However, because of Qin's teaching, there is nothing wrong with Klee's three views now, she is a little sun who likes to help others, and Grandma Ping feels that she needs to help Klee establish a good three views.

It would be great if Muyang could make Alice, the witch, change her mind.

Come on, Muyang, we support you!

As an immortal of Liyue, Madame Ping has also witnessed many things, but unfortunately Emperor Yan doesn't like women, otherwise, they would definitely make a seventy-two concubines in three palaces, six courtyards, or something for Emperor Yanwang.

Even if it is the best relationship with the Emperor of the Rock, he is only regarded as a sister by the Emperor of the Rock.

Thinking of the end, Grandma Ping's heart was also a burst of regret, and the Fox Palace and Raiden were really resurrected.

Is there a chance to come back?

If it was before, Grandma Ping would not have doubted this matter, after all, where is the demon god who can be resurrected?

But now that the thunder and lightning have really been resurrected, the Great Cishu King has also become conscious, as long as he has enough points after farming, he can be resurrected if he wants.

It's just that where is the consciousness of returning, as the best friend of returning, during this time, Grandma Ping has been looking for the message of returning.

However, it was too difficult to find the trace of the end, and if she had the same consciousness as Raiden Zhen, they wouldn't need to worry so much.

What a headache!

I don't know if Muyang, the Heavenly Principle, can help them find traces of the end from the leylines, even if it is the Rock King Emperor26, they can't find the traces of the end from the leylines, and I don't know if Muyang can find it.

If you can't even find Muyang, I'm afraid no one on the Teyvat continent will be able to find it.

Maybe I can find an opportunity to ask Muyang, Muyang, do you want a wife?

There is absolutely no problem with the appearance of the end, the lively personality, I want to come to Muyang and like it, anyway, the Emperor of the Rock King just treats the end as a sister, so it is no problem to introduce it to Muyang.

When the time comes, this will definitely be a good thing for them in Liyue.

Only her own woman can make Muyang really care.

"Okay, Klee, do you want to stay here, or do you want to leave with my brother?" Muyang asked Klee after sitting for a while.

"Klee wants to go out with Muyang. Klee said quickly.

Muyang promised that he could go outside to fry fish!

"En!" Mu Yang didn't refuse when he heard this, and then looked at Yaoyao on the side and asked, "Yaoyao, do you want to come with us?"

After all, after eating Yaoyao's lotus cake, Muyang didn't mind taking Yaoyao out with him, and during this period, he also didn't mind teaching Yaoyao something, or giving Yaoyao some other benefits.

It's just that Yaoyao shook her head slightly and said, "No, Brother Muyang, you go and accompany Klee, Yaoyao still has homework to do." "

..???.. Look at it, look at it, Klee, shouldn't you feel guilty for such a good example standing in front of you?

"Klee will do her homework when she goes back, but now Klee wants to play and fry fish, can you, Brother Muyang!" Klee also seemed to notice Muyang's gaze, and hurriedly assured.

"Hehe, Klee is still quite well-behaved these days, and occasionally letting her go out to play can be regarded as a combination of work and rest. Grandma Ping also spoke for Klee.

Don't you just want to fry fish?

When the time comes, let Muyang take Klee to the sea to fry fish, is it possible to blow up a demon god?

"Okay!Klee, let's go!Did you bring a bomb?" Muyang didn't say anything when he heard this, and asked directly at Klee.

"Yes!" Klee shook her small schoolbag and nodded repeatedly: "Klee has a lot of bouncing bombs, and Sister Keqing gave Klee some good materials before, so that Klee can make better bouncing bombs!"

Keqing: Do you want Liyue to go to the sky?

I even gave Klee special crafting materials!

Don't you think it's enough for Klee to blow up my house last time?

"Forget it, let's go!" Muyang sighed lightly, took Klee's hand, and said to Yaoyao and Grandma Ping: "Then Zhenjun, Yaoyao, let's go." "

After speaking, the two disappeared into the Yujing platform.

Looking at the two who disappeared, and at Yaoyao who was packing up her belongings, Grandma Ping said kindly: "These things, it's okay to leave them to me to do it myself, if you want to play, you can go play with Muyang and Klee." "

As a master, Grandma Ping naturally wants to think more about Yaoyao.

At least have a better relationship with Muyang, there will never be anything wrong.

Of course, this is not a philistine, but a love for her disciples, which is the same for everyone.

"No, Yaoyao and I like to care about grandma!" Yaoyao smiled sweetly when she heard this: "If Yaoyao leaves, grandma will be alone." "

Looking at Yaoyao like this, a ripple rose in Grandma Ping's heart: "Let's pack up and leave, and take you to an interesting place to play." "

"Yes!" Yaoyao was also puzzled, where did Grandma Ping want to take her to play, but since Grandma said so, she just had to be with Grandma.

She loves her life with her grandmother!


[Muyang: "Does anyone want to see Klee's fried fish?"

Zhongli: "Ahem, where have you been?"

Muyang: "This side of Guyun Pavilion seems to be the place with the most Liyue fish, right?"

Ruotuo Dragon King: "Your Excellency Guyun, at least no less than 20 demon gods have been suppressed by Morax, I don't know what their situation is now, and how many of them are still sane?"

As the crazy dragon king who was worn out at the beginning, the Ruotuo dragon king knows the horror of wear.

Like the demon gods of their generation, many of them have begun to gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

Even Morax is very worn, and if he hadn't joined the chat group, I'm afraid it wouldn't take a thousand or two thousand years before he would have begun to be affected by wear and tear.

Fortunately, Tianli has changed, and there is a Muyang!

The Dragon King said that Phanes was really good to die!

He could endure the wear and tear himself, but he couldn't bear the fact that Morax was also affected by the wear.

Zhongli: "At least half of them lost consciousness. "

Venti: "It's really uncomfortable to wear and tear, or we'll slaughter these demon gods, they'll be unconscious anyway." "

Ray Films: "Agreed, but we don't lack points in Inazuma for the time being." "

Raiden Zhen: "Barbatos, you are still the same as before, but there is one thing that I quite support, for the worn demon god, it is better to make a happy end than to live in pain." "

Muyang: "I think it's feasible. But you can use these demon gods to do something. "

Keqing: "Wait, you big guys, don't you really want to use Guyun Pavilion as a battlefield, right?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's close to Liyue Harbor, so if you accidentally affect Liyue Harbor!"

Muyang: "It's okay, you can just go and farm your points when the time comes, and I'll take action to protect Liyue." "

Asmodeus: "Actually, if you want to, you can also go to the outer sea in the dark, there are also a large number of demon gods there to deal with, and they have all lost their minds.

If they fall, it will be a good thing for Teyvat. Power can return to this world. "

Asmodeus himself is not short of points, and Mu Yang can feel that Asmodeus is usually the one who purifies the abyss the most.

Even now Asmodeus has not purified all the abyssal filth on his body.

She will later use her powers to cleanse the abyssal filth that is trying to contaminate the continent of Teyvat.

It can be said in 097 that Asmodeus is the least lacking in points in the group.

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "Sure enough, the fall of the Demon God may not be beneficial to the Teyvat Continent?"

It's like the original Demon God War. "

Asmodeus: "The birth of the demon god has consumed too much power of the Teyvat continent, if all of them fall, then the Teyvat continent will lose a large number of strong people, and once there is an invasion of other worlds, it will also put the Teyvat continent in danger, so there is the order of the seven gods." "

Zhongli: "It's understandable... It's hard though...

After the fall of the Demon God, although the power still exists, and the Demon God's resentment and wreckage will also pollute the Teyvat Continent, but the return of authority to the heavens and the earth may not be a good thing for the Teyvat Continent or for the Heavenly Reason Phanes. "

Muyang: "In that case, when the time comes, slaughter a few demon gods and see if it's good for me."

I don't feel like I can get much benefit. "

Venti: "Hey, that's true, but I found out that what we said was so bloody, that we wanted to kill the demon god." "

Jean: "Lord Barbatos, it seems that you were the first to make this suggestion!"

Venti: "Do I have it? How could such a kind and gentle god of mine say such a thing, and, even if I did, I just wanted to set them free." "

The Great Mercy Tree King: "Everyone, please wait a while, Nahida still needs time to grow, please give her a certain amount of time to grow, too many demon gods die at once, the World Tree may not be able to stand it." "

At this moment, everyone was silent, is this related to the World Tree?

It doesn't seem to matter, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be really related, after all, the power of the demon god returns to heaven and earth, and it seems that it is really possible to affect the World Tree.

Nahida: "I'm sorry, I'm dragging my feet again. d】

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