"Eh, is it Muyang?" Chongyun and Xingqiu were also shocked when they heard this.

For the name Muyang, they usually only hear his name but don't see him.

This is Liyue's most influential person, after all, he has had an affair with Keqing and Ningguang, and is rumored to be the prince of Raiden Shogun, so such a person is not something they can come into contact with.

Not to mention them, it's their own father who came here, and when he faced Muyang, he had to be respectful.

It's just that how did Hu Tao know Muyang?

said that they would be a little party dish together, but you silently met the big guy behind your back.

Hu Tao, you've changed!

"Long time no see, Hu Tao!" Mu Yang greeted Hu Tao, "Are you going to deposit Mora from the Afterlife Hall to Liyue Bank?"

"Of course, the interest rate paid by the Northland Bank is not as high as that of Liyue Bank.

In addition, Liyue Bank is backed by Liyue's official guarantee, which is our own bank for Liyue people.

At this time, it is natural to support Liyue Bank.

I told Ningguang that I would bring 2 billion Mora to Liyue Bank. Hu Tao said proudly.

2 billion Mora is actually quite a lot, but considering the savings of the Afterlife Hall for thousands of years, 2 billion Mora does not seem to be a lot of money.

However, Mu Yang still looked strange and asked, "Does Zhongli know about this matter?"

"How can you let him know about this!" Hu Tao snorted lightly, "If you let Zhongli know that there are so many Mora in the Afterlife Hall."

When he goes out to eat in the future, won't he tell those people that the bill will be sent to Liyue Bank and placed under the account of the Death Hall?

In this way, even if there is more Mora, it will not be enough for her to spend. "

For a thousand-year-old force, 2 billion Mora is actually not a special lot, of course, this is more because the Afterlife Hall itself does not particularly care about Mora.

Usually, they will also donate some Mora to help some people with financial difficulties to be buried at a low price or even for free.

If it weren't for Zhongli, Hu Tao wouldn't have to worry about Mora's affairs.

"It's okay, it's going to the Northland Bank anyway. Muyang chuckled, "Don't let him know that you have a deposit in Liyue Bank for the time being." "

"Alas, it's not a long-term solution. Hu Tao said helplessly: "If there is no Tartaglia, his bill will also be sent to the Afterlife Hall, and there is no way to refuse and deny it."

You said, if he is just a consumer of Wanmin Hall, then it would be better, but a lot of antiques or something, where can he consume in the Afterlife Hall. "

"Then you can sell all his antiques, right?" Zhongli spends money lavishly.

But buying things is also worth the money, except for listening to music and listening to stories and liking money, other consumption is not blind consumption. "

"It doesn't seem to be bad, when will there really be no Mora in the Afterlife Hall, but those things can be sold, no matter how you say it, there will be a billion Mora. Hu Tao nodded thoughtfully, "Xingqiu, you know more about these things, when will we go and estimate it." "

"Uh, okay. "Xingqiu wants to refuse, that Mr. Zhongli, he can't afford to offend.

He and Hu Tao grew up together since childhood, and they know a little bit about Zhongli, and this is probably also an immortal.

But since Hu Tao said so, it's not easy for him to refuse, so it's good that he doesn't buy those things when the time comes.

He was also curious about how many good things that Mr. Zhongli had bought.

After all, Hu Tao had complained to him more than once, Zhongli spent money lavishly, and the savings of the Afterlife Hall were all spent by Zhongli.

For this reason, Hu Tao also needs to go outside to pull business.

It's really bitter for Hu Tao, but if it's your own home, if you spend a little Mora, you can invite such an immortal, Xingqiu feels, even if there are so many Mora, your father is willing, right?

"By the way, this time I called you here for this one. Muyang pointed to Chongyun, who was silently nibbling on popsicles and watching the play not far away, and said.

"Me?" Chongyun looked at Muyang with some confusion.

Why does eating melons and eating them well involve themselves?

Their family doesn't seem to have anything to do with Muyang, right? As for money or something, their family doesn't have much.

Because of the teachings of the ancestors, they are all doing conscientious work, and the whole family can get together, and it is already very good to have tens of millions of Mora in liquidity.

Of course, this economy is actually a lot of money for ordinary people.

"Well, it's mainly her relationship, she has some kinship with you. Muyang pointed to Shenhe on the side and said, "You can go home and investigate, if it really counts, she can be regarded as your aunt." "

"Auntie?" Chongyun didn't even bother to nibble on the popsicle at this moment, and looked at Shenhe in shock.

She didn't feel that Mu Yang was deceiving herself, after all, she didn't seem to have the value of being deceived by Mu Yang.

There is no equality between their family and Muyang.

If this woman is really her aunt, then she is definitely her own family.

"I'm not sure if I'm your aunt or not. Shenhe rubbed his head and recounted his memories of his childhood.

And these memories make Chongyun's eyes brighter and brighter, and those people seem to be his own family. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He hurriedly said: "It's all true, you should be my aunt, do you want to go back with me?"

Immediately afterwards, Chongyun glanced at Muyang again: "No, I'll call my parents back now." "

It's definitely a great opportunity for their family.

This aunt must be recognized, of course, if the other party has no background and doesn't know Muyang, this aunt and Chongyun will also recognize it.

After all, their family is still relatively upright, and they can't tolerate their own people being wronged outside.

"Uh..." Seeing Chongyun Feng leaving in a hurry, Mu Yang was also a little speechless, and then asked Shenhe, "Are you going to meet with those family members of yours?"

Shenhe was a little silent, her parents were her pain, especially her father.

For the other so-called family members, Shenhe did not have any impression, and for a while, he did not know what to do.

"Eh, what's there to ask, since it's a relative, then see you, if you can get along, it's a relative, move around more in the future, if you can't get along, then it's good to contact less." Seeing Shenhe like this, Hu Tao asked with some confusion: "Isn't everyone like this?"

As far as I know, many relatives actually maintain a superficial cordiality, right?"

"You don't seem to have any family, do you?" Although Hu Tao's words were very right, Mu Yang couldn't help but complain to Hu Tao.

Hu Tao's vein seems to be a single pass, right?

If one day the walnut is gone, no one knows whether the Hall of Death will still be passed on.

Actually, I still have some distant relatives. Hu Tao shook his head again and again: "It's just that our vein holds the secret method of the Afterlife Hall."

I don't have a very good relationship with them, and if it weren't for the support of my grandfather and Zhongli, they wouldn't have recognized me as the head of the Hall of the Dead.

Of course, now Hu Tao and I are also the most capable of fighting in the Afterlife. "

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, Zhongli once commented that Hu Tao is one of the best geniuses in the past thousand years, in the face of such Hu Tao, how can other people compare with Hu Tao?

"That's true. At this time, Xingqiu also said: "Every year during the festival, when visiting relatives, parents will compare their children, and sometimes look at their appearance, as if they wish other people's children were not doing well." "

Speaking of the back, Xingqiu was also helpless for a while, they are relatives.

"That's because there's nothing to compare with each other. Muyang spread his hands: "Many parents want their children to be better than others and surpass others after they find that they can't compare with others."

There is no way to do this, and the more people who have low self-esteem, the more they want to compare.

Of course, it is actually more common to want Jackie Chan and this kind of thing, if you really meet your own children who are much worse than other people's children, and the two sides are at the same level, I am afraid that you also have the mind to compare (Zhao), at least your own children can't be too bad, right?"

"Luckily, I have a big brother who doesn't need me to deal with pressure. Xingqiu said very happily.

"I don't have much family, and they don't hesitate as much as I do, I'm all compared to those adults!" Hu Tao was even more arrogant.

"Xingqiu, you're doing a great job too, and if you pay attention, then in a year or two, I am afraid that you may not become the Seven Stars of Liyue. Mu Yang shook his head slightly, Mu Yang knew Xingqiu's ability very well.

This guy, despite being called a nerd by Paimon and writing novels, doesn't seem to be very good.

But the ability is undoubted, even Ningguang and Zhongli are very optimistic about Xingqiu, but this guy is somewhat unprofessional, and he also looks like a young master.

"Eh, Xingqiu, you can become the Seven Stars of Liyue?" Hu Tao was shocked when he heard this.

For Mu Yang's words, Hu Tao will not deny it, this guy's status is at least at the level of an immortal, and there is some gossip, which is normal.

Maybe it was Ningguang who told Muyang, maybe it was Keqing, maybe it was even Zhongli and them, since Muyang said it at this time, it would not be wrong to think about it. East D

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