"Human nature!" Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this.

"But where is it so easy to leave this world?" Immediately after that, Alice said with a wry smile: "Not to mention that the portal of the normal channel is controlled by the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, even if you leave this world, you also need to face a large number of abyss monsters and the filth of the abyss, and if you are not careful, you may be infected by the abyss." "

"Is that so?" Mu Yang didn't think there was anything wrong with Alice doing this.

After all, this is also the protection of himself, if it were Muyang himself, he would do the same, would it be difficult to stay and die with the Teyvat Continent?

"Now we can only hope that Teyvat can hold out for a longer period of time, so that when Klee can grow, then there will be more certainty. Alice looked at Klee beside her, and there was something she had to say.

That is, if it is really a last resort, even if it is to sacrifice herself or fall into the abyss, she will send Klee to other worlds.

"I can understand that. Mu Yang nodded slightly: "However, you don't need to be too pessimistic."

The Abyss is not invincible, and Teyvat will get better and better. "

"Four-seven-zero" Alice also blinked when she heard this, can the Teyvat continent get better and better?

Why don't you feel this way?

Even Tianli will fall because of the invasion of the abyss, no one knows when the Teyvat Continent will be finished, once Tianli is finished, others will not be able to stop the attack of the abyss, even if they are the maintainers of Tianli.

Muyang's strength is very good, but his strength should only be about the same as that of Tianli, and there is still a lot of distance from Tianli.

It's good enough to be able to protect yourself, let alone save Teyvat.

Wait, it seems that Muyang is a partner who can cooperate!

If one day, if the Teyvat Continent is really going to fail, he can cooperate with Muyang, the other party's strength is stronger than his own, if he can really take Klee away, it is not completely impossible to take Muyang a little advantage.

"Maybe you think I'm talking empty-handed, but I believe that in the future, the Teyvat continent will get better and better, so why don't we wait and see?" Mu Yang said as he stared at Alice.

"Well, if Teyvat is no longer working, I hope you can do your best to send Klee and me out of this Teyvat continent and to other worlds.

Until then, I will continue to look for ways to save Teyvat. Alice paused and then said, "Of course, you can also put some unreasonable conditions on me. "

"I need to make a pact with you, you can't tell me who I am, and you won't persecute Teyvat's pact. Mu Yang stared at Alice and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, could it be that you don't have any other identity?" Alice chuckled when she heard this, and said, "It's an oath to Morax, right?"

I promise I won't reveal your identity, and I won't persecute Teyvat!

"Yes!" Seeing this, Muyang didn't hesitate much, and directly pulled Alice into the chat group.

["Ding, congratulations to Alice for joining the chat group. "

Jean: "Did Miss Alice join in?"

Alice: "Wait, it's such an interesting thing, I didn't know it before, it's amazing. "

Asmodeus: Do your thing, and don't forget what you promised me. "

Alice: "Even you are here, who is this little brother Muyang?"

Ray Movie: "Ahem, you'll find out about this later." "

Alice: "Eh, you are also here, there are rumors that he is your royal husband, is this also true?"

Zhongli: "Mess with universal reason, Miss Alice, you know too many secrets. "

Alice: "... Oh, don't you know that curiosity kills cats?

Let me Kangkang, who is here, Thunderbolt Really? This is the God of Thunder, right? The Great Tree of Mercy, it seems that you have all been resurrected.

It's really amazing, no wonder Muyang said that the Teyvat continent will get better and better, if you can all be resurrected, and then go to purify the power of the abyss, in the future, it is not impossible to fight with the abyss. "

Muyang: "Alice, don't talk about the matter here, you must know that it will bring a lot of trouble." "

Alice: "See, I won't say anything to anyone, not even the other members of the Witch Society!"

Moreover, I also want to become stronger, the practice of cultivating immortals, but unfortunately it is not very helpful to me now, if only Klee could also enter the chat group. "

Muyang: "Klee is still too young. "

Alice: "Understood. "】

Muyang is actually not very worried that Alice will betray them, after all, Klee is now by Muyang's side, hurting Muyang and them is equivalent to hurting Klee, and Alice, as a daughter slave, is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

"Klee, you have a good brother!" Alice said softly, touching her head again.

"Hehe, Brother Muyang is a good person. Klee laughed.

In his opinion, Brother Muyang is a very good person, and if it weren't for Brother Muyang who brought him to Liyue, Klee wouldn't have been able to meet Yaoyao, Grandma Ping, or Sister Keqing.

So this is all the credit of Brother Muyang.

"Klee will be obedient in the future!" Alice whispered as she rubbed Klee's head.

It seems that it is also very good to be able to let Klee follow Muyang's side.

Even if the Abyss Order wanted to hurt Muyang, it would be very difficult.

"Where are you going to go after that?" Muyang then asked Alice again.

"Thanks to some kind of cooperation with Asmodeus, I can travel to the borders of Teyvat through the Dark Sea, which is also close to the Abyss.

I'll go over there to cleanse some of the abyssal filth. Speaking of this, Alice's face also showed a smile.

No matter what, it's a good thing to be able to improve your strength, and even if you fail in the end, you can leave this world with Klee.

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, I am afraid that it is because of this that Asmodeus will not allow others, including the gods, to go to the dark outer sea.

"After that, I may continue into the abyss to look for traces of Reindot. Immediately afterwards, Alice continued.

"Have you ever entered the abyss?" Mu Yang asked Alice with curiosity...

The Abyss is not only the Abyss Order, or even the Abyss Order is only a part of the Abyssal Power.

According to Mu Yang's investigation, he knew that there were a large number of masters in the abyss, and even many of them had god-level strength.

Just like Tartaglia's master Skycock, it is said that in the abyss, he also has a great reputation, and is even rumored to have the strength of a god, and even the strength of the seven gods.

Whether it's true or not, Muyang doesn't know.

"I've been in it several times, after all, Reindot is a good friend of mine, and if I could, I would have wanted to get her out. Alice pondered for a moment and then said, "The abyss is a very dangerous place, there are a large number of monsters there, and the filth of the abyss, which is infesting you almost all the time.

But if it has a certain resistance to the power of the abyss, it is not so dangerous.

However, if you want to run to the abyss to earn points, it is best not to go too deep into the abyss, especially the Seven Gods, which will be very dangerous.

In the dark sea, there are many demon gods who have come to the abyss and fallen into the abyss, if they want to start a war against the Teyvat Continent, these demon gods will definitely attack the Teyvat Continent. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the time comes, don't underestimate these demon gods who have fallen into the abyss, because with the blessing of the power of the abyss, their strength may even be stronger than in their heyday. "

"I understand, after you go to the abyss, remember to be careful!" Muyang is also a demon god who has fallen into the abyss?

It seemed entirely possible, but they seemed to have forgotten about it before.

Those demon gods are all losers of the Demon God War, and they naturally have a grudge against the seven gods, and they also have a huge hatred for the Teyvat continent when they are worn out by the Heavenly Principles.

They want to take revenge on the Teyvat continent, and Muyang is not incomprehensible.

"Rest assured, I haven't entered the abyss once or twice. Alice waved her hand: "After all, I'm not weak!1.6."

And if I'm in danger, I'll ask for help in the chat group, and you'll come to my rescue when the time comes!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that if you get too far away from Teyvat, those abilities will also be gone. Mu Yang seemed to have thought of something and reminded Alice.

At this time, he also remembered that Alice had the ability to control space.

Mu Yang clearly felt the spatial fluctuations before, which was very subtle.

If it weren't for Muyang's own sensitivity to space, he might not have been able to find Alice's traces in the first place.

Using this kind of spatial power, it can ensure Alice's safety in the abyss.

"Is it still like this? I see.

But with this power, I don't need to worry about the power of the abyss eroding me, even if it is contaminated with the power of the abyss, after returning to the Teyvat continent, I can purify it, right?" Alice said with a laugh.

"Well, that's true, but if you are corrupted by the power of the abyss and lose your mind, when you arrive in Teyvat Continent, it will not directly and automatically purify you. Mu Yang reminded.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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