Nahida said that she was extremely aggrieved, she had actually worked very hard, and during this time, in addition to the necessary management of Sumeru, she spent most of her time brushing points, increasing her divine power, and promoting her own growth.

If Nahida was just a 7 or 8-year-old child, then how can Nahida be 8 or 9 years old now?

Although it is still very weak, it has grown a little bit.

Even during this time, Nahida's growth was not much less than her growth in the past five hundred years.

But compared with the bigwigs in the chat group, Nahida also knows that she is a little far behind.

People are already thinking about how to kill a few demon gods to brush up on points, but she is still worried about how to brush points, and the gap between gods and gods is inevitably a little too big, right?

Moreover, the other party was unable to hunt a large number of demon gods, and it turned out that they were too weak, which caused them to dare not hunt a large number of demon gods, affecting the World Tree.

?? King of the Great Mercy Tree, I am indeed a waste.

[Muyang: "It's okay, just take your time, after all, you are just a seven gods who have not grown, and there is still time for you to grow after that, of course, your growth is also urgent, and you have to brush up more points later." "

Nahida: "Yes, I see!

Keqing: "So, what are you going to do?"

Aside from worrying about affecting Liyue Harbor, I would also like one or two Demon Gods from Lonely Cloud Pavilion to escape, after all, I haven't fought against them yet.

And Liyue needs a battle too!

After all, in the future, the Abyss will invade our world, and we will also have to face countless powerful enemies.

But apart from the Abyss Order, we can't find a suitable enemy. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Arrogance, do you know what the concept of a demon god is?"

Although your strength has improved a lot, and you are even comparable to the weaker immortals, if those demon gods really come out, unless the Rock King Emperor and them make a move, it will be very difficult to face with Liyue now.

Yu Hengxing, this immortal knows that you want the Millelith Army to witness the cruelty of the war again, but I can tell you that the Millelith Army during the Demon God War a thousand years ago, even if they have no basic internal strength, their strength and quality are not comparable to the current Millelith Army. "

It's not that Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to think that Keqing was not good, and even she was usually more polite to Keqing, after all, Keqing was also Muyang's woman, but as Liyue's Jade Hengxing, she actually wanted the Millelith Army to witness the Demon God, isn't this a death?

Grandma Ping: "Okay, Liuyun, what Yu Hengxing said is actually true."

After all, sooner or later, we will have to face a large-scale invasion of the abyss, have you forgotten the catastrophe five hundred years ago?

If the abyss is allowed to invade, the pressure on Liyue will not be any less than that of facing a demon god~. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "But this may cause huge casualties..."

Keqing: "Zhenjun, I can understand your mind, but we humans are not useless waste.

Muyang had already said that he could guarantee the safety of Liyue Harbor, and that with Muyang, the Rock King, and the Ruotuo Dragon King, even if we couldn't fight the Demon Gods at that time, they would be there to solve the follow-up problems.

But if the Abyss does invade, they may not be able to help us.

We also need to address their problems.

The Millelith always have to face a strong enemy. "

Zhongli: "Whether it is Liuyun's proposal to borrow the wind Zhenjun or Yu Hengxing's proposal, it is very reasonable. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "You don't really want to release the demon god of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, right?"

As one of the first immortals to follow the Rock King Emperor, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun still heard that at this time, the Rock King Emperor was already inclined to Keqing's meaning.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that.

Zhongli: "Actually, if I hadn't met Muyang, I should have been thinking about my fake death at this time."

Because of the wear, I was worried about whether I would make the wrong decision, and I also planned to hand over Liyue to humans. "

Keqing: "Emperor, no, Liyue can't live without you. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "That is, if Liyue is completely handed over to humans, no one knows what will happen, if you look at the situation of Inazuma and Sumeru, maybe there will be no problem for one generation or two, but there will definitely be problems after that." "

Ray Films: "..."

Raiden Ma: "..."

Nahida: "..."

King of the Great Mercy Tree: "..."

We're really sorry that we didn't govern the country well!!

However, they also knew that Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun not really wanted to mock them, but this matter was indeed the case.

Venti: "Ahem, in fact, the original Mondstadt was the same at the beginning, and the old aristocratic forces led by the Lawrence family were born at that time. "

Eula: "..."

Ningguang: "Liyue actually has a sprout, but it's only because of the existence of the Rock Emperor that those families and forces haven't jumped out, and if the Rock Emperor really fakes his death, I'm afraid there will be a jump soon." "

Zhongli: "I'm not a human after all, and sometimes it's hard to look at things from a human perspective, and besides, I still have a thousand years to stand up and set things right, but it may become a joke at that time."

After all, the fact that the Rock King Emperor died and came back to life is afraid that it will become a joke of the Seven Kingdoms. "

Venti: "Hey, I just wanted to ask if there's any wine to drink at the Immortal Ceremony." "

Ray Movie: "Whether you have really fallen, the Seven Gods will know at a glance, and if a god like you really falls, Liyue Harbor will probably not be able to survive." "

Zhongli: "It's really something I didn't think about well.

According to my original plan, I would put both Liyue and the Immortals to the test, mainly for humans, of course, and I wanted to see how the humans reacted and what they would do.

In order to unite the Liyue and the Immortals, I will use the Fatui to release Othello. "

Ningguang: "Emperor, you are really playing..."

Ruotuo Dragon King: "The Demon God of the Vortex, Osier's strength is not weak at all, during the Demon God War, it was because of the obstruction of a bunch of demon gods led by Osir that we missed the time to save and return."

Even if we face so many demon gods, it will take time to deal with them.

Now with Osier, I can understand it. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Hmph, Oselle is innocent of death, if you kill the demon god in the future, you will be the first to take Oselle." "

Muyang: "I see, I thought it was Ossure who had a wife, so you wanted to target Osier, and the relationship was because of this one thing." "

Zhongli: "If Liyue is really ready, I'd like to see how much Liyue can do when facing the Demon God." "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Emperor, are you serious? Although Yu Hengxing's cultivation is not low, no matter how you look at it, it can't be Osier's opponent, right?"

Keqing: "To be honest, I don't have the slightest confidence... But if that's what Emperor Iwawang meant, I'm willing to try. "

Ningguang: "It may take me a while to grow, after all, I'm probably the weakest in the chat group right now." "

Zhongli: "Why don't you wait for the Immortal Ceremony?"

There are still two months to go, which is enough for you to grow, and as for Liyue Harbor, I will protect it then.

When the time comes, it will be inconvenient for me to protect Liyue. "

Keqing: "Two months?" I'm willing to try. But when the time comes, won't it become a battlefield for me, Ningguang and Shenhe?

Does such a fight make sense?"

Zhongli: "It's not just to test you, I also want to see how the Millelith Army is doing now, and at the same time, to show other countries how Liyue is today, right?"

As things stand, sooner or later, the Abyss Cult will take the initiative to invade Teyvat, and Liyue's strength is increasing at an unscientific rate, and they will definitely come to the door on their own initiative.

As far as the situation of our four countries is concerned, only Liyue is the most suitable to attract attention. "】

Zhongli's words made the others unable to help but be silent.

This is the target of Liyue's main strategy (Li Li's) for the Abyss Order.

Although many of the time, they used the Abyss as a point to farm, but they had to admit that the Abyss Order's two actions in Mondstadt caused great damage to Mondstadt.

If the Abyss Order were to do things on a large scale in Liyue, it would be a great danger to Liyue.

No one knows what Liyue will pay by then.

But they must also admit that it is best for Liyue to stand up.

It is absolutely impossible for Sumeru to stand up, and there are only the Great Mercy Tree King and Nahida in the chat group at present.

Nahida was still a child, and the Great Tree King was not resurrected.

Inazuma's high-level combat power has a tendency to recover, and it only takes a few months to recover, but the middle and lower levels have not yet recovered, especially those youkai, if they wait for a while, they are also suitable for this.

As for Mondstadt, forget it, they're miserable enough.

At this time, Zhongli wanted to push Liyue out, not because Zhongli didn't love Liyue, but because he had faith in Liyue. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, Mu Yang, himself and Ruotuo Dragon King are here, even if the Abyss Order wants to make trouble, it will not be able to make a fuss!

He had faith, and it was a well-thought-out copy!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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