"I didn't expect to see you here, Miss Alice. Mu Yang greeted softly.

"Hello, little brother Muyang, I've heard of you before. Alice looked at Muyang curiously, Alice is not very strange to Muyang, she has mentioned Muyang from many people's mouths.

"Yes, my name is like thunder. Mu Yang chuckled.

At this time, Klee also panicked, she looked at Muyang with nervousness and said, "Brother Muyang, don't hit Klee's mother~ Mother's ass, okay?"

Muyang: "..."

Alice: "..."

Klee's words fell, directly stiffening Alice's originally smiling face, and her eyes even became dangerous.

Spanking yourself?

Good guys, really good guys, no one has ever threatened themselves so much since I was a child?

"Would you believe me if I said I just wanted Klee to be obedient?" Muyang touched his nose and said with some embarrassment.

Although I still want to beat Alice, if it's because of Klee's words, it seems to be too ghostly.

"Do you think I should believe it?" Alice looked at Mu Yangyin with a smile.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it. Muyang spread his hands: "You know, Klee blew up my house before, what's the matter? You, a mother, have to bear the responsibility?"

After speaking, Muyang released part of his momentum.

(⊙o⊙) Alice's whole person is confused, and this momentum does not seem to be worse than that of the maintainer of heavenly principles.

The strength of this descender seems to be a bit strong, on the Teyvat continent, it seems that only Tianli can suppress Muyang, right?

So are you Muyang's opponent?

It seems impossible!

Alice thinks that her strength is not weak, and she can even fight with some of the Seven Gods, even the Seven Gods who are good at fighting like Morax and Balzebu, they don't have much to do with themselves.

But if she is asked to fight a strong enemy like Muyang, Alice said that she can't seem to beat it.

Alice smiled at Mu Yang and said, "Brother Mu Yang, what you said is, how can a person as upright as you be serious with Klee?"

I think Klee has been taught very well on your side, please teach more in the future, Klee, this child, has been spoiled by me since he was a child, and he must be taught well.

If you don't obey, you can spank her. "

?? Klee never imagined that her mother would say such words.

Mom, I'm not the kid you love the most anymore?

"Klee is very well-behaved, it's okay! I like her very much!" Mu Yang said with a chuckle when he saw Alice who was so undisciplined.

Of course, he also knew that this was because he didn't mean to hurt Klee, otherwise, Alice would definitely fight with Muyang.

"Well, how could someone like Klee not like a kid like Klee?" said Alice proudly at the mention of Klee.

For Alice, Klee is the best gift she can give to herself in the summer.

"Mom!" Klee also showed an embarrassed look when she heard this.

In fact, she doesn't feel that she is so good, but this is what her mother said, so she reluctantly admits it.

"However, I have something I want to ask you, is it convenient?" After feeling almost, Mu Yang asked Alice.

Alice glanced at Muyang deeply, then nodded slightly, and came to Muyang's side: "You want to ask about the situation in this world, right?"

"The situation in this world, you mean Tianli Fanes?" Mu Yang felt that Alice didn't seem to know much, and also asked.

"It seems that you've investigated a lot of things during this time, and the Seven Gods won't tell you the name. Alice nodded slightly: "However, in this world, it's better not to mention that name." "

"Uh!" Mu Yang blinked, it seemed that Alice didn't know that Fanes was gone.

However, he said: "Actually, I don't really care about that, I'm just interested in gold Reindot." "

"Reindot?" Alice was also in a trance when she heard this, "Do you want to know about Reindot's situation and location, and want to make a move on her?"

"You want to protect her?" asked Muyang, staring at Alice.

"You should know that she and I are both members of the Witches' Society, right? she's my best friend!" Alice said with a serious expression.

Looking at that, it seems to be telling Muyang, don't think about it, I will never betray my best friend.

"So, you have to add money?" Mu Yang asked weakly.

"Poof!" Alice instantly burst into laughter when she heard this: "Hahahaha, little brother Muyang, you are really interesting."

How much can you add?

Sister, I'm not bad for Mora. "

Mu Yang nodded slightly: "After all, there are still a lot of copyrights for your travelogues, not to mention that Dolly is also making money for you."

Alice, you really don't lack Mora. "

At this moment, Alice was stunned, good guy, Muyang, this guy, really knows herself.

About Dolly, even Jean, Albedo, and Klee don't know, where did Muyang know about it?

seemed to have thought of something, and Alice's gaze at Muyang also became vigilant: "Brother Muyang, I don't have the idea of finding a father for Klee for the time being." "

Looking at Alice like this, Mu Yang was also stunned, and then said with a smile: "Although I like beautiful beauties, I won't be embarrassed." "

Ray Films: Ah, yes, yes...

"Mom, does Brother Muyang want to be Klee's father?" Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was about to ease, Klee asked coldly: "Klee wants Brother Muyang to be Klee's father, and Brother Muyang is kind to Klee and often takes Klee out to play." "

This doesn't seem to be true.

Muyang thought about it for a while, the number of times he took Klee out to play was definitely one of the few, most of them were Grandma Ping, Yaoyao and Keqing playing with Klee.

Unexpectedly, Klee actually wanted to make herself a father, cough cough, Klee's stepfather is such a thing, let me Mu Apu do it.

Muyang didn't feel anything, Alice was embarrassed, but she was a witch after all, and she quickly restrained her emotions.

Alice said to Muyang: "Klee has no father since she was a child, so she will talk such nonsense, Brother Muyang, don't take it seriously!"

o(TヘTo) I never knew Klee would cheat on her mother like this.

Hasn't she always been very well-behaved? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it were an ordinary person, Alice herself would not care, and anyone who thinks about herself will definitely make the other party have no interest in women.

But Mu Yang's side, after confirming his eyes, is the person he can't beat.

With Muyang's strength, if you really want to be Klee's father, you can't stop it.

"Okay, I want to be sure of something. Mu Yang rubbed his temples, "I want to investigate something about Reindot."

After all, you also know that Rheindott is too much of a threat to this world.

If she wanted to wreak havoc, it would be even more tricky than the Abyss Order.

Miss Alice, you don't want to see Klee lose her home, do you?"

Good guy, I finally know how the other party made Klee obedient.

With Klee's character, if Muyang threatens Klee with Klee, Klee is afraid that she will listen to it today and forget it tomorrow.

But if you threaten Klee with herself, Klee is really likely to be obedient, is this threatening Klee with her own spanking?


It seems like a ghost, but Alice says it seems to work well.

It's just a pity that you can't use this trick yourself, you can't use it all the time, Klee, you don't want Brother Muyang to be your father, right?

"Although it is uncomfortable, Rheindott is indeed a huge problem for Teyvat. Alice said helplessly: "When I was just affected by the power of the abyss,

She can actually keep her sanity occasionally, but now, it is difficult for Reindot to come to her senses again.

I have also looked for traces of Reindot over the years, but I have not found her figure, if nothing else, the current Reindot should be in the abyss. "

"Have you really fallen into the abyss?" Mu Yang also narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

This is definitely not a good thing for Teyvat.

"After all, they also introduced the abyss in the first place, didn't they?" Alice said helplessly: "Over the years, I have also been looking for more possibilities for this world, but I want to say that if possible, I advise you to leave this world as soon as possible."

The abyss's encroachment on Teyvat has become more and more severe.

Even Tianli is already too busy to take care of himself.

You see, you mentioned his name before, and the other party didn't react. "

Could it be that Fanes has fallen?

"What are you going to do if the Abyss invades?" asked Muyang with some curiosity at Alice.

Alice looked at Klee beside her: "I don't have any big ambitions, I just hope that Klee can grow up safely, and if I can't do anything, I will take Klee out of this world, although it is also dangerous." "

(I was released into a pigeon, I'm so angry, I'm so angry, the beauty is amazing, well, the author also admits that the beauty is really amazing.) d).

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