For Ningguang, 50 billion should not be a big number.

Of course, Muyang also knows that liquidity is liquidity, assets are assets, and some people have hundreds of billions of assets, but it is very difficult to come up with billions.

"It's not easy!" Ningguang glanced at Muyang with some disgust: "Among them, there are my 10 billion Mora, the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's 10 billion Mora, the Keqing family also took out 8 billion Mora, and other families and chambers of commerce have also taken out more or less.

Of course, in fact, the real principal is still copied by those families before.

Those Mora are enough for us to use in the early stage. "

"I understand!" Mu Yang nodded slightly, "In the future, this Liyue Bank can also help Liyue develop better."

But when you borrow money, you have to pay attention to the scale, if you accidentally cause inflation, you will be in trouble. "

"I understand that I will keep an eye on Liyue Bank myself, and Ganyu will also supervise Liyue Bank.

It's not like I haven't thought about finding other three-eyed and five-visible immortals before, and even thought about finding Ruotuo Dragon King.

But none of them seem to be very suitable for doing this. Speaking of which, Ningguang was also helpless for a while.

In fact, if he could, Ningguang would really like to have Zhongli in charge of Liyue Bank, after all, this kind of thing, if not handled well, could lead to problems for the whole of Liyue.

Ningguang had a lot of confidence in herself, but the pressure was too great, and she felt that it would be great if the Rock King Emperor could carry it.

It's just that the current Rock King Emperor is no different from a salted fish.

Hanging out with the Dragon King almost every day, he is about to become a famous street boy in Liyue.

And this guy Tartaglia has been stupidly paying for the Rock King Emperor and the Ruotuo Dragon King.

I don't know if Tartaglia really knows the identities of the two, but as long as Tartaglia does the matter of making wallets for the two, Ningguang will not deliberately target Tartaglia, at least it is impossible to really let Tartaglia finish.

"After all, they've done a lot for Liyue, and it seems natural to enjoy it. Mu Yang then said with a solemn expression: "The war will start in two years at most, and at that time, whether it is the level of the Seven Gods or the level of the Immortals, they will all have to face battles."

Your strength is still a little weaker now.

Even, you can be considered the weakest in the chat group.

You know, you're the third one I've pulled into the chat group. "

Speaking of which, Mu Yang's expression is also full of subtlety, and he is not bad at Ningguang, right?

But Ningguang's strength turned out to be the weakest, and he didn't dare to imagine it before.

You know, even Shenhe is more powerful than the current Ningguang.

Of course, there is actually a coral palace heart that is similar to Ningguang.

The strength of the Sangonomiya Kokomi itself is not weak, and it is stronger than Ningguang, but because of the affairs of the survey, the Sangonomiya Kokomi also doesn't have much time to brush points.

But occasionally, when it was supposed to be a rest time, Sangonomiya Kokomi would also run to the Narukami Shrine to help, and although she didn't help much, it was enough.

On the contrary, on Ningguang's side, her strength seems to be a little weak.

Hearing Mu Yang's words, Ning Guang rubbed his temples helplessly and said, "During this time, all my energy has been on Liyue Bank, and I don't dare to be sloppy at all.

I've had days of sleep, less than three hours, and you can see my eyes are bloodshot. "

"I really can't tell if you're bloody."

However, if you are good at cultivating immortals, you won't look so tired.

Seeing that Ningguang was so tired and had to pretend to be calm, Muyang also sighed silently, it seems that it is not very easy to be a strong woman.

"If you have time, you should rest for a while, and when the matter here is over, you can go to Guili to brush up more points.

After cultivating to a higher level, the spirit will be a little better, and the spirit of doing things is not at the same level as before. Mu Yang still reminded Ningguang.

For Ningguang's behavior, Muyang still appreciates it very much.

This is someone who really works tirelessly for Liyue.

Maybe after others get such an opportunity as Ningguang, she will do whatever it takes to become stronger.

After all, after cultivating immortals, you can become stronger, you can live a long life, you can look old, and for Ningguang, this is definitely a fatal attraction.

But now, for the sake of Liyue, Ningguang has stubbornly resisted such a temptation, which is difficult for others to do.

Even if it's Keqing and Ganyu, they usually draw out their points from time to time before.

But what about Ningguang? You want to say that she hates fighting, that's true, but if Ningguang wants to brush up the points of the Demon God's resentment, she doesn't need to fight.

She hadn't even activated the teleportation anchor to return to her original place.

Muyang felt that the Seven Stars who had worked so hard for Liyue, Zhongli, were going to reward Ningguang with 100,000 points no matter what, right?

"I see what you mean, but there are only five of the Seven Stars of Liyue right now. I have so much to deal with. Ningguang said with a wry smile.

"Let Morax arrange it as soon as possible, or I have a feeling you might die suddenly. Muyang instantly understood the root of everything.

It's got to be you, Morax, you're pretty chic. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everything is beautifully said to be handled by human beings themselves, which is indeed reasonable, Keqing and Ningguang are indeed handled very well.

Of course, this is also related to the current efforts of the Liyue Seven Stars.

However, after all, the Seven Stars of Liyue were missing two people, and as they stood, no one could sit in the position of the Seven Stars without the permission of the Emperor of the Rocks.

Don't look at it in the game, it seems that the legacy of the Seven Stars of Liyue is introduced and allowed by the previous Seven Stars.

But at that time, it was after the Rock King Emperor "fell".

If at this time, the Seven Stars of Liyue were passed down in this way, wouldn't all the Seven Stars be able to arrange for their own people or descendants to inherit the position of the Seven Stars?

At this time, in order to become a Seven Star, one must contribute to Liyue and be recognized by the Emperor of the Rock King in order to become a Seven Star.

Without the approval of the Rock Emperor, the location of the Seven Stars is still in the air, and no one can decide who will be the Seven Stars of Liyue, only the Rock Emperor.

But now the Emperor of the Rock King is living a chic life all day long, it seems that he wants to test Ningguang for them, in the face of such a situation, what can Ningguang do, naturally he is working hard.

As Keqing said, they also want the meaning of being human, and humans can also build Liyue well.

Don't let the Emperor of the Rock King down.

"It's only been a few days. Ningguang muttered.

When the Liyue Bank affair is over, she must sleep for a day and a night, and then go to brush up on points, as Muyang said, she is too weak now.

If it weren't for the bounty on monsters in the Adventurers' Guild, his strength might be even weaker.

"Whatever you want! Alright, it's almost time for you to get out. Mu Yang glanced at the scene outside the window, and said to Ningguang: "I'll just sit here and don't go out." "

"Okay!" Hearing this, Ningguang didn't say much, after all, Mu Yang's identity was special, and he was able to appear here, which was already a great way to give himself and the Rock King Emperor a lot of face.

If Muyang is allowed to go out too, then it will be a bit embarrassing.

"Huh?" Not long after Ningguang went out, Mu Yang saw an interesting person in the crowd, and he said to Shenhe on the side, "Have you investigated your previous affairs?"

"Not much!" Shenhe shook his head slightly and said, "But I heard from the master that I seem to have relatives in this world."

It's just that I couldn't control myself before, so 477 didn't plan to make contact. "

"There's your eldest nephew down there. Mu Yang pointed to a child gnawing on a popsicle below and said, it was Chongyun.

Chongyun came with Xingqiu and Hu Tao.

"Big nephew?" Shen He was also stunned when she heard this, she didn't expect that she would have such a relative.

This made Shenhe hesitate a little.

After all, her relatives or something, they had nothing to do with her before, and her parents also gave her a bad childhood, and even her own life was because of the so-called relatives who became what they were before.

But now, it seems that he doesn't need to worry about the remnants of the demon god, but he can go and meet those so-called relatives, and if the other party is not bad, Shenhe doesn't mind giving the other party some help.

After all, Liyue still pays attention to family and family.

"Do you want to see you?" asked Muyang to Shenhe.

Shenhe also fell into silence when he heard this, and only after a long time did he say: "Facing the past calmly is not a kind of cultivation for me!

"Hmm!" Mu Yang greeted Baiwen outside the door, and asked her to call Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Hu Tao outside.

A moment later, the three of them also came here.

Different from Hu Tao's big grin, Chongyun and Xingqiu were a little trembling, after all, this was Ningguang's office.

Even if Xingqiu, as the second son of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, actually has a lot of pressure when facing Ningguang.

Ningguang represents too many business myths, and if he offends Ningguang, even the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, the top chamber of commerce in Liyue, will not be able to please him.

"Eh, it's you, Muyang! I knew that you, as a condensing consultant, would definitely appear at this time!" Seeing Muyang, Hu Tao jumped in front of Muyang and said.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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