"I'm Liyue Seven Stars, can't I?

Why don't I know?" Xingqiu's whole person was confused.

Some time ago, he did something for the Liyue Officials according to his father's wishes, and according to his father's words, in the future, he would not inherit the family business and not go to the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce to help, so he would go to the Liyue Officials to find a job to do.

Xingqiu has no opinion on this matter.

He doesn't like business very much, relatively speaking, he prefers to go to chivalry, of course, if Xingqiu is asked to be an official civil servant, he doesn't mind, after all, there is little comfort, anyway, there is no shortage of Mora in their family.

Xingqiu hasn't officially joined the company yet, but it's almost the same, and she usually does things for Liyue, completes her tasks, and then can go to work in the General Affairs Department next year.

Xingqiu also enjoys the relatively free life now, but what does Muyang's words mean now???.. Liyue Seven Stars or something, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?

"Why is it impossible?" Before Muyang could say anything, Hu Tao took the lead and quit, "Xingqiu, you are so good, why can't you become the Seven Stars of Liyue?"

You see, your ability is worse than the two seven stars who were raided before?

Not bad at all, right?

If you become the Seven Stars of Liyue, I, Hu Tao, will be the first to agree!

The Hall of the Dead also fully supports you in becoming the Seven Stars of Liyue. "

"Oh, don't. Xingqiu was completely panicked at this moment, and the Hall of the Dead still had a lot of say in Liyue.

Although everyone is afraid of death, they usually avoid the afterlife.

Many people are also very dissatisfied with Hu Tao's behavior of selling business, but the Afterlife Hall has a very high right to speak.

If the Death Hall stands on his side of 933 and supports himself to become a seven-star, coupled with the help of his own family, it seems that there is indeed a great possibility for his side to become a seven-star.

Thinking of the series of reports and articles I have done before, is it possible that what I wrote has been recognized?

Thinking of this, Xingqiu's face was also white.

He really didn't want to be the Seven Stars of Liyue.

It's not that Xingqiu himself has any rejection of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but this is Liyue's top management other than the Rock Emperor, and he has a very high status in Liyue.

The power is also very big, Xingqiu dares to guarantee that if he becomes a seven-star, his father will be able to wake up with a smile in his dreams, and in the future, his ranking in the ancestral hall will be much ahead of his father and brother...

But with great power comes great responsibility.

Xingqiu said that he just wanted to write books quietly, go out to do chivalry when he was bored, and go out to be a gentleman.

Thinking about how haggard Ningguang is now, it is said that Ningguang has not rested much in the past few days for the sake of Liyue.

If I were to become the Seven Stars of Liyue, wouldn't I even have to sleep?

Xingqiu knows himself very well, usually, he can laugh and laugh, if he really does Seven Stars, he will definitely work very hard to do these things.

At that time, I really won't have time to rest.

"Muyang, is what you just said true?" Hu Tao asked Muyang when he saw Xingqiu like this.

Could it be that this matter, Xingqiu really doesn't know?

"I don't need to deceive you, what I can say now is that Xingqiu is very close to becoming a cgch. Mu Yang chuckled: "What Xingqiu did for the General Affairs Department not long ago is very good, those tasks are not ordinary General Affairs Department staff,

The tasks that need to be done.

It can be said that Xingqiu has already begun to conduct a preliminary assessment. "

"This, this is just great. Hu Tao had a smile on his face: "Xingqiu, did you hear that?"

You already have what it takes to become the Seven Stars of Liyue.

You hurry up and become a seven-star, and then the business of our Afterlife Hall will be entrusted to you. "

"Eh, Hu Tao, don't talk nonsense, don't say if I'm going to become the Seven Stars of Liyue.

Even if I become a Seven Star, it is impossible to really arrange a large number of dead people to become customers of your Death Hall!" Xingqiu hurriedly said to Hu Tao.

"You see, you see, you have become a seven-star, even if it's because of a friend, he can't open the back door for you. Seeing Xingqiu like this, Muyang nodded with satisfaction.

Hu Tao was also not angry when he heard this: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll just need information when the time comes, and when the time comes, if someone dies, I don't need to investigate, I can get news from you." "

Xingqiu covered his forehead a little helplessly, if this matter was true, then he really couldn't refuse Hu Tao, and besides, this was not a leak.

There's really yours, Hu!

"If you have a way to make Xingqiu truly become the Seven Stars of Liyue, and make him a qualified Seven Stars, I don't mind Ningguang doing these things for you. At this time, Ningguang also walked in from outside and said.

For the Hall of the Dead, Ningguang naturally has to take more care of it.

This is Zhong Li and Zhong Kui's organization, sending money to the Death Hall, that is also sending money to the Rock King Emperor, how much can Hu Tao spend?

Those Mora were all spent by the Emperor of the Rocks.

Since the Rock King Emperor likes to do things according to the rules of human beings and does not want to go beyond the rules, then he can also send Mora to the Rock King Emperor within the rules.

Isn't sending Mora to the Hall of the Dead to give Mora to the Emperor of the Rock?

"Really?" Hu Tao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked.

"I don't think I'm going to lie about it.

At the same time, I can take the lead in Liyue to purchase the services of the Afterlife Hall for the Millelith Army in advance, so that every soldier who joins the Millelith Army can purchase the services of the Afterlife Hall in advance.

At that time, even if it is sacrificed, you can go with the scenery. Ningguang then continued. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's not that Ningguang is cursing the Millelith Army to die, in fact, when the leylines are relatively stable, although the Millelith Army also has casualties every year, there is no need to handle such business for everyone.

However, Ningguang's behavior can also mean that they don't need their own aftermath in the future, and Liyue has helped them solve all these things.

It's still the kind that can be buried in a grand way.

Ordinary people may be resistant to such a thing, but as a true Millelith soldier, Ningguang believes that they will not refuse this matter, after all, they are ready to sacrifice from the first day they join the Millelith Army.

"Really?" Hu Tao was also happy when she heard this, and after getting Ningguang's confirmation, she looked at Xingqiu with burning eyes.

This is Millelith!

Liyue has tens of thousands of Millelith troops, which is a lot of money.

Even if he gave Liyue a price to his conscience at that time, this money would be enough for Zhongli to be chic for a long time.

?? Thinking about Hu Tao is actually a little sad.

I'm making money to support Zhongli.

"Eh, Walnut, there's something to say. "At this time, Xingqiu is also in a hurry.

He now has a hunch that if he doesn't agree, Hu Tao is afraid that he will directly take out Goma and knock his head hard.

"Is this what it is?" Mu Yang was also dumbfounded when he saw this, and whispered to Ning Guang: "Is Xingqiu worth doing this?"

"On the one hand, it is to send business to the deceased hall. Ningguang said softly: "After all, you also know the situation over there."

At the same time, it is also to make the Millelith Army have greater determination.

On the other hand, it is also to make Xingqiu truly Liyue Seven Stars.

His talent is very good, although he is a little naïve, but his thinking is very good, not much worse than the original Keqing.

When the time comes, I'll show you some of Xingqiu's papers and reports, and you'll know!

In terms of business, he has the potential to be even better than his brother, but he doesn't tap it himself.

Maybe he won't dig it for the rest of his life. "

Ningguang's gaze is very accurate, and she can see that the reason why Xingqiu can be so a gentleman is mainly because there is an elder brother on it.

He didn't want to compete with his brother for anything.

For the sake of family harmony, Xingqiu began to hide his talents, but through Xingqiu's reports and papers, Ningguang could see that Xingqiu was very good in business, and was a leader in the whole of Liyue.

I'm afraid Xingqiu himself doesn't know that he has the ability to do this.

"Is that so?" Mu Yang was also stunned for a while when he heard this: "In this case, even if Xingqiu does not become the Seven Stars of Liyue, he will enter the General Affairs Department in the future, and will be cultivated by you?"

"En!" Ning Guang nodded slightly: "Actually, his father also knows his talent, and he doesn't want his son's talent to be buried."

Or when the second son doesn't want to cover the light of the eldest son. "

Mu Yang understood what Ningguang meant, and at the same time sighed lightly, son, too competitive and sensible, sometimes it is a troublesome thing.

"If nothing else, wait for next month, Xingqiu will go to Guiliyuan, Keqing is indeed short of manpower, Xingqiu is good at these things.

It can be regarded as a kind of cultivation for him.

At that time, the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce will also take the lead in purchasing the house that has returned to the original. Ningguang then continued to add.

"Money opens the way, but if you have the ability, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

It's a win-win for both Liyue and the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. Muyang didn't say anything when he heard this.

He is not averse to this kind of transaction, on the contrary, he also feels that if the resources are not used, it is a bastard.

As for the future, once Xingqiu becomes the Seven Stars of Liyue and frantically seeks benefits for the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, this is impossible, unless their family wants to finish!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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