yes, how can I help the other person?

For a while, I couldn't find it.

Not only does she have no good relationship with the Fatui, but there are also a lot of contradictions, and when she was in the wild, she also found some trouble with the Fatui.

When encountering the Fatui bullying people, Ying will also help deal with the Fatui.

As a result, now she has to ask the Fatui for help, even if Ying is entangled for a while, if she asks Ying to turn a blind eye to the Fatui's bad things in the future, Ying will never- not do it.

After all, in Ying's opinion, even if a person has a good relationship, if he does something wrong, he will stop the other party.

Even if it's his brother, Ying wants to defeat the other party and then atone for his sins.

What the Abyss Order is doing is not right, it must be stopped!

No matter who did something wrong, even if that person was his brother, he couldn't accept it.

"If you help Ying become a seven-star, she can give you a fair chance at that time, at least not from being targeted in various ways like now. Mu Yang said meaningfully: "The Fatui have indeed done a lot of harm.

Whether it's in Sumeru or Inazuma, it's hard for you to deny these things, right?"

"Indeed!" Tartaglia nodded approvingly, "I can't forgive even what the Balladeer and the Doctor did, if they weren't all Fatui executives, if I hadn't been able to beat them, I wouldn't have let them go." "

What the skirmishers did, Tartaglia couldn't empathize, but he couldn't care, after all, it was all Inazuma's business.

He's a native of Solstice, and that's enough.

It's just that the skirmishers have affected their ability to get Thor's Heart, and it may also lead to a war between Solstice and Inazuma, which is something Tartaglia has to care about.

But what the doctor did was different, that guy never treated people as life.

If you weren't an executive of the Fatui, I'm afraid you would also need to worry about when your younger siblings would become research material for the doctor.

The Doctor didn't care about the lives of the people of the Solstice Country, and he didn't know how the Harlequin found the Doctor.

Fortunately, now that the doctor is dead, it is really a celebration for the whole world.

The corners of Ying's mouth twitched slightly, I don't know why, she felt that this Tartaglia seemed to be unexpectedly upright.

Could it be that the Fatui are really not all bad people?

"The Fatui have been targeted a lot because of those things, and Ying has become the executive officer of the Fatui and cannot give you too much help and care, which is doomed.

Otherwise, the other Liyue Seven Stars would not have been able to sit idly by, but might have been targeted like the previous Seven Stars.

But she can give you a relatively level playing field, which I believe is what the Fatui and the Northland Bank need most right now. Mu Yang said meaningfully.

"Is that so?" Tartaglia nodded thoughtfully, "It seems to make sense, but this matter is not something I can decide, and it is not something that the guy at the Northland Bank can decide."

This needs to be discussed within us Fatui people.

After all, this has a lot at stake in our Solstice Country. "

"Well, after all, that Zhiyi is a pawn of your rich man. Mu Yang also nodded approvingly: "If you want to deal with Zhiyi, you really need to be recognized by the rich." "

"What?" Tartaglia was dumbfounded at this time.

The Zhiyi, who was considered by Muyang to be Ying's competitor, turned out to be a pawn of the rich?

Why didn't he know, but looking at Muyang's appearance, he seemed to know it for a long time.

Moreover, it was said at this time, what does it mean?

Is it threatening the rich?

Tartaglia's heart is also full of thoughts at the moment, his brain is indeed not very useful, but it is not completely brainless.

He naturally knew what Mu Yang meant, and Zhiyi's chess piece could not be used, if the rich man didn't know about Yi, he might be used by Ningguang to play the problem later.

After all, Muyang is Ningguang's adviser on the surface.

It's just that I don't know, when Muyang will be able to get involved with their Solstice Kingdom?

It's great to have beautiful women here in Liyue!?

This is bullying them to have no beauties in the winter country!?

Just kidding, you know, their Empress is definitely one of the best beauties in Teyvat, but you can't think so, she is loyal to the Empress!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that Muyang is indeed worthy of their empress.

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Tartaglia looked at Ying not far away, it seems that Ying is also a good beauty, Ying's strength is also good, if you can pull Ying into the Fatui, it is not a problem to become an executive.

When the time comes, let Ying become Muyang's woman, in this way, won't the Fatui and Muyang also be involved?

While Tartaglia was thinking about it, Zhong Li and Zhong Kui's eyes glanced at each other vaguely.

The rich guy really does everything.

At this time, the rich are still thinking about how to infiltrate Liyue, even if it is to meddle in the competition of the Seven Stars of Liyue, which is enough to make Zhongli and Zhong Kui unhappy.

After that, they still have to beat the Winter Kingdom, I really think they have no temper in Liyue!

[Zhongli: "Ningguang, Zhiyi is a spy of the Winter Kingdom, and then investigate and investigate."

If you find evidence, use it to knock and knock until the winter country. "

Ningguang: "I've already let people investigate before, and Zhiyi is indeed colluding with Yusupov, the ambassador of the Fatui.

However, at present, I still want to catch more fish, so I have not made a move on Zhiyi for the time being. "

Zhongli: "In that case, let's observe more, and the suppression of the Northland Bank cannot be reduced." "

Wendy: "Hey, old man, you are eating the Northland Bank, drinking the Northland Bank, and you will not spare any hands to suppress the Northland Bank!"

If you let Tartaglia know, I'm afraid I'll cry to death!"

Muyang: "Tartaglia shouldn't care, after all, the Northland Bank is the property of the rich, although the Northland Bank does provide a lot of money to the Fatui is not wrong.

By the way, focus on the investigation of Yusupov's adjutant Tiofan. "

Ningguang: "Does this Theofan have any special identity? I know, I'll investigate later!"

By the way, the Solstice Realm submitted an application to us to explore the Chasm with Liyue, do we need to refuse? "

Zhongli: "When is it?" (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ningguang: "About three days ago, but it just arrived in my hands in the morning.

They seem to be interested in what lies beneath the Chasm, and they are willing to sacrifice the lives of the Fatui warriors to do so.

If I didn't know what lies beneath the Chasm, I'm afraid I'd be tempted. "

Can the Chasm be moved?

The entrance to the abyss is also the place where the Rock King Emperor brushes their points, and it seems that since he entered the chat group, the Rock King Emperor has not returned to the original to brush points, but in the Stratum Abyss, he has swiped all the points.

This shows how rich the abyssal energy is over there.

It can even be described as a steady stream.

Of course, the Chasm can't be closed forever, after all, Liyue is still very dependent on mining.

If the blockade continues, Liyue's countless miners...

Uh, well, it doesn't seem like there will be unemployment, isn't there a shortage of workers in the original place now? just enough for them to build back to the original place.

Zhongli: "This matter is not in a hurry, in a few months, let the Dragon King of Ruotuo layer the surface and bottom layer of the strata abyss that you have seen."

It will also be safer then. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "This matter is not difficult!"

Ningguang: "Then it's troublesome. "

Ningguang knew that the reason why the Rhodo Dragon King went crazy in the first place was not only the wear and tear, but also the excessive exploitation by the people of Liyue.

You must know that because of the relationship between the leylines, the ore of the strata chasm can actually be recovered.

It's only because of the overexploitation of the people of Liyue that the wear and tear of the Rhoda Dragon Kings has intensified, and to be honest, they are also the culprits...

Zhongli: "As for letting the Fatui enter the Chasm, it's not completely impossible, but it depends on what chips they can come up with!"

Keqing: "Do the Fatui still dare to do something like this? Could it be that they have united with the Abyss Order?"

After all, the harlequin, but the Kanria people. "】

Keqing's words made a group of people in the chat group silent for a while.

Indeed, the harlequins are all Kanria, and they must be vigilant as well.

While Muyang and the others were discussing these things in the chat group, Tartaglia was looking at Ying with curiosity and asking, "Anyway, Traveler, why are you in Liyue and then trying to become a Seven Star?" "

Ying glanced at Mu Yang, thought for a moment and explained, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, I have an elder brother who is now the prince of the Abyss Order. "

"What? (*.) D)o"Tartaglia was instantly scared out of the meme.

Prince of the Abyss Order?

That's the leader of the Abyss Order, Tartaglia doesn't know how strong the Abyss Order is, but it can't be weaker than their Fatui, this is still a country based on the Teyvat continent, and it has always been based on suppressing the Abyss Order.

No wonder, the Harlequin guy, told them not to target Ying too much.

Maybe the Harlequin knew about it all along, but just didn't tell them.

As far as Ying's identity is concerned, it is really a very lucky thing not to be slaughtered by the seven gods!?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Mo Mo Da, love you!

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