunaya grow up.

"If you're going to do that, it's not impossible. Mu Yang didn't refuse, "If you want to resurrect Raiden Zhen, you need to resurrect Raiden Zhen's consciousness first, and then transmit a large number of points to Raiden Zhen."

But I'm curious, how many points do you have now?"

"Because you have obtained the relationship of the heart of the grass god, the purification ability has been greatly improved, and I have worked for a few days in a row, and I have swiped my points to nearly two million. When it comes to this, Ray is full of pride. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although she was a little tired, I am afraid that she was not so tired in the original Demon God War, but she brushed two million points, which was enough to make her feel proud.

I'm afraid that except for the maintainer of Heavenly Reason, no one has more points than himself.

"It's pretty fast, indeed. Hearing the results of Lei's movie, Muyang was shocked at first, and then relieved.

The current thunder movie is not the thunder movie during the Demon God War, if the thunder movie and Morax start to purify the abyss filth at full power at the same time, the current Morax is indeed not as fast as the thunder movie purification.

According to Muyang's estimate, it is very likely that Raiden really gave his origin to Thunder Movie, and the means may be through Dream Yixin, after all, Dream Yixin is a companion weapon of Thunderbolt, which is special in itself.

Lei Movie has been in the Pure Land for a long time, and subtly, he has been influenced by Dream Yixin, and these reasons are probably unknown to Lei Movie himself.

"Two million points should be enough.

Moreover, even if it is not enough, you can brush it slowly, and I can guarantee the safety of the thunderbolt's soul. After thinking about it, Mu Yang said to Lei Movie.

"Okay, so what do I need to do?" asked Ray Movie excitedly.

Lei Movie wanted to resurrect Raiden Zhen for a long time, but she also knew that if she resurrected Raiden Zhen, there would still be a certain danger.

There is no guarantee that Thunderbolt is really 100% safe, but Muyang is different here.

"Leave your dreams to me. Mu Yang stretched out his hand and said to Lei Ying.

"Okay!" Lei Movie put down Yae Miko and pulled out the dream from his scabbard.

Shenhe, who watched this scene, was also dumbfounded, she already knew that this purple beauty was Inazuma Thor.

Could it be that for these strong people, it is a place to hide weapons, so should you put your weapons there?

But no matter how you look at it, you can't put it down.

Mu Yang held the dream with residual heat, suppressed the heart in his heart, and silently felt the breath inside, and easily found the breath that did not belong to the Lei movie.

Well, is the general's consciousness not in the dream in his heart, but directly in the body of the thunder movie?

There was no entanglement at the moment, and he directly activated the power of life, activating the thunder and lightning true soul in the heart of the dream.

A purple light burst out of the dream's heart and turned into a purple ball of light.

"Really!" Lei Ying let out a soft exhalation, but her hand did not stop, and came to Lei Dengzhen's side, converting points into energy and injecting it into the purple light in her body.

"Shadow, long time no see. Raiden's voice came from the purple ball of light, "Looks like I don't have to die." "

Her heart is a little weak, she hasn't seen anything for a long time, it's impossible.

Over the years, she has been silently paying attention to her stupid sister, and sometimes some of the behaviors of the thunder movie really want to make the thunderbolt really jump out of the coffin, and then teach her sister a hard lesson.

But Raiden really held back, and she also knew that Shadow had just lost too much, and her head was not very good.

Moreover, he can only appear once, and it was not the time for him to appear.

It's just that what Raiden really didn't expect was that Muyang appeared and directly changed the Thunder movie, and solved the internal problems of Inazuma with the tendency of destroying the withering and decaying.

After that, he got along with the shadow directly, and at that time, Raiden Zhen was really confused, so he almost jumped out directly.

But in the end, I held back...

His sister is even tougher than she thought.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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