"Hello, I'm Paimon, this is Traveler Ying, the big man in Liyue, is there anything you're looking for us?" Paimon then asked as he looked at Keqing curiously.

"Hello, I'm Yuheng Keqing from the Seven Stars of Liyue, and I've heard Muyang talk about you before, and I invited you to Liyue when I knew you were here. Keqing said frankly.

As for letting these two people work as coolies for Liyue, Keqing didn't say anything for the time being, after all, they weren't familiar yet.

But it doesn't matter, she has done her homework on Ying and Paimon before, just treat them to a meal and show kindness, and Paimon will treat you as a good friend.

At this time, as long as you show your difficulties and show that you are willing to give a lot of compensation, then Paimon will take the initiative to accept it, and although Ying is helpless, she will not refuse.

This is what Mu Yang taught her before, on the hundred uses of Paimon.

But Paimon is really cute, and it seems nice to have a flying pet like this.

Although he has to eat a lot of things every month, for Keqing, that Mora is nothing at all.

If you have the chance, ask Paimon where she has her kind and have a flying pet like this.

Asmodeus: Do you dare?

Hearing Keqing's self-introduction, Paimon was dumbfounded, "It turns out that you are Liyue's Jade Hengxing, so young, this is unexpected." "

Yu Hengxing?

Ying looked at Keqing thoughtfully, this man is very beautiful, his figure is also very good, those pairs of high silk, I feel that there is no man who can refuse, and there are double ponytails, this woman should not have come to demonstrate to herself, right?

"Thanks to the compliment, thanks to the trust of the people of Liyue and the Emperor of the Rocks, I became a Seven Star.

Do your best for Liyue. Keqing nodded slightly at Paimon and said, "I asked the kitchen to prepare the meal, why don't we have lunch together?"

"Dinner? Then we're welcome. Paimon agreed directly.

This is directly ushering in Ying's evil eye, ()~, Paimon, haven't you noticed that in fact, Keqing also has a plan.

However, it probably won't be a big deal.

If there is a real threat, you can run away, but you don't have to mix in Liyue.

Moreover, since obtaining the rock element, Ying felt that his strength had improved by more than one level, and now if he faced those golden king beasts, he would not be as embarrassed as before.

Her strength is not a little bit better.

Later, Ying and Paimon also saw Keqing's cards.

Keqing didn't know what the two of them liked to eat, and she also knew that Paimon had a big appetite, so she ordered all the signature dishes in the Wangshu Inn.

In the face of these foods, Paimon was naturally not polite, and really wiped out these foods in front of the two of them, and the rest also went into Ying and Keqing's stomachs.

This is also to make Ying cry silently, this woman is showing off that she is rich, right?

This is hinting at himself, he is qualified to be close to Muyang, right?

Although I didn't like Muyang, but you used Mora to despise me like this, isn't it a little too much?

I don't have Mora, but I have backbone.

"It's delicious~. Paimon sighed as he touched his bulging belly.

"The food at Wangshu Inn isn't the best in Liyue, so when you get to Liyue, you can ask Muyang to take you to Crescent Pavilion and Liuli Pavilion for dinner.

There's Liyue's most famous restaurant, as well as Xiangling's Wanmin Hall, and the food is pretty good.

Emperor Yanwang once said that if Wanmintang was Xiangling's chef, then he would have to go there to eat. Keqing also introduced it enthusiastically.

After all, for the current Keqing, the problem that can be solved with Mora is really not a problem.

Not to mention that she is rich, Muyang is also very rich.

Not long after, the clothing store opened by himself and Muyang opened, and he could make a lot of money in the future.

Keqing asked Muyang before, he liked to see what clothes he was wearing, and Muyang showed himself a lot of clothing styles at that time.

It's very different from the style of clothes in this world.

But some of the clothes seem to be really good, just like the JK clothes, what hip skirts, many of them are very good-looking, even the ones worn inside are varied.

In this regard, Keqing only wants to say that Muyang and the people in their world really know how to play, even a girl of her own heart is moved.

Keqing also has a hunch that that kind of JK clothes may really suit herself.

When the time comes, I will take the lead, and I can make a lot of money by coming to this clothing store.

"Really, Ying, let's go play with Muyang when we get to Liyue, didn't he let us go to him after we got to Liyue?" Paimon suggested as he looked at Ying expectantly.

()~, Ying glanced at Paimon helplessly, but she didn't refuse.

After all, she really needs Muyang's help now, and she doesn't mind helping herself if she wants to come to Muyang.

Moreover, she hasn't seen her for a while, and she really misses Muyang, an old friend.

When I was with Muyang, I was very relaxed, and I could let myself see the world from another angle.

"By the way, Keqing, why are there so many people out there?" Paimon asked Keqing again when he saw that Ying agreed.


Of course, it is rebuilding and returning to the original pull. Keqing said proudly when she mentioned this, "Because there are more and more people in Liyue Harbor, for the sake of Liyue's development, we plan to redevelop Guiliyuan. "

"But doesn't it mean that there were a lot of demon gods buried before returning to the original, and there are a lot of demon god resentments in them?

What if the demon god resentment inside escapes?" Paimon asked, confused. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Paimon, you know a lot. Ke Qing glanced at Paimon meaningfully, and sure enough, this little guy was not simple.

I even know about the demon god's resentment.

Even inside Liyue, most people don't know that there is actually a demon god burial ground beneath the Returnee, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people in Liyue who would have gone to the Return.

Mora is good, but there is only one life.

"There is a god who has taught us how to settle the grievances of returning to the original demon gods. After some hesitation, Keqing still explained.

Muyang's words should be regarded as gods, right?

Tianli is the head of the gods.

It's also a god, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"I see. Hearing this, Paimon also showed a sudden look: "Could it be the legendary Rock King Emperor?"

"It's not the Rock King Emperor La, okay, you don't care about this matter for now, you will naturally know later. Keqing waved her hand, in Keqing's opinion, Ying would enter the chat group sooner or later, and even Paimon would enter the chat group sooner or later.

It's just a matter of time.

"However, during this time, our construction was not particularly smooth. Immediately afterwards, Keqing said helplessly.

Just waiting for Paimon to take the bait.

Sure enough, Paimon hurriedly asked, "Keqing, is there something wrong?"

In Paimon's opinion, Keqing must be a good person to invite himself to such a delicious meal.

As for using yourself and Ying or something, how is this possible?

They are not very familiar with Keqing, and no one will deliberately come to trick them and let them do anything particularly troublesome and dangerous.

"Actually, we need some people to help us do geological exploration.

Although I am familiar with every piece of land in Liyue, I don't know what lies beneath that land and how hard it is.

So I'd like to invite some capable people to explore this.

We are willing to pay a lot of money, but there are only a handful of people who can complete this task, after all, some detection tasks need to be dived. Keqing covered her forehead and sighed.

"How much is it?" Paimon's eyes lit up and he quickly asked.

They don't have much Mora right now, and when they came to Liyue this time, they bought a lot of things and spent all their savings.

If they were paid, they would be able to buy a lot of things when they arrived in Liyue.

If Mora had not had it, they would not have been able to move an inch.

It is said that Liyue's consumption is not ordinary.

"It depends on the results of the exploration, and the average explorer has at least 10,000 Mora a day.

If you have the ability, you may be able to make a huge contribution, and it is not a problem to make hundreds of thousands of Mora a day.

Of course, we can also contract areas, we have divided some areas, and if we can complete the exploration of that area, we will also give Mora. Keqing said and took out a map, pointed in a direction and said, "It's like this side, we plan to build a port."

But we don't know much about the underwater environment here, and someone needs to investigate it, and if someone can investigate the geological environment, currents, and depths over there, we are willing to give 1 million Mora directly. "

"Ying, a million Mora. Paimon tugged at Ying's sleeve and whispered.

That's a million Mora, and as for danger or something, Paimon isn't afraid at all, after all, Ying is a traveler!

She has confidence in Ying's strength.

This time, it's not just Paimon, but Ying is also a little moved.

One million Mora is indeed not a small number for her.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscription, Mo Da, love you!

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