The Seven Stars of Liyue can't guarantee the longevity of their family.

For example, the two seven-star families before, but because of their behavior, the family is gone.

But if it is to make Xingqiu a seven-star, then it can ensure that the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce will not encounter official targeting and suppression in the future, and at the same time, there are some invisible benefits, no matter how the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce supports Xingqiu, it seems that it is a matter of course.

This is not a collusion between officials and businessmen or anything, if it is really a collusion between officials and businessmen to do things, then it will definitely be over.

The Rock Emperor was watching from above, and no one dared to do that at this time, he had already had the Seven Stars of Liyue finished.

Moreover, if you really want to count the collusion between officials and businessmen, Keqing may not be able to escape, this time the construction is returned to the original, Keqing's family has also spent a lot of effort, they are supporting Keqing, but they can also make some money.

In terms of unit area cost, Keqing's family is cheaper, but the area they contract is very large.

Of course, if Keqing is not a seven-star, the price may also be according to the original price, according to the strength of the Keqing family, the contracted area will be smaller, and the total amount of Mora earned will not be less.

"Hu Tao, calm down. Xingqiu looked at Hu Tao like this, and he was also trembling for a while~.

Is it necessary?

As a good friend, doesn't Hu Tao know her own wishes?

He's going to be a great writer.

How can you make the Seven Stars of Liyue?

But Xingqiu also knew that at this time, it would not make sense to reason with Hu Tao, if he didn't obey, the other party would probably poke hundreds of transparent holes in his body.

Then after a professional autopsy in the Afterlife, he died in autumn and died of natural causes.

At the same time, Xingqiu also knew that there were some things that he might not be able to refuse, not that Liyue would force him to become a Seven Star, but Xingqiu felt that his face was not so big that he could let Liyue and Ningguang calculate himself so much.

But his father's side may also be acting.

If this is really the case, Xingqiu said that he couldn't refuse, and even for the sake of the family, he had to bite the bullet.

The Seven Stars of Liyue had never been in his own plans, and he couldn't have imagined such a thing.

"Hmph, you honestly go to the General Affairs Department to do things, to prepare for becoming a seven-star, it's okay to say that you have succeeded in becoming a seven-star, otherwise, I will run to the door of your Feiyun Chamber of Commerce to promote business every day!" Hu Tao snorted lightly and warned.

Do you need to push me so much?(?? Д?? )

If you go to the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce every day to sell business, my dad will probably beat me to death.

"By the way, who are you going to cultivate?" Mu Yang asked Ningguang curiously at this time.

Xingqiu's desire to become the Seven Stars of Liyue is not something that can be achieved overnight, even if there is an official puppet from the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and Liyue, at least Xingqiu has to make some achievements.

It took Keqing two years to get everyone's approval.

Well, when Keqing joined the General Services Division, she was only 14, and she was also the youngest staff member in the history of the General Services Division.

It also caused a lot of controversy at the time, but Keqing relied on her power to slap everyone who questioned her in the face.

Xingqiu's entry into the General Affairs Department at this age is not abrupt.

"It's not yet confirmed, but it's a pity that Yelan herself doesn't want to become a seven-star. Speaking of Yelan, Ningguang was also helpless.

There is no doubt about the other party's ability, but unfortunately, he prefers to do things in secret.

Of course, if you want to talk about the Seven Stars of Liyue, you don't have to show your head, and there is no problem hiding them.

But according to Yelan's words, if you are not suitable, you are not suitable.

In this regard, even Ningguang can't persuade Yelan, and if Yelan really becomes a seven-star, it is really not good for him to let Yelan do things at will.

"However, there are a few candidates, Gan Wei, Mingbo and Zhiyi, you may not have heard of them, and their abilities are not bad.

They will be slowly evaluated next. Immediately after, Ningguang also added.

Gan Wei, Mingbo and Zhiyi?

Mu Yang frowned, he quickly recalled, and reminded: "That Zhiyi be careful." "

Ningguang flickered slightly, she would not suspect that Muyang was deliberately suppressing and targeting Zhiyi, who did not have that qualification.

In this case, there may be a real problem with that Zhiyi.

Thinking of this, Ningguang also narrowed his eyes, Zhiyi seems to be the candidate recommended by Tianshuxing, it is the other party and the optimistic talent, it seems that he needs to investigate this Zhiyi.

It didn't take long for Chongyun to rush back again, and he was accompanied by Chongyun's parents.

"Go and reunite with them, I'll leave first. Seeing this, Muyang said to Shenhe, and left directly.

"This..." Shenhe looked at the visitor a little crampedly, and his heart was also a little panicked, which was more stressful than fighting those powerful monsters.

"Come on!" Ningguang patted Shenhe's shoulder and said softly, "I'll go back to the Jade Pavilion to rest first." "

When she left, she didn't forget to bring Hu Tao and Xingqiu, and then it was time for Shenhe's family to reunite.

Regardless of whether Shenhe goes back or not, this is Shenhe's business, and it is inconvenient for them as outsiders to be here.


Muyang returned home directly, Kamisato Ayaka has not come back yet, Keqing is still at the Wangshu Inn, there are only himself and the maid at home, which makes Muyang a little stunned, and unconsciously, he has become accustomed to the days in Teyvat Continent.

It's just that there is suddenly no one around, and Muyang is a little unaccustomed to it.

Oh, by the way, I haven't been to see little Klee for a few days, and it seems that I want to go over and meet her, otherwise I'll be a little sorry for Jean.

He brought Jean to Liyue, but he gave up on Klee, and usually gave it to Grandma Ping to teach Klee... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uh, well, I'm actually very happy when I think about it.

After all, Madame Ping is the true monarch of Gechenlang City, an immortal, although Klee has not become a disciple of the immortal, but being able to get the teachings of the immortal is also something that countless people can't ask for.

Even Jean wanted Grandma Ping to accept Klee as a disciple at first.

But Grandma Ping said that she was not worthy...

Although there is nothing wrong with her being the true monarch of Gechenlang City, Klee's mother is Alice, and the ghost knows if that woman will come to her side to test whether she is qualified to become Klee's master after knowing that she has become Klee's master.

Alice, that crazy woman, who knows what kind of things will do.

"Let's go meet Klee. Mu Yang sighed lightly and walked towards Yujingtai.

After a while, he came to Yujingtai and found that Klee and Yaoyao were sitting in front of Grandma Ping obediently at the moment, listening to Grandma Ping's lecture.

[Mu Yang: "Kelly .jpg, I didn't expect Kelly to have such a well-behaved appearance. "

Jean: "Eh, is Klee in class? It's amazing, Klee had never been so well-behaved in Mondstadt. "

Lisa: "Indeed, even in the confinement room, Klee would not be so well-behaved. I've never seen Klee in the library. "

Diluc: "It seems that teaching children still needs to be professional, and Grandma Ping is worthy of being the true monarch of Gechenlang City, and teaching children is also top-notch."

Maybe in the future, even if Klee returns to Mondstadt, she won't be frying fish indiscriminately. "

Muyang: "If you don't fry fish, I feel like this Klee has no soul." "

Jean: "... For some reason, I still miss the mischievous Klee occasionally.

By the way, Mr. Muyang, some time ago, Miss Alice contacted me. "

Muyang: "Oh, Alice, where is she?"

Jean: "She asked me about Klee's condition, and I told her about Klee's presence in Liyue.

After thinking about it, she might go to Liyue to find Klee. "

Zhongli: "That woman is coming to Liyue?"

Keqing: "Do you want to be prepared?" After all, Miss Alice is the one who turned the Wind Dragon Ruins into Wind Dragon Ruins.

If this comes to Liyue, the Absolute Cloud Realm, will it become the Absolute Cloud Basin?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Presumptuous, she dares?!"

Zhongli: "In terms of general reason, you really need to be prepared not to let Alice come to Liyue. "

Ningguang: "Well, I arranged for Yelan to be more vigilant in Liyue after that. If you meet Alice, report it as soon as possible. "】

All of a sudden, because of Alice's incident, the whole of Liyue began to panic.

There's no way, Alice, that woman, she's moody, she doesn't take things seriously, and if you're not careful, there's a real chance you'll blow up Liyue.

Even if it's the Rock King Emperor, when facing Alice, he will have a headache, right?

"Is Alice coming?" Mu Yang narrowed his eyes, he was not afraid of Alice.

Alice, you don't want Klee spanked either, do you?

For her daughter, Alice is very fond of her.

I don't want to see Klee suffer.

Through Alice, Muyang can also know a lot of things.

On the Teyvat continent, Alice is definitely the one who knows a lot about secrets.

There are some things that even Asmodeus may not know, but Alice may know. d

(I'm going out on a blind date tomorrow, my mother is still very powerful, and after seeing that my cousin is about to get married, she introduced me to a girl who is very good-looking, at least nine points, but I don't know if people like me.) below).

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