[Ray Movie: "Are you Liyue ready?"]

This could plunge Liyue into a state of no return, as you have seen the power of the Abyss, Inazuma, Sumeru, and Mondstadt unprepared for those calamities, and neither is Liyue.

If another calamity strikes and all of our forces are contained, Liyue is likely to suffer incalculable losses, or even perdition. "

Zhongli: "Balzebu, I understand your concerns.

But you see, I love Liyue more than anyone else, and I'm willing to trust my people, and it's a test, and likewise, a test of my past, to see if the Liyue I've sheltered for thousands of years has achieved what I wanted.

Moreover, even if we are dragged back, aren't there still Keqing and Ningguang them? I believe that they can also take advantage of this opportunity to grow up in the shortest possible time. "

Keqing: "I'm a little worried about Liyue's casualties, but I believe that Emperor Rock cares more about Liyue than we do.

If this is the decision of the Rock King Emperor, I am willing to support it!"

Ningguang: "I roughly understand what the Rock King and Emperor means, even in the face of the invasion of the Demon God and the Abyss, we are not without buffer time, and even if we don't expose it for a long time, they can't really let go of Teyvat and Liyue."

The Chasm is a huge hidden danger, and the power of the Abyss could attack Liyue from there at any time.

Let's prepare in advance. "

Zhongli: "That's true, and besides, there are still two months for you to prepare, and I believe that these two months will be enough for you to continue to grow stronger, whether it is Keqing, Ningguang, Shenhe, or the Three-Eyed Five Immortals, there will be a significant increase, not to mention that Muyang is now 037 in Liyue."

If there is a problem that we can't solve, I'm afraid that the other Seven Gods will need to help at that time. "

Asmodeus: "It's dangerous, but it can be a good rehearsal, but I don't know how much it will cost." "

Zhongli: "Of course, this is not without a price, I hope that other countries can give us certain benefits in Liyue at that time, how about it?"

Lei Movie: "Yes, Inazuma has a batch of fine quality swords, which can be sent to Liyue when the time comes." "

Nahida: "Sumeru doesn't have much food, but the most food, and Sumeru can provide some of Liyue's food." "

Venti: "Hey, so we're drinks in Mondstadt?"

However, Morax, your determination is good, but if you fail to attack Liyue, I am afraid that the Abyss Order will do even more crazy things, and other countries may be in danger at that time.

I hope you can understand.

However, this in itself is something that will happen, and the Abyss Order will inevitably launch an attack on the Teyvat continent in two years' time. "

There are some things that the people in the chat group don't know, such as the identity of Muyang, many people don't know that in fact, before Muyang, there was a Tianli, and that Tianli was dead.

It still fell to protect the continent of Teyvat.

Zhongli: "This is true, after all, war is coming sooner or later, and the battle with Oser is just a prologue.

I also hope that Liyue will attract the attention of the vast majority of the Abyss Order.

However, I estimate that it will be a year's delay at most.

Fortunately, this is enough for you to develop, and the ability of the chat group is even better than you imagined. "

Muyang: "Since that's the case, then I'll wait and see." "】

Muyang didn't refuse Zhongli's choice, and instead of waiting for the Abyss Order to do things everywhere in the future, it would be better to wait in Liyue and wait for work.

If those people of the Abyss Order were stupid enough to try to pollute Liyue with a large amount of Abyssal Power, it would definitely be a good thing for these people in Liyue.

Regardless of the humans who Liyue has entered the chat group, it seems that only Keqing, Ningguang, and Shenhe are the only ones, but the immortals have joined quite a few.

Almost all of the famous Three-Eyed Five-Manifestation Immortals have joined here.

Moreover, they are all brushing points in their own way, and their efficiency of brushing points is only not as good as that of the gods, even Nahida, but compared to Ningguang and Keqing, these three-eyed and five-visible immortals are actually a lot faster.

The current three-eyed and five-show immortals are much more powerful than they were in their heyday.

If the Abyss Order dares to come to Liyue, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

Putting aside these thoughts, Muyang also set his eyes on Klee beside him and the sea not far away.

"Wow, the sea, Klee hasn't fried the fish in the sea yet, and I don't know which one tastes better, the fish in the sea or the fish in the wine lake. Klee looked at the sea in front of her expectantly.

It's not that she hasn't seen the sea.

Even here in Liyue Harbor, she could see the sea almost every day.

But Klee herself thinks that she is a sensible child, she will not cause trouble for others, and if she drops a bomb in Liyue Harbor, she will cause trouble for Muyang's brother, Keqing's sister, and even the head of Qin, which Klee does not want to see.

Now it's okay, Brother Muyang has taken himself to Guyun Pavilion to set off a bomb.

It's just amazing!

Brother Muyang is a good person, as long as he doesn't spank his mother's ass.

"Alright, this is just the right position, Klee you can also drop the bomb out. Muyang touched Klee's head and whispered.

Although Klee appears to be an eight-year-old, her arm strength is not comparable to that of ordinary children.

Even on a high mountain, Klee (CGAJ) can still drop bombs into the ocean.

"Okay, I know, Brother Muyang!" Klee happily took out a bouncing bomb from her backpack: "Then let's use the bouncing number one first!"

As she spoke, she threw the bouncing bomb with both hands.

"Boom!" Soon after the bouncing bomb entered the sea, a huge splash appeared.

"yes, yes!" Klee clapped her hands excitedly when she saw this, and then threw the No. 2 bouncing bomb, followed by No. 3...

Looking at the bigger and bigger splashes, Muyang's heart is also mixed, and Klee's destructive power is really not covered.

If you say that the splash of more than ten meters high at the beginning, it is a little better, but what is the matter with the splash that is dozens of meters high at the back?

Are you sure you're here to fry fish, not some demon god?

Even if Ossell encounters a few bouncing bombs in the back, I'm afraid he will feel pain, right?

After all, in terms of destructive power, Klee is really powerful, and such a weapon falls into the hands of a little girl like Klee.

At this time, Mu Yang can empathize with Qin, and anyone who encounters such a thing will feel pain.

It's like in Blue Star, a little girl of seven or eight years old holds a nuclear weapon launcher in her hand, and she doesn't really understand that the power she has at hand is enough to change a lot of things.

Keqing: "I thought Klee's bombs were beyond my expectations, but I didn't expect that she would have many more powerful bombs, and if Klee were allowed to use them in Liyue, Liyue would be finished." "

Grandma Ping: "Actually, Klee is usually quite well-behaved, and she also knows that bombs cannot be used in the city. "

Muyang: "One thing is very good to solve Klee's naughty mischievous now, as long as Klee's bomb hurts people, or kills people, and makes Klee fall into guilt."

Klee is a kind child, and by that time, she will probably never use a bomb for the rest of her life. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jean: "This is too cruel to Klee, and besides, life is innocent. Even if it's the bad guys who come to make Klee grow, I can't agree with it. "

Zhongli: "Indeed, this is a bit too extreme, Klee is a kind-hearted child, as long as Klee understands what is right and what is wrong, and what his actions will bring to others."

She and Alice are different. "

Ningguang: "But tell Klee not to continue to use stronger bombs, otherwise the docks and shipping on this side of Liyue Harbor will be affected, these bombs are too powerful."

Moreover, there is one thing to be aware of in Liyue. "】

"Klee, don't play with the more powerful bombs, it will cause trouble for Liyue. Seeing that Klee took out another bouncing bomb that was twice as big as the previous one, Muyang's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly admonished Klee.

"That's right!" Klee retracted the bouncing bomb in disappointment.

She didn't want to cause trouble for Liyue, Grandma Ping was a good person, Brother Muyang was a good person, Sister Keqing was a good person, and Yaoyao, who was Klee's best friend.

If she causes trouble for Liyue, Yaoyao will be sad, right?

"Let's go, huh, wait!" Suddenly, Mu Yang's expression changed slightly, and he looked in one direction, and found that a red figure also appeared not far from him, the ability of space!

This made Mu Yang squint his eyes, but after seeing the other party's appearance, Mu Yang was also relieved for a while, this woman, who controlled the means of space, seemed to be a matter of course.

"Mom!" Klee exclaimed at the sight of the comer, and hurriedly ran towards the other party.

That's right, it's Alice!

This is almost one-to-one carved out of a mold with Klee, which cannot be denied.

I didn't expect to meet at this time.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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