The world where Muyang was before, Ying may not have been there.

But she knows that a lot of the world has the concept of courtesy.

Muyang took very good care of himself before, and also told him some things about his brother, these things are very difficult to obtain.

Muyang's strength is very strong, but he doesn't have much time to come to this world, and he is not familiar with life, so it may not be easy to find out these news.

Since Muyang has done so much for himself, he also needs to thank Muyang, at least the exchange of gifts is still needed.

Otherwise, you can only send your own original flavor, not to mention that you can't send it, Muyang probably won't want it, right?

Then it is very important to earn Mora by yourself and then buy gifts for Muyang.

For the exploration mission that Ke Qing said, Ying didn't have much fear, for ordinary people, this could be very dangerous, if there was any undercurrent underwater, one would die if he wasn't careful.

But Ying is confident in her own strength, even if her strength has been sealed a lot now, her physical strength is still very high.

As long as you give yourself enough excellent equipment, isn't this money the same as picking it up for nothing?

"I can help if needed. Ying looked at Keqing in a serious tone.

For some reason, she felt that Keqing seemed to be waiting for her here, trying to let herself work?

However, this is not right, although these tasks may be a bit dangerous, Ying also believes that there must be someone here in Liyue who can do this, but at this time, Keqing has handed over the work to herself, and she must be really worried about this matter.

Moreover, this matter is also mutually beneficial to 623 himself.

"Is it really possible? Then I'll trouble you, I often hear Muyang mention you, and I also believe in your ability, you will definitely be able to complete the task perfectly." Ke Qing's heart was happy and hurriedly said: "Let's see, what tasks are you going to do, there are many tasks here, and there are no candidates."

It may be dangerous for ordinary people, but I believe it is not difficult for you.

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that the work here is inseparable from my overall planning, I would have personally investigated these things. "

Keqing rubbed her forehead with a headache.

There are quite a few people in Liyue's chat group, but most of them are three-eyed and five-visible immortals, and these immortals, Keqing can't use these things to bother them.

As for Ningguang, that woman has more things to do than herself, where does she have time to solve those things.

I can only pin my hopes on Ying and Paimon.

Sure enough, Ying and Paimon are as eager and righteous as the legend, and they know that they are in trouble, and they are immediately willing to help.

"Uh..." Ying looked at Ke Qing helplessly, at this time, she really wanted to tell Ke Qing that she was not a person who liked money and did all kinds of troublesome things.

I can't stay in Liyue all the time.

But seeing the price marked on Keqing's map, Ying was also silent.

It's not that I'm too greedy for money, but that Keqing gives too much money.

Isn't that much better than going to the Adventurers' Guild?

Go to the Adventurers' Guild to pick up the missions, many of the missions may not be dangerous, but they are very troublesome, you need to run a lot of roads by yourself, and sometimes the process of running the map is enough to do a few tasks by yourself.

Moreover, at that time, a part of the remuneration will be intercepted by the Adventurers' Guild.

But it's different when it comes to Keqing, you can directly mark as much as you want, and you don't need to run by yourself, it's all nearby.

The pay is high, and if you are stupid, you will take the task of the Adventurers' Guild and not come here to do it.

"How about we come one by one?" Ying weakly reminded Keqing, "After all, I haven't done a similar task, and I don't know if I can meet your requirements." "

"Worthy of being a traveler, honest and sincere, I recognize you as a friend. When Keqing heard this, her heart's favorability towards Ying has increased a lot.

Although Ying hasn't done those tasks yet, Keqing believes that she will be able to complete them well.

"So you didn't think of us as friends before. Paimon couldn't help but complain.



"Muyang, you're here!" Inside the Crescent Moon Xuan, Tartaglia welcomed Muyang in.

After Tartaglia learned from Zhongli about what Muyang was doing in Liyue at the moment, he invited him over.

It's just that why is it Xinyue Xuan, Muyang said that he has something to say, isn't that guy Zhongli the most hated aquatic products?

Thinking of this, Mu Yang glanced at Zhongli and found that the other party was as usual, and he didn't seem to be uncomfortable because he was going to eat aquatic products in the future.

Muyang himself doesn't care.

It's been so long since I've been in Liyue, and Muyang hasn't come to Xinyue Xuan yet, so it's a good opportunity.

"By the way, this is—" Tartaglia asked, then looking at Shenhe on the side.

It's not that Muyang has countless ambiguities with Keqing and Ningguang, and he also has a relationship with Inazuma's Raiden General, and now he has brought a new woman, what's going on?

Moreover, Tartaglia has an intuition that the woman in front of him is a very interesting opponent.

If you have the chance, you have to fight with the other party.

"My name is Shenhe, and I am Muyang's guard. Shenhe glanced at Tartaglia and said in an indifferent tone.

knew that the other party was Muyang's friend, but he still maintained his indifference.

(CGFA) just looked at Zhong Li and Zhong Kui on the dining table as if he were nothing.

Shenhe is no stranger to Zhongli, who claims to be a mortal, but is very familiar with his master, who is an immortal. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Master had told her that if she saw him drinking on the stone bench in front of the Immortal Mansion, she should not disturb him and let him sit quietly and alone for a while.

Before, Shenhe thought that Zhongli was also an immortal, but after entering the chat group, he understood that this was probably the legendary Rock King Emperor.

As for that Zhong Kui, Shenhe hadn't seen it much before, but he had come to Jueyun with Zhongli some time ago.

I think this is also an immortal, and even the Ruotuo Dragon King in the group.

What kind of fairy game is this?

Even if it is Shenhe's character, he can't help but sigh at this time.

Isn't this Fatui afraid of being killed?

"Guards?" Tartaglia's expression was also extremely subtle when he heard this.

He didn't look down on the other party because he was Muyang's guard.

After all, Tartaglia trusts his instincts, and the opponent is an opponent worth fighting!

Moreover, Muyang's escort is also a profession pursued by countless people.

If you let yourself be Muyang's guard, in fact, Tartaglia will not refuse.

If only I could let Muyang guide me.

It seems that no one is stupid enough to sneak attack Muyang, right?

At least the Fatui didn't have the guts, and both the Balladeer and the Doctor were killed by Muyang.

I didn't see how the harlequin wanted to take revenge on Muyang, let alone the people below.

Tartaglia also didn't believe that there was anyone in the Fatui who would not take revenge on Muyang because of the Doctor.

The only possible one is probably the people of the abyss, and it is very possible.

Tartaglia has been to the abyss, and knows a lot about the abyss.

In the entire Teyvat continent, when it comes to understanding the abyss, Tartaglia feels like he can definitely rank in the top five.

Those guys are indeed all crazy, and after they discover Muyang's strength, they may carry out a series of blows to Muyang.

After all, Muyang's strength is also a hidden danger for the abyss.

Thinking of this, Tartaglia also narrowed his eyes, will the abyss know Muyang's strength?

This is something that Tartaglia hadn't thought about before, the guy from Harlequin seems to be from Kanria, is he really not related to the Abyss Order?

At least Tartaglia didn't believe it, and his master had told him that Harlequin was dangerous and that if he joined the Fatui, he needed to beware of Harlequin.

This guy can't be planning something, right?

That madman!

If Harlequin really wants to make trouble, then it will be the Fatui who will be unlucky, the ones who are in Liyue.

No, you have to look into it.

"Yes, guard!" Shenhe nodded slightly, and put his position very seriously: "Do you need me to go out?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Muyang's guards are not something that casual people can do. Tartaglia said quickly.

In his opinion, Shenhe is also a beauty, the ghost knows that this woman, guarding and guarding, will she escort to Muyang's bed.

It is still necessary to build a good relationship early.

It's just that he doesn't know where to find guards of this level, and if he can, he also wants to hire a few, so that he can invite these guards to fight with him at any time.

If you have such an opponent to fight with you every day, then you won't go back to the Winter Country!

"Just sit down. Muyang waved his hand and motioned for Shenhe to sit down, and then said to Tartaglia: "I thought it would take a long time for you to come back to the Winter Kingdom." "

"Haha, there's no way around it, I have to go back, but I don't have a very good relationship with the Balladeer and the doctor, and I can even describe it as very bad.

Since it's good to have a good time, you can come back directly after that. Tartaglia let out a hearty laugh. d

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