One thing, Mu Yang is very curious, is Alice really from Teyvat Continent?

Before, Muyang felt that Alice was a native of the Teyvat continent, after all, it was difficult to leave in this world!

Unless Alice has special abilities, such as Yingyu and Sora, the ability to travel between worlds, or a maintainer whose strength surpasses that of Heavenly Principles, it is difficult to leave this world easily.

After exploring the Teyvat continent, Mu Yang also found that it looked like an elf or something, except for Klee and Alice, he hadn't seen it...

Maybe Nahida can also be considered an elf, but now Nahida is the embodiment of the World Tree, so what about Klee and Alice?

It's definitely not as simple as an elf not being an elf.

Klee must not know these things, so she still has to ask Alice.

He also wanted to know something about the Witch Society from Alice, especially about the Golden Reindot.

Now Muyang can be sure that Rheindot should still be alive, but he doesn't know if he still has contact with Alice.

If Reindot still wants to attack Teyvat, then she will be one of Teyvat's biggest hidden dangers.

In the face of the hidden danger of "zero two zero", Muyang will not be able to keep his hands, and even want to find out the other party, and then completely get rid of the other party.

All this still depends on Alice.

I don't know if my plan can be realized.

After the lecture was almost finished, Grandma Ping also decided to leave the class.

There's no way, Muyang is still waiting on the side, it's impossible to keep Muyang waiting, right?

"Eh, Brother Muyang!" Klee said happily when she raised her head and saw Muyang who was close at hand.

"Brother Muyang!" Yaoyao also shouted obediently.

"Well, Klee, Yaoyao, long time no see!" Muyang touched the heads of the two little Lori, and then said with a sigh: "If you add Qiqi's child, this will be alive." "

"Qiqi, save the bitter Zhenjun, and return to the dead boy?"

For the child who saved them at the beginning, how could Grandma Ping not remember?

In that catastrophe five hundred years ago, it was not only a large number of Millelith troops and warlocks who fell, but even immortals fell into it, and even some immortals, because they came into contact with too much abyss power, were affected by the abyss and became their enemies.

When they were caught in a bitter battle, Qiqi helped them a lot, and even became the key to turning the tide of the battle, well, it was that mouthful of milk, although the amount of milk was not very large, but it also made them return a mouthful of blood.

This allowed them to survive the most difficult period, but Qiqi almost died completely because of this, when they transmitted the immortal power to Qiqi, trying to resurrect her, but where is the immortal power so easy to digest?

This also made Qiqi a zombie.

However, because of Qiqi's performance, it is not an exaggeration to say that the other party is the hero who solved that disaster, and the Emperor of the Rock King personally gave the other party the title of the boy who returned to the dead to save the suffering Zhenjun.

This is a real immortal!

If Qiqi can grasp those powers, he can recover in the future, but no one knows how long this process will take.

And after Qiqi recovered, Grandma Ping didn't pay attention to Qiqi, and after finding out that it was Baizhu who adopted Qiqi, they didn't continue to take care of it.

Maybe Baizhu took Qiqi with him and had some careful thoughts, but he wouldn't hurt Qiqi, and it wasn't necessarily a good thing to let Qiqi live such a carefree life.

Otherwise, they don't know what to do, and bring Qiqi back to the cloud to teach?

But Qiqi is a zombie, no matter what they teach, Qiqi will forget, it is better to let Qiqi go with the flow.

Although there are some virgins of Baizhu, they will not treat Qiqi badly.

Now that she heard Muyang say Qiqi, Grandma Ping's mind is also moving, maybe she can help Qiqi solve the problems she has now.

If you can do it, you can have one less knot in your heart.

This is what they owe!

"Brother Muyang, do you want to eat it? This is the lotus cake made by Yaoyao herself. When Muyang sighed, the well-behaved and sensible Yaoyao took out a bag of lotus cakes and asked Muyang.

"Wow, lotus crisp!" Before Muyang could answer, Klee had already taken two pieces of lotus cake and handed one to Muyang: "Brother Muyang, the lotus cake made by Yaoyao is delicious." "

"Is that so?" Muyang took the lotus cake and took a bite, not to mention that the taste was really good.

Thinking of Xiangling and looking at Yaoyao again, he asked Grandma Ping with some curiosity: "Is your cooking training school here?"

With Yaoyao's craftsmanship, if this lotus cake is taken out and sold, there will definitely be people rushing to buy it. "

"No, grandma's cooking skills are actually much better than me and my sister.

I just made it according to my grandmother's recipe. Yaoyao heard Muyang's words and hurriedly explained.

Muyang silently looked at the sky when he heard this, it turned out that the real Liyue No. 1 Chef God was by his side, and until now, he had not even eaten the food made by Madame Ping.

Alas, disappointed, you are not my Ping'er after all.

Before the crossing, it was said that he was going to go up to stay in the clouds to borrow the wind Zhenjun and Ping's grandmother, and I don't know if there is really an up in the back.

"It tastes very good!" After Muyang finished eating the lotus cake, he touched Yaoyao's head again and said softly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Muyang, and oh, Yaoyao has made a lot, if Muyang likes to eat, Yaoyao can make more lotus cakes for you tomorrow." Yaoyao hurriedly handed Muyang a piece of lotus cake and said.

She spoils me so much!

Holding the lotus cake, Muyang's heart was also embarrassed.

This sentence was said by Paimon, but at this time, Muyang also wanted to sigh like this, why did Yaoyao feel like a wife even though she was still a child?

"Thank you, Yaoyao!" Muyang took the lotus cake a little dazed, why Yaoyao is just a child, but she has the temperament of a wife.

It's not scientific at all!

However, the lotus cake is delicious!

Yaoyao also showed a sweet smile when she heard this.

Seeing Yaoyao like this, Mu Yang's heart was also embarrassed, and at this time he even wanted to pull Yaoyao into the chat group.

But after hesitating, he still chose to give up, and he was innocent, and now it is definitely not a good thing to let Yaoyao join the chat group.

Yaoyao and Klee are not Nahida, they are real children, children should grow up carefree, when to wait for Yaoyao and them to be 13 or 14 years old, and then pull them into the chat group........

After joining the chat group, they are destined to appear on the front line, Yaoyao and Klee are still too young.

It's better to wait for the two little Lori's to be bigger.

Seeing that Muyang loved her lotus cake, Yaoyao's face also showed a sweet smile, which was an affirmation of herself.

"By the way, Klee, has there been any news from your mother lately?" After eating the lotus cake, Muyang asked Klee again.

Klee scratched her head when she heard this: "Mom? Klee hasn't heard from her mother for a long time. "

"Is that so? It may not be long before Klee sees Miss Alice. Seeing Klee like this, Muyang was also embarrassed for a while, he was still a child.

After thinking of their mother, they can't help but miss each other.

Alice, that guy is indeed a pity.

However, Muyang also discovered that Klee is really different from ordinary children, she is indeed only eight years old, but as an elf, it seems to be a long-lived species.

Muyang thought of a story that Ying had returned to Mondstadt after traveling on Teyvat for hundreds of years, and that there was no longer her first friend Amber in another world, and there was no Master Jean who took good care of her, and the new leader of the Knights of Favonius had become Klee.

And she has been the head of the regiment for decades, and her face is still the same...

Will this little guy become the head of the Knights of Favonius?

Looking at such a naughty Klee, Muyang's heart was a little trance-like, if there really was such a day, I am afraid that he would be truly sensible and know how to protect people, right?

For a while, Muyang didn't know whether it was better to cultivate Klee in this direction, or to let little Klee live a carefree life.

If Klee were allowed to continue living like this, she would inevitably become a lawless witch, just like Alice herself.

But Alice gave 3.9 Klee to Jean to cultivate, so she thought she wanted Klee to take another path, right?

"Really, Mom will come to see me?" Immediately after, Klee became squirming again: "Brother Muyang, can you not spank Mom's ass when the time comes!"

Please, please. "

Grandma Ping: What did ???? hear?

Muyang wants to spank Alice's ass?

What kind of tiger and wolf words are these?

However, with that witch's style, if Muyang can really do it, she can suppress Alice, then everyone can live a good life, and there is no need to worry about Alice going crazy to destroy Liyue.

Come on Muyang, I'm optimistic about you!

A woman like Alice just needs to be undereducated!

During this time, Grandma Ping has been teaching Klee, and found that Klee, a child, has no problem with her heart and is an absolutely kind child, but she was taught badly by Alice.

Those rules of conduct are what ordinary children should do, right?

You're going to teach lawless little witches, right?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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