After a warm stay with Lei Movie and a wash, the two also came to the Narukami Shrine, where the purification ritual is still maintained.

It is mainly the Fox Palace, Raiden Zhen, Shenhe and Kamisato Ayaka who are presiding, while Yae Miko is turned into a fox and sleeps on the side.

There's no way, this time is really tired of Yae Miko, and now someone is coming to replace her to preside over the ceremony, Yae Miko can't have a good rest for a few days?

Fortunately, during this time, no shrine maiden would have come here, otherwise, after seeing Yae Miko like this, she wouldn't have to take out a photo camera to commemorate it?

You know, the Yae Miko they usually see are all human, where is the cute little fox now?

Of course, no one else will be allowed to come in here, and the current Kitsune Palace and the real power of Raiden are still weak, and they really can't be easily exposed to others, if they are known by those people in the Abyss Order, it will be a huge threat to Inazuma.

"You're still purifying, come and eat something. Muyang carried the food that had been prepared before, put it on the ground, and said to a few people.

"Breakfast? Looks like it's been a long time. Thunder and Lightning Allah put down the work at hand, came to Mu Yang's side, opened the box, picked up a piece of Dafu, put it in his mouth, and his little face swelled into a bun face.

Muyang couldn't help but want to knead it, this is so cute.

But in the end, this is his own sister-in-law, and he can't be bullied like that.

It's just that she's so cute, she's just cheating.

"Really, you're still the same as before.26 Lei Ying sat next to Lei Dengen, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of a smile.

Muyang and Yae Miko like to say that they like to eat sweets, especially after the fall of the real one.

But mainly because Raiden also likes sweets, and at a very early age, she just likes to study with her sister.

Daifuku Inazuma was invented by Raiden Shin.

Every time he eats Sancai Balls, Lei Movie misses his sister.

"I thought I would never be able to eat. Raiden really said helplessly: "However, this Daifuku really hasn't changed its taste for five hundred years, and it's still the original taste." "

Lei Movie also showed a look of nostalgia when he heard this: "Although I also knew that it was impossible for you to come back, I wanted to keep Inazuma as if you were still there." "

Raiden Zhen also nodded slightly when he heard this, eternity doesn't seem to be useless, at least he can still eat the great fortune he liked at the beginning.

Then she greeted the Fox Zhai Palace and the others on the side: "Come over too, everyone is hungry after a busy night." "

Even with their current strength, they may not be hungry after a busy night, just like Lei Movie, she is actually not hungry, and eating sweets is just to satisfy the appetite.

The current Shenhe, Kamisato Ayaka, and they don't have this level, they just don't eat one or two meals, which has no effect on them.

Fox Saigong climbed to this side, and instead of picking up ordinary food, he picked up a glass of divine cherry wine and drank it deliciously.

"This?" Muyang was stunned when he watched this scene, this fox likes to drink?

seemed to see Muyang's doubts, and Lei Ying also patiently explained: "What Fox Zhai Palace likes most is to drink."

At the beginning, the divine cherry wine was brewed by Kitsunaya Palace itself, and now Inazuma's divine cherry sake is brewed by Yae Miko, but the brewing method of Miko is not as good as that of Kitsune Palace, which also leads to the fact that Fox Palace is not a cherry wine to be seen.

This time, she brought what she had brewed before, and I was reluctant to drink it before. "

Five hundred years ago, if it was in Blue Star, I wouldn't dare to drink it.

But in this world, the wine from five hundred years ago can still be drunk, and Muyang also drank the wine treasured by Barbatos before, and it seems that it was also five hundred years ago, when he didn't drink much, but the taste was really good.

"How do you feel that Yae Miko seems to have learned a lot. Mu Yang muttered, but didn't say anything, after all, this fox was also ordered to be in danger at the beginning.

It's also a normal thing to not know about those things.

"Wait, I'm going to the opening ceremony of Liyue Bank. Do you want to go back?" asked Muyang as he ate breakfast to Shenhe and Kamisato Ayaka.

It is definitely impossible for Lei Movie to leave with Muyang.

After all, Raiden has just been resurrected, if it wasn't for the good repayment of Muyang yesterday, Thunder Movie would not have left the Narukami Shrine, but considering that although Yae Miko is tired, he also has the power to fight, and there are Kamisato Ayaka and Shinhe on the side, so she doesn't need to worry much.

But if you want to leave Inazuma, Lei Movie is unwilling to say anything.

Even Thunder Movie wants to take Raiden Zhen to the Tatara Sand Brush Points.

The Tatarsand side has been purified by Lei Movie, and Lei Movie estimates that he can purify hundreds of thousands of points by then.

When the time comes, you can take your sister to Bayu Island to purify the power of worshipping gods, and there are more points over there.

Ray Movie feels that the island is enough for the two sisters to brush up for a long time.

When the points of Yayu Island are completed, then by then, the thunderbolt has really recovered, and the raiden shogun can also get the body.

Oh, by the way, she also has to solve the problem of wear and tear on her side, as well as improve her divine power, she feels that her strength seems to be able to continue to improve, if it is under normal circumstances, it is difficult for her to improve her strength as soon as possible. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But every time he has in-depth contact with Muyang, Lei Movie feels that his strength has improved, and then as long as he continues to be with Muyang, and then improves his divine power.

"I'll follow you. Shenhe didn't even think about it, but he spoke.

The master let him follow Muyang, but Shenhe didn't forget.

Moreover, following Muyang is really everything.

This is the third day with Muyang, two days ago, I joined the chat group, got the opportunity to solve my own problems, came to Inazuma yesterday, and got a lot of points.

Even if there is no benefit now, Shenhe is willing to follow Mu Yang, after all, this is his benefactor, if someone wants to be unfavorable to Mu Yang, she doesn't need Mu Yang to make a move, she will definitely take out her spear and poke a few transparent holes in the other party's body.

"Well, there is actually a teleportation anchor at the entrance of the Narujin Shrine, so if you want to come here to farm points in the future, you can come here. Mu Yang nodded slightly, and looked at Kamisato Ayaka again.

Kamisato Ayaka was obviously a little hesitant.

Shenhe is going to follow Muyang, so he needs to keep an eye on it, these women in Liyue are too despicable.

If you don't keep an eye on it, the ghost knows if the next time you return to Liyue, they'll be able to climb onto the dragon's bed.

"Okay!" Shenhe didn't refuse when he heard this, it's really convenient to brush points at Narujin Taisha here.

Moreover, listening to what Fox Zhai Gong said, she still quite hoped that she could stay and brush up points, because the matter of the leyline disorder has not been solved yet, and their purification speed of the leyline is faster than the speed of generating filth.

Coupled with the filth of the leylines accumulated before, if you want to completely purify Narujin Island, you don't know that it will be the Year of the Monkey.

On Inazuma's side, they are welcome to come over and earn points.

"If you want to go home, go back first, anyway, you don't have anything to do in Inazuma today, so you can go and unlock the teleportation anchor point on Narukami Island. Seeing Kamisato Ayaka like this, Muyang also said to Kamisato Ayaka.

Kamisato Ayaka had never left home before, let alone left Inazuma.

It's been almost a month since Iazuma left this time, and it's inevitable that I'll be homesick.

In fact, 530 Muyang still wanted to accompany Kamisato Ayaka to Kamisato Yashiki at the beginning, after all, he has now eaten Kamisato Ayaka and wiped it out.

Now if Muyang goes to meet Kamisato Ayato, it seems that he should also be.

He didn't mind bringing Kamisato Ayato closer to the chat group.

But thinking about it carefully, Mu Yang still decided to give up for the time being, just kidding, he is not an ordinary person, seeing his eldest brother or something, shouldn't his eldest brother come to see him?

And then I'm in a good mood and pull you into the chat group?

It's impossible to please your uncle or something.

"Yes!" Kamisato Ayaka's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, but she agreed.

It seems that he and Muyang still need to talk to his brother about it, but how to say such words.

Even Kamisato Ayaka didn't know what to do.

However, Muyang is right, it seems to be the right choice to unlock the teleportation anchor point on the side of Kamisato Yashiki now.


"Are you Traveler and Paimon?" Ying and Paimon arrived at the busy and hot Returning Place, and were invited by the staff here to Keqing at the Wangshu Inn.

"Ying, who do you say she is, why do you know the way we are? Invite us here, don't you want to treat us to a big dinner?" Paimon muttered in Ying's ear.

()~ Ying looked at Paimon speechlessly, this little guy knows how to eat.

However, why she was invited here, Ying has some guesses.

Muyang seems to be doing well in Liyue, which may have something to do with him.

Thinking of Muyang's care for herself along the way, Ying also sighed, this guy, is so good to himself, does he want to promise himself? This is greedy for his own body. d

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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